Site Improvements Suggestions

I find that the stories section is a really neglected area of the site as if you look at some stories some have 0 replies.
If it came up on recent threads or it had a colum like it for stories it would help people get more people following it as I find it bad that some people go to the effort of making these stories but no-one goes and reads them.

Yes, it's neglected. But mainly for the right reasons. You say people put a lot of effort in them, which might be true. However much effort you put into uploading the 47934th screenshot of your story, it doesn't make up for the fact that it's not very interesting. The only stories (they're called 'stories' for a reason...) that I follow are ones that have a back story, a plot and interesting things that happen (fuelledbypassion and Kris's are notable examples :P). There's no point looking at screenshots from someone's game followed by a quick report of the match, no matter how well presented, because I'd much rather play my own game than watch someone else's unfold.
It will be cool if each user have "timer" on his profile - how many hours he spend being on forum (H)
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Original thread with the poll:

As said before the majority of people are just not interested in stories. Providing screenshots and a block of text saying "look what I did" isn't a story. I have been on the site nearly 24months now and the vast majority of stories are absolutely ****. Of course there are exceptions but the people who are interested in reading stories can easily navigate to that section of the forum. Just keep it the way it is, that is what people voted for.
Original thread with the poll:

As said before the majority of people are just not interested in stories. Providing screenshots and a block of text saying "look what I did" isn't a story. I have been on the site nearly 24months now and the vast majority of stories are absolutely ****. Of course there are exceptions but the people who are interested in reading stories can easily navigate to that section of the forum. Just keep it the way it is, that is what people voted for.

Fair enough that's your opinion. However, people who don't want to read stories don't have to, in the same way people who do want to are able to navigate to the section. It swings both ways. The fact that all stories must be approved by a moderator before they even appear on the site surely shows that the quality of story will be improved from when the stories were around for FM10 which everyone will agree was a bit of a shambles.

I just think that the story section is there for people to read, so why take it out of the recent threads list meaning it's more difficult for people to follow and read.
So I'm being told that my story is pointless.....
where is the new posts tab

I'm annoyed that my story of words (for the time being) is being ignored.. Whereas people would rather go and read a few sentences with a couple of screenshots.
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So I'm being told that my story is pointless.....
where is the new posts tab

To tell the truth, most couldn't really give a **** about your story. The new post tab is just on the top underneath your username and view post section.

DMF firstly, accodring to the poll people don't want the stories clogging up the recent thread list. You have been here long enough to see how bad it got for fm10, although the story mods have improved things the quality in most is still ****. A story should have a background (Take Kris', which I think is the best story ever on here).

It seems there is just a small group of people who read the stories, most members I speak to don't (because of what happened when FM10 came out) so alongs it stays that way then I feel it is just easier and better to keep it off the recent thread list.
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With that poll people saying yes & i don't care is more than the people saying no, so people saying i dont care wouldn't care if it was there so....
I don't read stories so am happy with it not being on the recent threads list. The recent thread list allows a wide variety of topics to be seen quickly which allows people to respond quicker/more which increases the discussion. If the stories were on the recent threads lists then the majority of the list would be clogged up with stories, most of which poor. This can lead to other threads not having as good a discussion as it could have. Bottom line is if you know you want to read a story then go to the stories section. But a lot of the time I don't know what I want to read/contribute to so having the recent threads list have a variety of topics is better for me (plus many other members guaranteed)
I don't read stories so am happy with it not being on the recent threads list. The recent thread list allows a wide variety of topics to be seen quickly which allows people to respond quicker/more which increases the discussion. If the stories were on the recent threads lists then the majority of the list would be clogged up with stories, most of which poor. This can lead to other threads not having as good a discussion as it could have. Bottom line is if you know you want to read a story then go to the stories section. But a lot of the time I don't know what I want to read/contribute to so having the recent threads list have a variety of topics is better for me (plus many other members guaranteed)

Not really as on this site there are about 10 stories I would say that are updated, so only those really would show up.
To tell the truth, most couldn't really give a **** about your story. The new post tab is just on the top underneath your username and view post section.

DMF firstly, accodring to the poll people don't want the stories clogging up the recent thread list. You have been here long enough to see how bad it got for fm10, although the story mods have improved things the quality in most is still ****. A story should have a background (Take Kris', which I think is the best story ever on here).

It seems there is just a small group of people who read the stories, most members I speak to don't (because of what happened when FM10 came out) so alongs it stays that way then I feel it is just easier and better to keep it off the recent thread list.

As I said I admit the 2010 version was a massive shambles. But I genuinely think that a lot of people writing the stories are putting more thought into them now. Of course you get a fair few people who write a load of nonsense in the OP, get it approved then never come back on the site. But whether it's in Recent Threads or not it's still going to clog up the forum.

I've tried to post when my last update was in my sig, so people know it's been updated if they're following but to be fair it hasn't helped much. Not many people view it and it does seem like a bit of wasted effort. But I'm not doing it for the followers and remarks, but it helps me to get into the game and keep going with it. Obviously the comments and 'KIU' comments help with the motivation to continue, but it's not the be all and end all. I just think that it's only fair for them to be in the Recent Threads list the same with every other section of the forum because even if people don't like the stories, they don't have to click. We choose to follow them, so we should be able to do so in our way rather than having to troll through the forums. I don't use the New Posts because I don't like looking at stuff being discussed a while back. I like looking at active threads. So it's only fair that active stories show up and get support..

---------- Post added at 03:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:03 AM ----------

I don't read stories so am happy with it not being on the recent threads list. The recent thread list allows a wide variety of topics to be seen quickly which allows people to respond quicker/more which increases the discussion. If the stories were on the recent threads lists then the majority of the list would be clogged up with stories, most of which poor. This can lead to other threads not having as good a discussion as it could have. Bottom line is if you know you want to read a story then go to the stories section. But a lot of the time I don't know what I want to read/contribute to so having the recent threads list have a variety of topics is better for me (plus many other members guaranteed)

Once again, the point I'm making is that you don't HAVE to read it. If it's in the Recent Threads list, and you choose to select it then that's your problem. If you don't like the stories section then that's perfectly fine. But why should the people that do like it and do follow it have to keep looking at a section to see if somethings been updated when everything else pops up on the side of the screen when they're going through the rest of the forums?
Meh its like with unwanted kittens, let em drown (i do not advocate the drowning of kittens). Dont want them back
Meh its like with unwanted kittens, let em drown (i do not advocate the drowning of kittens). Dont want them back

I bet you fill the wheely bins with water before you chuck the cats in don't you Mike...
As the mods have to approve the stories now I think stories should be placed back on the recent threads. The majority of them are now of a higher quality then before and although you can subscribe to them, a lot of people choose not to.
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As the mods have to approve the stories now I think stories should be placed back on the recent threads. The majority of them are high quality now and although you can subcribe to them, a lot of people choose not to.

Depends on your definition of "high quality".
I must say I'm mixed up with the quality of writing as all the stories with 50+ posts is (mostly) **** writing material and is just a bunch of screenshots.
I must say I'm mixed up with the quality of writing as all the stories with 50+ posts is (mostly) **** writing material and is just a bunch of screenshots.

Tbh, as lots of the members are probably 12-14 so they probably want to see pictures with a little bit off text. The best two stories that I have read which are dans and dmf's have a mixture of screenshots and text.
Once again, the point I'm making is that you don't HAVE to read it. If it's in the Recent Threads list, and you choose to select it then that's your problem. If you don't like the stories section then that's perfectly fine. But why should the people that do like it and do follow it have to keep looking at a section to see if somethings been updated when everything else pops up on the side of the screen when they're going through the rest of the forums?

To your first point, if you want to read a story you can chose to take the extra 5 seconds to access it. Next, if you do like it you can view it. Next, Why should the people who don't like them have to keep seeing them in recent threads.

It's a two way street, it was voted for and the majority voted no, that's life.
To your first point, if you want to read a story you can chose to take the extra 5 seconds to access it. Next, if you do like it you can view it. Next, Why should the people who don't like them have to keep seeing them in recent threads.

It's a two way street, it was voted for and the majority voted no, that's life.

It was voted for on the old way of things before stories had to be approved. All I was asking was that it be reviewed considering there is a new way to dealing with how stories come about now..