Site Improvements Suggestions

If anything, its running faster and smoother than before.
One problem iv been having. When you click on an image it wont enlarge for me. This happening anybody else?
One problem iv been having. When you click on an image it wont enlarge for me. This happening anybody else?

That's currently being looked in to. Hopefully fixed shortly.
I don't know if it's cos I just installed a new version of firefox, but the site has been running weirdly. The page sliders are getting in the way of each other on my screen, and if someone quotes me I don't always get the notification through. No major issues but just thought I'd let you knw (oh and the click image that won't enlarge, but I see that's already been signalled)
I don't know if it's cos I just installed a new version of firefox, but the site has been running weirdly. The page sliders are getting in the way of each other on my screen, and if someone quotes me I don't always get the notification through. No major issues but just thought I'd let you knw (oh and the click image that won't enlarge, but I see that's already been signalled)

supposedly its for non premium members to **** them off so they pay the membership fee's :) sneaky sneaky!

It seems to be fixed now though...
Can polls be edited to become public?
I mistakenly did them private on KotW voting. Can anybody change the poll to public votes?
I don't know if it's cos I just installed a new version of firefox, but the site has been running weirdly. The page sliders are getting in the way of each other on my screen, and if someone quotes me I don't always get the notification through. No major issues but just thought I'd let you knw (oh and the click image that won't enlarge, but I see that's already been signalled)

Its running normally with Chrome though. but im having issues with the images too.
why is it that when you post, then edit it and go to advanced it completely screws up the entire post?? the alignment is farked, the pics are all messed up, everything?? does this happen to anyone else or just me?

View attachment 246274
When i edit something i 'go advanced' to avoid this problem.
If i go advanced, then post, it still messes up my post, always takes away spaces between paragraphs etc for some reason, no idea if its something I'm doing wrong or not.
We are now looking into it.

Still no update on the problem with not opening images by left clicking them, a temporary fix is to hold ctrl whilst clicking or right clicking and opening the image in a new tab/window.
I don't know if it's a problem at my end, but when I try to login when viewing a topic (using the form on the page, not the top bar) I get logged-in, but it doesn't save my login. I tried a couple of times before using the login form on the top bar (which worked, obviously). I just wanted to let you know incase it's a problem for people and it's not being/been reported. I'm on Safari, Mac, by the way :thup:
When someone 'Quotes' me, and I don't always seem to get a notification about it. Anyone else?