Site Improvements Suggestions

i agree with this,too many kids making silly threads,attracting older members would be nice,some older mods aswell would be good no offence to existing mods :)

What would you class as older mods?
What would you class as older mods?

i think he means less people like oneunited and more valid threads and posts being made, dnt make difference what age a mod is long as there good
I think the rating system for files (shortlists/tactics/database's) etc should to changed.
my suggetion is that you must have downloaded the file before you rate it and also it would be a lot more helpful if you had to leave a comment in order to rate a file.

I say this because I know there are some users on this site who deliberately give bad ratings and comments to other peoples files in order to make their files look better and get more downloads.

for example I uploaded a well tested good database which had taken the best part of two days to create earlier today and within 10 minutes of it being on the base someone had already rated it with an F, there is no way someone could have downloaded it, started a new game and tested in in that time.

I can not agree more with his. I think they should be disabled totally, because to be fair, they don't really do anything to help a file download :S
i think he means less people like oneunited and more valid threads and posts being made, dnt make difference what age a mod is long as there good

it was in the general chat section and no one was being forced to read it or post on it. its not like i made a thread entitled " lionel messi " :S
it was in the general chat section and no one was being forced to read it or post on it. its not like i made a thread entitled " lionel messi " :S

The totally random sh*t thread was so pointless and a waste of peoples time, u do have a point. yet you have called threads "oh no",and prob the most pointless name to give a thread " i donnoe where to put this so..."

You do make valid posts but you over eagerness to creating threads and making posts could be why people are getting annoyed with you lately. You have been a member since September but you only started really posting like crazy in the last 3 weeks ago. Like in your few months on the site you have made 785 posts and started 69 threads. I would just recommend you think is there a need for this thread before you open one, it may indeed be called general chat but that doesn't necessarily mean you can just throw anything up on the site
i agree with this,too many kids making silly threads,attracting older members would be nice,some older mods aswell would be good no offence to existing mods :)

The Admin team and all of the Super Mods are 21/22 or older....
I think the rating system for files (shortlists/tactics/database's) etc should to changed.
my suggetion is that you must have downloaded the file before you rate it and also it would be a lot more helpful if you had to leave a comment in order to rate a file.

I say this because I know there are some users on this site who deliberately give bad ratings and comments to other peoples files in order to make their files look better and get more downloads.

for example I uploaded a well tested good database which had taken the best part of two days to create earlier today and within 10 minutes of it being on the base someone had already rated it with an F, there is no way someone could have downloaded it, started a new game and tested in in that time.

To be fair, databases should really be more thought out and thoroughly done - they aren't graphics, and should take over two days. You shouldn't have a poll on which databases to do next, you should think them out properly, like LFC Marshall or Eds. Churning them out at the rate you do is helpful to nobody - sure you've got some good ideas, you should just focus on them a little longer......
Just a question.. on my story, all the pictures seem to be coming up as unviewable a few days after I put them up and they're fine.. any reason as to why this might be?

Or is it just my computer?
I can see the pictures in your story still.
To be fair, databases should really be more thought out and thoroughly done - they aren't graphics, and should take over two days. You shouldn't have a poll on which databases to do next, you should think them out properly, like LFC Marshall or Eds. Churning them out at the rate you do is helpful to nobody - sure you've got some good ideas, you should just focus on them a little longer......

I wasn't complaining about people not liking my databases I know alot of them are like Marmite people either love them or hate them, I was complaining about a few FM-Base users who systematically give F's and bad comments to every database/tactic/shortlist that is not created by them. And as for the length of time it takes to create a database alot of my better databases were created in just a couple of hours wheras some of the one's which have taken me weeks to creat have ended in epic fails. Finally the poll on my database thread I am not using anymore after the epic failure of my Spainsh database.
Not really enough of them about to merit a section. If we did introduce one, it would no doubt result in 500 half arsed guides being made.

True, we always get asked to do a team guides section. But most of the 'guides' people right on here are just a run down of the club info and maybe mentioning who there best player They're not needed really.
i really think a team guides section should be made because i hate hunting around looking for guides when it could be made so much easier if this section is made
True, we always get asked to do a team guides section. But most of the 'guides' people right on here are just a run down of the club info and maybe mentioning who there best player They're not needed really.
There are a few good ones around. GodCubed's Villa one comes to mind.

If there was a section I think it would encourage more people to contribute and write more guides. Obviously some sort of standard would need to be in place however.
There are a few good ones around. GodCubed's Villa one comes to mind.

If there was a section I think it would encourage more people to contribute and write more guides. Obviously some sort of standard would need to be in place however.

Not really enough of them about to merit a section. If we did introduce one, it would no doubt result in 500 half arsed guides being made.