Site Improvements Suggestions

Yeah but as this is quite a large forum there will loads of names coming up!

So you could divide the sections, like.. Look who's online (but basicly it shows you who is online , depends on your location on the site like Forums > FM Base > Site Support & Comments > Site Improvements Suggestion)
So you could divide the sections, like.. Look who's online (but basicly it shows you who is online , depends on your location on the site like Forums > FM Base > Site Support & Comments > Site Improvements Suggestion)

Surely you can see this at the bottom where it says 'people viewing this thread', which is what you are implying you would like to see?
To stop countless amounts of threads asking for something when there's already a thread on it, I think it would be a good idea if there was a minimum post requirement to make threads or that mods should approve the threads.
To stop countless amounts of threads asking for something when there's already a thread on it, I think it would be a good idea if there was a minimum post requirement to make threads or that mods should approve the threads.

Do you know how much work that will require for the mods, if that would too work surely they would have to get more mods or reduce the amount of people on the site?
To stop countless amounts of threads asking for something when there's already a thread on it, I think it would be a good idea if there was a minimum post requirement to make threads or that mods should approve the threads.

That's a horrible idea. Maybe it could be like:

When you click Start New Thread, the next screen could be a search bar so the user must search before proceeding. Obviously, if a relevant thread has been found, use that one; if not, create one.
Do you know how much work that will require for the mods, if that would too work surely they would have to get more mods or reduce the amount of people on the site?

I only said it because I'm sure they put in a lot of work putting threads into right sections, closing threads etc...
@ jake thats good that you donated £10 and would be prepared to do it again, just mentioned the majority wouldnt, I understand the point about its not fair to ask the previous life time members now, was just stating how it looked on a new member, surely you could see where i was coming from with the £2 for life or £10 a year

@ lee theres no need to need to say i make stupid assumptions and look foolish, its uncalled for. you put a thread up asking for site improvements and i suggest one then get insulted
@ lee theres no need to need to say i make stupid assumptions and look foolish, its uncalled for. you put a thread up asking for site improvements and i suggest one then get insulted

That's Lee for you.

I'd like to query about PM's. I used to get a little pop up when I got a PM, but I no longer do. A few users I've asked said they also don't. Have the site just disabled that or is it an issue?

Also, when I get a VM, I often get the notification a few hours late? Is that a problem due to the server or my profile?
That's Lee for you.

I'd like to query about PM's. I used to get a little pop up when I got a PM, but I no longer do. A few users I've asked said they also don't. Have the site just disabled that or is it an issue?

Also, when I get a VM, I often get the notification a few hours late? Is that a problem due to the server or my profile?

I get a pop up & VM's are fine for me mate.
I'd like to query about PM's. I used to get a little pop up when I got a PM, but I no longer do. A few users I've asked said they also don't. Have the site just disabled that or is it an issue?

Also, when I get a VM, I often get the notification a few hours late? Is that a problem due to the server or my profile?

It still lets me know when I have a PM, but I'm on the same wave as you with the VMs.
I have the same problem with PM's as well and occasionally VM's. Usually I get a notification about 30 mins to an hour after the PM has been sent and sometimes with VM's :S
@ lee theres no need to need to say i make stupid assumptions and look foolish, its uncalled for. you put a thread up asking for site improvements and i suggest one then get insulted

Sorry but if your argument is based on a ridiculous assumption, what do you want me to do? There's a difference between making sensible suggestions and the things you were saying.

That's a horrible idea. Maybe it could be like:

When you click Start New Thread, the next screen could be a search bar so the user must search before proceeding. Obviously, if a relevant thread has been found, use that one; if not, create one.

We used to have a similar threads addon but it was very server intensive so had to be removed. Plus people ignored it anyway and still made their duplicate threads.
I'm not sure really but..

At the top of the screen where it says "players" and "tactics" etc, in the drop-down menu, have the stickies there so for example, on the players one, have a link to the who should I buy/sell forum and the "what roles and duties best suit my players thread" etc so it makes people notice them more

Just an idea..
I'm not sure really but..

At the top of the screen where it says "players" and "tactics" etc, in the drop-down menu, have the stickies there so for example, on the players one, have a link to the who should I buy/sell forum and the "what roles and duties best suit my players thread" etc so it makes people notice them more

Just an idea..

Not a bad suggestion, but you'll have a huge drop-down list of options then and it will become untidy :S
The PM pop up was a user customisation option last time i checked, meaning you should be able to turn it on or off.

I do understand how it could look to new members Cutsy, but if they are new then in theory will never know about the previous system. And similar things happen all the time in 'real life'. I charge some clients who have been with me for many years a great deal less than i do a new client, if a new client turned round and asked for my older clients to pay the newer rate i'd laugh them out the office. ;)
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The PM pop up was a user customisation option last time i checked, meaning you should be able to turn it on or off.

If that's the case, wouldn't it not come at all? I still receive the notifications, just really late for when the messages are sent.

For example, got a PM from Joe, but only got the notification 4 hours after he sent it, and I was online at the time he sent it.

Also got some VM's but got the notification late. If they were off, wouldn't they just not come at all?
Oh, sorry, misread it as you not getting pop ups or notifications for PM's.

I have no idea whats going on then. On a simialr note, when anyone PM's me i get an email, which in turn is forwarded to my Blackberry. I have noticed that the emails seem to be coming through to my Blackberry a few hours after the PM. Assumed it was an issue between my inbox and the Blackberry, but if others are having the issue then i guess Sean will look into it when he gets some time.
Not a bad suggestion, but you'll have a huge drop-down list of options then and it will become untidy :S

It will be abit untidy, but you dont need all of them, like you wouldn't need CA/PA shortlist download reallt and you could have a sub-menu with guides, and have the how to train my youngster thread and PPM thread and a few team guides?

Not sure