may be that's bcuz most of the members are not premium :S
Most non-spam members are tbh.
Anyway, I got in when it was £4 I think, you were also allowed to donate by phone then, so was much easier.
may be that's bcuz most of the members are not premium :S
i agree with raf, people who donate first should also follow the current subscriptions.
did u hear jesus say to the people who come to him when after the others came : sorry boys, no room in heaven for u.
what's important is the money, right![]()
u paid 2 quid for life and we only get a day for that. 1 good deed for a passport to heaven for u guys, and we get the boot after one day if u paid the same amount. injustice, i think so![]()
if we've donated for life, why should we pay more of our monies for a year's subscription when we have it for life?
Because we hardly paid anything for our life membership. I think most Premium members (me included) don't donate regularly because we have it for life, which may be an issue.
wasting your time raf, obviously the current members dont want to pay to apparently move the site forward. people saying oh it is fair price etc etc. id bet anything that all of them wouldnt sign onto a £9 anual subscription
Sigh, can't believe the discussion about the Stories has went on for so long. If you want to read the stories simply navigate to the Stories Section. They will not be added back into the recent threads list.
Nice to know our suggestion for site improvement was considered so thoroughly.
Nice to know our suggestion for site improvement was considered so thoroughly.
It's been considered before, and was considered again. Until you can put forward a decent reason why it should be added back into the Recent Threads list then it will remain absent.
Site improvement?!! :O
So people who want to read stories can know when they are updated? It's the same with every other section. If a thread is active, then it should appear in the Recent Threads list. Basic for a forum no?
Are you serious? Do you not listen to anything we say?
You said "We can navigate through the sub forums". So can everyone else for every other section. Just because people don't read a section, doesn't mean it should be removed from the Recent Threads. I don't go into the Editing sections or Graphics section, but it's still there. Why don't you remove them seeing as only a few people go on there?
The reasons why have been stated multiple times. The negatives outweigh your lack of ability to click a forum.
If you want to be taken seriously then start listening and stop repeating the same tired points. Just because you keep repeating yourself it won't automatically make us change your minds.
I await some new reasons why it should be brought back.