September 11th 2001 - 10 years on

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Well hang on just a second. This isn't stuff you should be teaching to ten year olds: how on Earth can you possibly explain all the socio-political causes and effects of the 9/11 tragedy to someone who's below the age of about fifteen?

Maybe in secondary school, but frankly my experiences with historical education as a recently finished pupil of secondary level education was patchy at best. I can honestly say I learnt about five times as much outside of school about history than I did inside it. They don't teach you about too much that's actually relevant or useful. They tend to focus on specific historical hotspots, and I think the 9/11 bombings, whilst significant, are too vague and time-consuming towards the curriculum to justify including.

Quite apart from that, what real purpose would it serve? I'd rather kids get a working knowledge of British and world history, one that covers more than just historical points of interest, rather than wasting time going through all the reasons why 9/11 happened.

didn't mean primary schools (which I should've mentioned), as obviously a 10 year old child is pretty much not going to understand. The main point I was making tbh was just the fact that schools are just starting to skip significant events. Wouldn't expect them to go into detail as to why 9/11 happened as that would just go down so many different paths and become convoluted, but it just seems wrong that nowadays there's a lot of historical evens (such as WWII) that are now becoming very diluted. The school I went to in Scotland in 1990 was absolutely fantastic, and I learned a **** of a lot. Nowadays, it's coming across as if the teachers just don't seem that bothered. One of the kids finished high school and knows next to nothing about WWII or the Roman Empire.
didn't mean primary schools (which I should've mentioned), as obviously a 10 year old child is pretty much not going to understand. The main point I was making tbh was just the fact that schools are just starting to skip significant events. Wouldn't expect them to go into detail as to why 9/11 happened as that would just go down so many different paths and become convoluted, but it just seems wrong that nowadays there's a lot of historical evens (such as WWII) that are now becoming very diluted. The school I went to in Scotland in 1990 was absolutely fantastic, and I learned a **** of a lot. Nowadays, it's coming across as if the teachers just don't seem that bothered. One of the kids finished high school and knows next to nothing about WWII or the Roman Empire.

I only know the bare minimum about WWII. I learned most of what I know off my granddad telling me about it, and more about the Roman Empire through watching Gladiator and films alike. History is a dull subject in school nowadays and you don't learn about much until you take a degree in it.
didn't mean primary schools (which I should've mentioned), as obviously a 10 year old child is pretty much not going to understand. The main point I was making tbh was just the fact that schools are just starting to skip significant events. Wouldn't expect them to go into detail as to why 9/11 happened as that would just go down so many different paths and become convoluted, but it just seems wrong that nowadays there's a lot of historical evens (such as WWII) that are now becoming very diluted. The school I went to in Scotland in 1990 was absolutely fantastic, and I learned a **** of a lot. Nowadays, it's coming across as if the teachers just don't seem that bothered. One of the kids finished high school and knows next to nothing about WWII or the Roman Empire.

Well indeed. It's lucky I have a family of complete history nerds and that I grew up playing the likes of Age of Empires and the Total War series, because I learned pretty much ****** all about the Romans otherwise. WWII we skimmed over, WWI we didn't touch at all, but the sodding Cold War was done to death. I think that last is just laziness by teachers, coupled with a touch of bias: 'I don't know too much about history really so I'll just teach them about the era I know about, the era I grew up in' which frankly annoys me, since we've heard enough about their generation and how they've left the Earth for mine. And that's probably including you too, ajt. You *******. :P

---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 PM ----------

I only know the bare minimum about WWII. I learned most of what I know off my granddad telling me about it, and more about the Roman Empire through watching Gladiator and films alike. History is a dull subject in school nowadays and you don't learn about much until you take a degree in it.

Kinda see your point. Friends of mine were doing their A-Levels, and did a lot on the Ottoman Empire. I found that really interesting, but worryingly (don't know whether for me or for the curricular system) I knew more about it than they did: naming Sultans, explaining the internal workings of the Janissary armed guard system and the like.
didn't mean primary schools (which I should've mentioned), as obviously a 10 year old child is pretty much not going to understand. The main point I was making tbh was just the fact that schools are just starting to skip significant events. Wouldn't expect them to go into detail as to why 9/11 happened as that would just go down so many different paths and become convoluted, but it just seems wrong that nowadays there's a lot of historical evens (such as WWII) that are now becoming very diluted. The school I went to in Scotland in 1990 was absolutely fantastic, and I learned a **** of a lot. Nowadays, it's coming across as if the teachers just don't seem that bothered. One of the kids finished high school and knows next to nothing about WWII or the Roman Empire.

I'm pretty sure WWII is a part of every curriculum at History. Teachers would be stupid not to teach it anyway, from my experience a lot more kids are interested in events like WWII than a lot of the other subjects, making it a ton easier to teach.
I'm pretty sure WWII is a part of every curriculum at History. Teachers would be stupid not to teach it anyway, from my experience a lot more kids are interested in events like WWII than a lot of the other subjects, making it a ton easier to teach.

It would be stupid i agree. Maybe it's to do with costs. Like obtaining the materials needed to be associated with the subject as a lot of schools are underfunded from what I understand. I wouldn't say it's a widespread thing though, but other parents have commented on the same thing, and it's not limited to around here. Could be for any reason.

That is one of the most harrowing videos I have ever watched. The ending is awful...

I don't remember when this happened (despite being 7) but the stories are just awful. R.I.P all those involved
Saw/heard that for the first time last night and frankly, it just sent a major shiver through me. I'm not watching that again. Horrific.
Was a sad day for usa i never seen my teacher busrt into tears before un till she ran in the class room telling every one to turn on the tv.

The worst thing i have heard is on xbox live playing cod some yank lad was bragging about his mates father being in the the tower why would you evan want to brag about some think so nasty
Was a sad day for usa i never seen my teacher busrt into tears before un till she ran in the class room telling every one to turn on the tv.

The worst thing i have heard is on xbox live playing cod some yank lad was bragging about his mates father being in the the tower why would you evan want to brag about some think so nasty

If I were to brag (which I wouldn't) it would be if my dad was one of the firemen who went in there who was immensely brave. If you have a family member who was a victim of the attacks then there is nothing to brag about

That is one of the most harrowing videos I have ever watched. The ending is awful...

I don't remember when this happened (despite being 7) but the stories are just awful. R.I.P all those involved

"Oh god".

My heart stopped for that second. Horrific.

My heart goes out to every single direct and indirect victim of these cowardly and totally unjustified attacks.

was my first memory, was in year 1 and my teacher said 'this is probably going to be the most important news story of my life', she is right so far

That is one of the most harrowing videos I have ever watched. The ending is awful...

I don't remember when this happened (despite being 7) but the stories are just awful. R.I.P all those involved

Never watched this... Sent a shiver through me at the end when the tower collapsed an he just screamed "Oh god"..

And the muslims call it to be a 'martyr'... They'll fry in ****. Bastards.

My thoughts go out to every single family that have lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks.
Was a sad day for usa i never seen my teacher busrt into tears before un till she ran in the class room telling every one to turn on the tv.

The worst thing i have heard is on xbox live playing cod some yank lad was bragging about his mates father being in the the tower why would you evan want to brag about some think so nasty

Not as bad as the Brits that say they're glad about 9/11 happening. I don't think they realise that it was not just Americans that were affected. And even if they don't like Americans I don't know how they could say they're glad about 9/11 happening. It angers me so much when nearly every time I'm on CoD I hear Brits arguing with Americans, and then they bring up 9/11 and say things like "I'm glad all those Yanks died in 9/11" so disrespectful.
Not as bad as the Brits that say they're glad about 9/11 happening. I don't think they realise that it was not just Americans that were affected. And even if they don't like Americans I don't know how they could say they're glad about 9/11 happening. It angers me so much when nearly every time I'm on CoD I hear Brits arguing with Americans, and then they bring up 9/11 and say things like "I'm glad all those Yanks died in 9/11" so disrespectful.

They're not better than the terrorists who did it then.
Not as bad as the Brits that say they're glad about 9/11 happening. I don't think they realise that it was not just Americans that were affected. And even if they don't like Americans I don't know how they could say they're glad about 9/11 happening. It angers me so much when nearly every time I'm on CoD I hear Brits arguing with Americans, and then they bring up 9/11 and say things like "I'm glad all those Yanks died in 9/11" so disrespectful.

Sad fact you'll always get morons in life. Be different if it was someone they knew who died on that day.
I still remember the day the news broke on this, I was off school for one reason or another. Think I just didn't feel like going in and it came on TV, pure shock.
Never watched this... Sent a shiver through me at the end when the tower collapsed an he just screamed "Oh god"..

And the muslims call it to be a 'martyr'... They'll fry in ****. Bastards.

My thoughts go out to every single family that have lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks.

And that is the sort of comment that starts a race war. It wasn't muslims. It was terrorists. Don't paint everyone of one creed with the same brush, otherwise all white people are racist and hate Jews. It was extremists, don't generalize. It will cause HUGE problems.
...I knew more about it than they did: naming Sultans, explaining the internal workings of the Janissary armed guard system and the like.

I imagine you hold thrilling conversations with your peers...

Just listened to that video of the phone call, pretty horrific.
just watched that mark bingham thing, depressing. i couldn't help looking at the time on the video passing and knowing what was coming.
Not as bad as the Brits that say they're glad about 9/11 happening. I don't think they realise that it was not just Americans that were affected. And even if they don't like Americans I don't know how they could say they're glad about 9/11 happening. It angers me so much when nearly every time I'm on CoD I hear Brits arguing with Americans, and then they bring up 9/11 and say things like "I'm glad all those Yanks died in 9/11" so disrespectful.

To be fair you 'meet' so many people that play COD don't have a brain cell in their body. These people for example.
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