Hello everyone.
Firstly I'm relatively new and have only used this site for a couple of weeks and I rarely post as I prefer and enjoy reading and learning from this wonderful fountain of FM knowledge. I think this site is fantastic and it has helped me and my friends greatly in understanding not only the game but the game in real life. I have also enjoyed reading about other peoples views and am really interested in what others think. Whilst I have been enjoying the brilliance of this site there has been only one thing which has disturbed me sometimes I don't agree with. I have fathomed this from my time reading through posts and others threads, however there are some Mods on this site who feel it is ok to talk down, belittle and be rude to other members on this site, members too have been rude but are duely punished by being infracted or suspended from this site. It seems that 'some' the Mods do not get punished and seem to have become a law upon themself, running this site like a pack of wild Banshee's! I have also come accross Mods closing threads with no explanation or they leave just a rude comment or one sentence full of attitude. I understand it is frustrating but not all members will be perfect and it is your job to monitor and police this site and make it a welcoming place to be, sometimes it is not! I understand not ALL Mods act this way and that there is only a selection of them but I am just one member and this is 'MY' opinion. I feel the majority do a **** GOOD job and are respectful, kind, helping, funny and I'm left feeling welcome.
Here is one example of what I feel a Mod shouldn't be saying or doing...
Originally Posted by Raikan007
He just seems like a ******, not doubting his tactics at all, never seen them nor heard of him to be honest, ever, but we have had several good tacticians in the past that are just right real ****** and all they do is fight with others on how much better their tactic is than anyone elses.. and to be honest, we dont need people like that here!
This Mod has called someone a rude word more than once and recalled others as the same. This is rude and not just 'Banter', I don't remember an infraction or suspension from the site and it irritates me how other members are penalised by these people who don't adhere to the rules themselves. I hope Sean sees this and thinks about who he leaves his great site in the hands of.
Again to reiterate I love this site, the people and the majority of the Mods but there are a few who spoil it.
I'm guessing this will be deleted by a Mod so please if it does copy it and repost it if you feel the same.
Thankyou for your time
Originally Posted by
Firstly, you say that I'm a ****** without knowing me or having anything to do with me at all. Slightly uncalled for I would say, especially for a moderator who's clearly power tripping. One piece of advice that I would give you is that perhaps you should be slightly more courteous towards new members so that they stick around. This will be my last post here, and I'm beginning to wonder why I even bothered in the first place. So you can celebrate! Hooray! There are only a
select few FM communities that are worth bothering with.
Secondly, I've only released a handful of tactics during my two decades of playing the franchise so it's no wonder you've not seen my tactics. I am far more involved in the tactical thinking and applying of real world football philosophies; thinking outside of the box and releasing articles that perhaps enable FM gamers to look at aspects from new angles. A little bird has informed me that you release plenty of tactics for Football Manager and that they are severely lacking, so perhaps you should invest some time in furthering your real world football knowledge, as it may help you.
Many things are thought but shouldn't be said; within one post you've effectively called me a ****** and a *****. How charming. I have opinions on many people involved in this gaming community and these opinions seem to be expanding month on month as people begin to show their true colours. One last piece of advice that I would give to you, is to be nice to people on your way up, as you might meet them on the way back down.
When you can construct sentences in an adult and mature manner, instead of throwing insults around, perhaps we will speak again. I doubt it however, because I don't really know who you are. Having said all of that I wish FM Base all the best for the future, so it's goodbye from me, and it's goodbye from him.
P.S - Sorry for diverting the content of the thread, but you can thank Raikan007, your moderator, for that.
It was an opinion which I formed about you from the first post I read, the one which you said that you did not care for this thread or anything.... I found that quite arseholish where Hazz gave you the credit where it was deserved and was extremely apologetic after your little outburst! I found that immature and pathetic and I have seen handful's of members like you, who claim that their tactic/system is the best thing since sliced bread. I have never once said I was a good tactician or EVER blown my own horn, members here can vouch for that, I merely mess around with tactics and try different things and allow people to use it how they see fit!
I can assure you that I can a construct a sentence, I have two degree's and run a very lucrative/successful company, but that's neither here nor there!
I said what I said because of the fact it had sounded like you had already made up your mind about never posting here again, which I found quite pathetic as you should be glad and proud that someone took your tactic and used it for one, then uploaded it to share it with others, even though he did make a few changes!
You say that you are a man of the world when it comes to football, why is it that you use a tactic that clearly takes advantage of the ME Exploits and still uses the Classic creator? Did Hazz make these changes to it or was it a ME exploit classic tactic already? I have not seen your original tactic, and to be honest, I really would
so if you or someone could send me the link I would appreciate it.
I do apologize for calling you a ****** and *****, in hind sight I meant that you were acting like one, not really one as of course, I do not know you from a bar of soap!
Its just frustrating when good tacticians come to sites like this and just go ape **** about how incredible their tactic is and how its better than anyone's etc and we have had to deal with that in the past and then they get their backs up and throw a fit and **** off never to be seen again, even though they actually produce good tactics..
A little bit of modesty goes a long way and I hope that if you are a normal member, not like the person I was outlining above, I hope you stick around pal as we always welcome quality content here
I am not a horrible person at all, you can ask anyone here, I just dont like aggressive, cocky tacticians and do not take kindly to that
so I do apologize if I was out of line and misinterpreted what you had said and prejudged you as a person!
READ this mate, if you have seen what I have done over the past four years here you will not even say that you have an opinion about some mods! I have been by far the MOST Fair and most accommodating MOD the site has probably seen!
if you read correctly I said he was ACTING like one and never actually called him one as I dont even know him!
And to be frank, if you dont like me I honestly don't care mate

you are one out of a few thousand...