1) There will be a second chance window. I am aiming to try and make this much more simpler than in other chairman games though. Basically when the window closes, I will make all the transfers and then upload a game file for people to look at. The transfer window will then open for everybody for another day, however there will be a limit of two foreign transfers per club in the second part of the window.
2) I was only talking with Lewie about the finance issue yesterday. I cant find anything on the editor that suggests anything to do with tv rights, so I will be adding them manually at the end of every season (ready for the beginning of season 2) The total will be about £100 million per club. This figure takes into account Premier League tv rights (Around 55 mil per club) as well as financial compensation for not playing in the Champions League, and a little extra just because it is supposed to be a super league.
Let me know what you guys think about these ideas. To a certain extent it is a case of playing it by ear, because clubs like Real Madrid have private tv deals worth about £500 million a season! so it might be unfair to give them even more money, but the important thing is dont worry! you will be receiving a decent chunk of money for TV rights!
Also just quickly, thank you everybody for your patience and support! This is very much an experimental game so there may be a few glitches along the way, but hopefully it will run fairly smoothly and also help improve future chairman games.