Site Improvements Suggestions

Think most of the staff try and cut down the amount of threads with stupid titles. I know if I see one which makes no sense/has a lot of exclamation/question marks I always tidy them up.

We do our best :)


Out of 'likes' but cheers Redders. Not that I doubted the bit in bold. (H) ;)
quick question
where is the window that displays new posts?
usually on the right of the page
There has just got to be an "Other Sports" sub-section i think. The General Chat section just gets crammed up
I'd like there to be a 'Story Hall Of Fame' section where we members select which stories should go on there, e.g: The Cockfoster's story, DMF's Wolfsburg can all go in there so we can all easily find them and it's something to read..
I'd like there to be a 'Story Hall Of Fame' section where we members select which stories should go on there, e.g: The Cockfoster's story, DMF's Wolfsburg can all go in there so we can all easily find them and it's something to read..
There is a thread made by someone which a selection of good stories selected by members somewhere..
Get rid of stories forum, its dull and seems to cause a lot of arguements for some strange reason
Apparently there used to be a lot more Net Games and stuff going on before it was created, which was more interesting than playing by yourself
The new quotes are OK but maybe slightly too big?

I'll get use to them. :D
This is not a suggestion but let me just say that the new quotes are very sexy. :D