The Anfield Saga

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Can someone update me on the latest? In 1 post? I'm seriously confused...
A lot of nonsense speculations and Indians looking to drive the Cowboys out. :P
But seriously, it's better you remain in the dark about this one. Ignorance is bliss, mate.
But Bill Weeks, a spokesman for Franklin Templeton in New York told the FT: “Franklin Templeton has no involvement in the Liverpool FC bid and Yang Guang has also stated that he has no involvement.”

Whose spinning who a story here then? Because not everyone can be right. Huang bid another Cavaliers type of investment after all?

Ganis told The Daily Telegraph on Friday night that the Franklin Templeton statement was inaccurate, and that Yang was a member of the consortium.

“It has never been the case that Templeton has been involved, but Dr Yang certainly is.

"He is working on this outside his capacity as an employee of Franklin Templeton with a small independent team. They are revising the investment contracts right now.

"I can only think that the statement is the result of a confusion. Dr Yang will clear this up at the earliest opportunity.”

All most farcical.
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i am doing what danny is, and staying away from the media!
i'm so confused right now! :/
Can someone update me on the latest? In 1 post? I'm seriously confused...

The Times' senior Football writer, The Times' Liverpool correspondent and The Times' business correspondent are saying the Huang bid is real. The Liverpool board believe Huang's bid is real enough to pass to the Premier League for further checks and believe they are close enough to a deal to call for prospective bidders to prove they have the funding.

But there are worrying signs that what Huang and Ganis have said so far may not be totally true or may even be totally false. Going to be a long weekend :)

---------- Post added at 06:54 AM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 11:37 PM ----------

Okies, respectable Chinese newspaper phoned up Guang Yang's office in Singapore and asked to speak to him. He's currently on 'leave' and the spokeswoman for his office declined to comment on his involvement or not. FT is quite probably wrong.
Apparently these guys promise to erase all debts of Liverpool and Build a new stadium in Stanley Park
doesnt matter who buy cub , the new rule should be that whoever buys any club should not take a loan out and then saddle the debt repayment to the club.

those ******* yank cowboys are supposed to be billionairs but didnt put a single penny from their own pocket (sorry cent) into buying the club. this should be a a warning to other clubs

by the way im an arsenal fan
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There's an uplifting article in Saturday's Echo quoting Huang, in which he says his people will pay off the club's debts ( that should be D & D's debts, which they criminally put onto LFC, despite catigorically saying they wouldn't ), pay for a New Anfield in Stanley Park, & provide lavish funds for new player recruitment. He went out of his way to state they would NOT provide a cash profit of any description for the outgoing scumbags.

Music to my ears - stick it to 'em, Kenny. If things fall out as you promise, you'll recieve the freedom of Liverpool ! :)
Well I've been hearing a lot of different things all over the place.
Just read an article saying that we'll be able to outbid Man City and will be richest club in the world but that includes the chinese government being involved.
So where are we on that?
Do we know if the chinese government are involved at all?
And if the chinese government is not involved what are the finances situation then, as in transfer budgets etc.
And could someone outline the different bidding parties for me.
The only ones I know are Kenny Huang's and the Canadian businessman.
Whatever I'm hearing it looks like we'll be getting a new stadium anyway.
Well I've been hearing a lot of different things all over the place.
Just read an article saying that we'll be able to outbid Man City and will be richest club in the world but that includes the chinese government being involved.
So where are we on that?
Do we know if the chinese government are involved at all?
And if the chinese government is not involved what are the finances situation then, as in transfer budgets etc.
And could someone outline the different bidding parties for me.
The only ones I know are Kenny Huang's and the Canadian businessman.
Whatever I'm hearing it looks like we'll be getting a new stadium anyway.

Did realise they where after celtic aswell.

How money talks and attract supports hey
I support Celtic as my 1st team, Liverpool as my 2nd and Hartlepool as my third. My three teams that I support.
And is it any of your business anyway.
I just asked a question
I support Celtic as my 1st team, Liverpool as my 2nd and Hartlepool as my third. My three teams that I support.
And is it any of your business anyway.
I just asked a question

I am horribly sorry if you where offended by a small little joke.
Well I've been hearing a lot of different things all over the place.
Just read an article saying that we'll be able to outbid Man City and will be richest club in the world but that includes the chinese government being involved.
So where are we on that?
Do we know if the chinese government are involved at all?
And if the chinese government is not involved what are the finances situation then, as in transfer budgets etc.
And could someone outline the different bidding parties for me.
The only ones I know are Kenny Huang's and the Canadian businessman.
Whatever I'm hearing it looks like we'll be getting a new stadium anyway.
Chinese Goverment have rejected any theories they're involved, and said they have never heard of Huang
There's Huang, The Syrians (Apparently reached an agreement, so he said, but is apparently close the Gillete's son, which casts doubt) But anything could happen at this point
i'm refusing to watch sky sports news, go on news now or any forum related to Liverpool until next friday!
The only thing is, i keep coming back to this thread :/
Well I've been hearing a lot of different things all over the place.
Just read an article saying that we'll be able to outbid Man City and will be richest club in the world but that includes the chinese government being involved.

In the short term no. What Huang's bid have said so far is that they want to build us into a global superpower of a club. But initially no more than £50m cash and perhaps £100m in loan debt for players. Which is a lot for a season, if true.

So where are we on that?

Currently listening to the US partner of one of Huang's businesses chatting about stuff. How true it is, who knows?

Do we know if the chinese government are involved at all?

Neither confirmed or denied. If untrue, it would be denied though. The CIC is very verbose when media makes wrong claims about it. Touchy almost. CIC =/= Chinese government.

And if the chinese government is not involved what are the finances situation then, as in transfer budgets etc.

Ganis (new spokesman) has said it's a group behind bid, with none of them having more than a 20% share of the club. All debt to be paid off. £100m cash for new stadium. £50m cash for players. Other reports suggest that it will be closer to £150m for new players, so presuming that debt on club being used to fund rest of kitty. Only one season to spend in though because of new European rules on financing transfers.

And could someone outline the different bidding parties for me.

Huang - frontman for a group said to include individuals and investment groups including CIC. Put proposal to board. Now with Premier League for background and financial checks which should be done this coming week.
Kirdi - frontman for Al Quasami family, rulers of one of the UAE states. He's Syrian, lives in Canada. Believed to be full of it by all hands.Talked to Hicks and Gillett.
Roy - rich Indian businessman believed to be looking at bidding for 60% of club which would give him control but allow Hicks and Gillett to remain. Has spoken to no one.
Al Khalifa family - rich Kuwaitis. Denied interest, but still rumoured to be looking at bidding.
Rhone Group - offering £100m for 25% stake in Liverpool. In it to make a fast buck. Have spoken to board, but not considered realistic offer.

The only ones I know are Kenny Huang's and the Canadian businessman.
Whatever I'm hearing it looks like we'll be getting a new stadium anyway.

Condition of any successful bid is that new stadium is built.
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Thanks Zebedee,
your really keeping informed on the situation arn't you.
Thanks for the help
News is expected for the Sunday and Monday papers. Have a good weekend lads. I'm off to get sooo drunk that I fall over. Then I'm going to drink some more and repeat the process ;)

Hicks and Gillett out. That's the main thing. Pass round that petition, send letters to Hester at RBS. Any deal which lets Hicks and Gillett stay is a bad one.
Don't worry, once it's all over we shall enjoy this all the more
<iframe frameborder='0' border=0 width='425' height='344' src='' name=iframe scrolling=no style='position:absolute;' allowtransparency='true'></iframe>

EDIT - Goddamnit, link dosen't work
Zeb - So basically Huang's gang ( b-boom ) are the ponies to back then ? oO)
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