Spin the Wheel 4-2-3-1 (Godlike version)

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After reading i few posts in this thread i decided to give it a go and all i can say is WOW!! Started a new game with the Belgian national team and won the World Cup!! If someone tells me how to do screenshots i will post. Overall i played 27, Won 25, Lost 1, Drew 1. For 89, Against 17, Difference 72. Win Percentage 92%, beating Italy 3.0 in World Cup Final... I mainly used the 4-5-1 tactic but due to injurys and strong opposition i used the underdog tactic in the final. Any other screenshots wanted just asked. This is like my first post thought i would share my amazing acheivment.
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I'm using balanced and atacking mov for weaker teams and defensive pos for better teams.
After reading i few posts in this thread i decided to give it a go and all i can say is WOW!! Started a new game with the Belgian national team and won the World Cup!! If someone tells me how to do screenshots i will post. Overall i played 27, Won 25, Lost 1, Drew 1. For 89, Against 17, Difference 72. Win Percentage 92%, beating Italy 3.0 in World Cup Final... I mainly used the 4-5-1 tactic but due to injurys and strong opposition i used the underdog tactic in the final. Any other screenshots wanted just asked. This is like my first post thought i would share my amazing acheivment.

Which one? The revitalized or?
Mr Langvatn Spin the Wheel 4-5-1 (13.2.1).tac

Worked absolutly fine with me in the new patch, i never seem to get the formation past awkward as my team was only together for short periods of time but the performances definatly suggested they adapted to it.
Mr Langvatn Spin the Wheel 4-5-1 (13.2.1).tac

Worked absolutly fine with me in the new patch, i never seem to get the formation past awkward as my team was only together for short periods of time but the performances definatly suggested they adapted to it.

Sound mate thanks.

Tried a lot of tactics and find the new version struggles with the teams I use.
Sound mate thanks.

Tried a lot of tactics and find the new version struggles with the teams I use.

That's only because the new one is set to attacking. The new one will still be better than the old one if you change it to standard.
Really glad to see the revitalized version of the 4-5-1 brings success to you guys :)
seriously BEST TACTIC EVER. just trumped barcelona 4-0 as sociodad. along wiht 4-0 mallorca, 3-0 zaragoza and anotehr 4-0 against celta. lol those are my firsr games of the season
This was the 4-5-1 I obviously holidayed as I said I was going too..

If you are gonna test it on FMC you may as well use Instant Result. Better than holidaying
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