Dont see what is the fuss about all this Premiere Member Subscirption...
Agreed new members have to pay higher than older members for Premium Membership but I look at it in a way of how oil was cheaper 4-5 years ago and now its more expensive, as Lee explained the Economics of the situation, before FM-Base needed money to run their servers so they started to ask people for small donations, in a way I think they felt if hey received small donations from alot of people it will amount to a tidy sum, but now FM-Base has proceeded onto better servers which need more money to run thus the larger donations being asked
What Rafamarinello and the rest are suggesting is plain stupid, its like going to a shop and asking them why u had to pay 70 pounds for oil when your friend paid 50 pounds for oil 3-4 years before when it was still in plentiful supply, so we should go back to all the people who paid for oil in the last few years and ask them to pay more
I think this would have been something to consider if the price for Premium Membership was like a thousand pounds now anually and 500 pounds before for life but its only 10 pounds for a year so its not like there is a huge margin
No offence intended but I dont see all the fuss about Premium Membership, you get a few perks and stuff but the main reason you should do it is to help the site keep running