I think you should stop now. And only post things that will 'Improve' The site.
Maybe a post limit to create a thread? I know when i started out i created a lot of threads i regret now, so maybe give newbies a chance to look around?
Could you make it so the forum views could be changed from linear to threaded??
No sorry I can't as the way the forums are used the posts wont all appear to be in the correct order.
Can I ask why you prefer threaded view? I can't stand that way and I find it very tedious looking through each post individually.
Quick tip..
The time at the bottom of the screen says 7:48 PM.
Weve been notified about this before. To make the site display the correct time Sean would have to shut it down for a few hours. So theres little point bothering as everyone would moan about the site being down.
Would it be possible to alert you in some way when a tread you subscribed to has a new post apart form e-mails as that is too much effert?
If it is not too much work could we change the colour of the site - I think orange or blue would make a nice change from green, if this is too expensive, laborious or time-consuming then don't mind me as the site is perfect!!! :wub: