Site Improvements Suggestions

It has probably been mentioned already, but genuine threads are closed too easily here. And I really mean the genuine ones. I don't understand what the hurry is to close a thread asking a question/looking for advice after it has recieved one or two answers. Sure, they may be essentially correct but someone else may add more information to it or add a new perspective to it. Or correct it, because sometimes an error can slip.

If the worry is that the thread will become prone to spam posts, then infract the spammers. Or close the thread after a significant time from the last post. I don't understand why you need to penalize the 'good people' by closing the thread instead of just infracting the 'bad apple'.

Nice forum, though. I have gone from a newbie to a World Class manager by reading here, at SI forums and some Googling :)
All of those questions can normally go in sticky threads though, only problem is those threads have millions of pages and its hard to find where your question has been answered or if it's previously been answered sadly, and I don't think much can be done about that :(
would there be any way that the links bar at the top of the screen that allows you to see "new posts" and all other links could be repeated at the bottom - not a major gripe, but it would be easier to be able to navigate when you get to the bottom of the screen as well as the top.

Not sure many genuine ones do get closed. Threads where people ask about taking screensots/crash dumps/xml errors all get closed though because like Max said there is usually a sticky thread or somewhere else they belong.

Sometimes it's actually the premium members who close their threads after they receive their answer as well.
All of those questions can normally go in sticky threads though, only problem is those threads have millions of pages and its hard to find where your question has been answered or if it's previously been answered sadly, and I don't think much can be done about that :(

Not sure many genuine ones do get closed. Threads where people ask about taking screensots/crash dumps/xml errors all get closed though because like Max said there is usually a sticky thread or somewhere else they belong.

Of course, those kind of threads rightly get closed. I would rather not trawl through a page of ' need MC for ManU' and 'lol I own the game now' threads to find the ones of interest. That is one of the plus points of these forums :)

I was just talking about threads asking for advice/suggestions/answers which are closed AFTER there are a few answers. Let there be some room for more answers or perspectives, especially on questions which don't necessarily have a definitive answer, like 'what decides the value of a player'. Sometimes I find that such a thread has been created, recieved a few replies and then got closed. All while I was asleep. Just give them more time to recieve more replies. That way we can have potentially have one thread which discusses the issue in detail rather than 3 or 4 dealing with different aspects of the same issue. I am not saying that this happens a lot, but it can be disappointing when you had something different to say but can't. You can then create a new thread but that would be a bit pointless, not mention risky.

And if someone spams there, why not bring the hammer down on them ;)

Sometimes it's actually the premium members who close their threads after they receive their answer as well.

Thanks, I didn't know know that :)
is there a way to stop the 30 second wait between searching people's posts and just general searching, or does that have to stay?
I know the stories section of the site has come under fire recently, with many rumours of it being closed. However, I think stories can give the site something which other things do not. Yes, there are some fairly **** stories on the site, but I am just suggesting a simple rule that to post a story you have to have a certain amount of posts, or even more radically, have to be a premium member? The only flaw is that it might be hard to police......
can this website make a tutorial for newbie user,like me an other newbie user?
nb:this website is so cool!
can this website make a tutorial for newbie user,like me an other newbie user?
nb:this website is so cool!

A tutorial for what?

I know the stories section of the site has come under fire recently, with many rumours of it being closed. However, I think stories can give the site something which other things do not. Yes, there are some fairly **** stories on the site, but I am just suggesting a simple rule that to post a story you have to have a certain amount of posts, or even more radically, have to be a premium member? The only flaw is that it might be hard to police......

The Stories section isn't being removed completely, users will be able to post them on their blogs so that they are out of the way.

i agree, storyies should only be started by prenium members.

Because they can figure out/are able to donate it doesn't mean premium members write better stories.
Why should it? There are plenty of good stories out there done by non-members.
Removal of kit request threads. So ****** many of them running across the site.
Or put them all in the one request thread ?

No, I think just closing and delete them all would be much better. So many people can do them these days. Eventually over 50% of the site will have their own thread with nobody asking for a kit because they can do it themselves.
No, I think just closing and delete them all would be much better. So many people can do them these days. Eventually over 50% of the site will have their own thread with nobody asking for a kit because they can do it themselves.

Good point there mate
Plus, everyone knows who makes kits, so they could just PM them.