I know what you're talking about mate, I did generally enjoy stories, I don't follow as much now. I quote Raf just now and that was the main reason (I think!) because it filled the list with utter **** (the majority, not all stories were bad) and didn't allow space for general Football Manager help, useful downloads, football talk etc etc.
Well it's a story, so obviously not going to contribute to the general help, useful downloads, football talk etc..

What I was saying, is that not every member uses every section of the site. E.G. I probably check the story section more than you do, but then you quite obviously use the Editing section more than I do. If the Admin of the site decided to clear the Editing section of the site from Recent Threads, you'd be slightly miffed about it considering you use that section a fair bit and aren't one of the people who mis-use it.
Hope you understand what I'm saying, because I'm not too sure if it makes sense. It does in my head (A)