Site Improvements Suggestions

This site is starting to be overrun by complete twats unfortunately
I started name that fruit for a laugh because of the number of name that games starting up, it was just funny to see how many people played along, I was surprised it wasn't closed earlier.
I started name that fruit for a laugh because of the number of name that games starting up, it was just funny to see how many people played along, I was surprised it wasn't closed earlier.

Yeah, sureee. oO)
would there be any way that the links bar at the top of the screen that allows you to see "new posts" and all other links could be repeated at the bottom - not a major gripe, but it would be easier to be able to navigate when you get to the bottom of the screen as well as the top.
I started name that fruit for a laugh because of the number of name that games starting up, it was just funny to see how many people played along, I was surprised it wasn't closed earlier.

There was 9 Name The games, 4 of which you started.
I don't know has anybody suggested this but can you replace "Looking fo single woman?" advertisement with something else? Every time my parents come to room, I have to hide the page, so that I won't understand wrongly. Other than that I try to click to ads for the forum, but for that I would never. Does anybody ever clicks?
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Might I suggest Premium Membership? Otherwise, I do believe there is a minus symbol at the top of of those ads and you can hide them if you click on it.
but become a premium member (6)

I can never convince my father to send money to England fronm Turkey, and I don't think you will come to my door to take cash! Sorry, I can't, although I have the resources, so I stick with clicking on ads...
It has probably been mentioned already, but genuine threads are closed too easily here. And I really mean the genuine ones. I don't understand what the hurry is to close a thread asking a question/looking for advice after it has recieved one or two answers. Sure, they may be essentially correct but someone else may add more information to it or add a new perspective to it. Or correct it, because sometimes an error can slip.

If the worry is that the thread will become prone to spam posts, then infract the spammers. Or close the thread after a significant time from the last post. I don't understand why you need to penalize the 'good people' by closing the thread instead of just infracting the 'bad apple'.

Nice forum, though. I have gone from a newbie to a World Class manager by reading here, at SI forums and some Googling :)