Chrome and Safari.. didn't work on either.
They're both webkit based browsers. It works in Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer 9.
Chrome and Safari.. didn't work on either.
They're both webkit based browsers. It works in Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer 9.
I try to make a thread when this comes up
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To make a thread about this:
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Can you make the avatars and the sigs appear again like we used to before the upgrade of the forum?
Appreciate your efforts.
Go to the bottom at the page. Press the slider that says "FM-Base 2011" and choose "vBulletin Standard Skin".
Only if you click on the members nameThanx mate, but can it be done with the FM-Base 2011 skin? that's what I'm referring to.
I'm trying to use spoilers on my European Auction game and I type in the right things but whenever I save the OP, more spoilers come up randomly :S
It's probably because you aren't nesting tags correctly.
Make sure you close all tags before you close the spoiler tag.
Sorry, I'm not too sure what this means
i've pm'ed 2 moderators about my infraction problem and had no reply.
the problem is that it was due to expire on the 7th july but now says it will expire on the 6th august
basically can anyone answer if this is suppossed to happen and if not can you remove it?