See you've got all the USA players too :p


GK: Derick Van Bumwinkle
LB: Mohammed Jameel
CB: Liam McLoughlin
CB: Tom Harris
RB: Ben Copland
CM: Corey Watson
CM: Gaizka Alonso
CAM: Duncan Kenneth Greenwood (Dunc)
STCR: Andreas Dahnert (Joseba Muniain when he comes back from an 8 month injury)
STC: Jack Wiggans (Top scorer)
STCL: Kenrry Valderrama
Danny is it just me or you never use me in the start of the game? :p (last year i scored hattrick in first match when your striker injured)
Danny is it just me or you never use me in the start of the game? :p (last year i scored hattrick in first match when your striker injured)

Tbh your players had his chance, 10 apps, and only 2 goals :/
Danny is it just me or you never use me in the start of the game? :p (last year i scored hattrick in first match when your striker injured)

Tbh your players had his chance, 10 apps, and only 2 goals :/
Just starting this now :) Should be fun.
5 games in..

I think these first two seasons might be quite easy. Anyway, you can see which players I am playing and how they are doing. Who ever Corey Watson is, your guy is injured for 13 months with damaged Cruciate Ligaments. :(
8.27 avg rating wooo

Yeah, you missed a few games at the start, because you were in the under 18's. Moved you into the 1st team when I saw you there :p
Im undefeated like 20 games in. This is too easy lol.

Chropak, Agin and Dunc are my best players. Chropak and Agin both have more goals than appearances. And both have double digit assists. Dunc is next in goals scored.
I think it will be until we reach the championship, if you can hold on to enough of your players anyway. :p
How do I sign youth players to professional contracts if I have no wage budget to work with?

Excuse my ignorance, ive never played with a team with no money.
How do I sign youth players to professional contracts if I have no wage budget to work with?

Excuse my ignorance, ive never played with a team with no money.

By controlling your budget better ;) Try and ask for some more wage budget. :)
LOL What do you mean control it? I havent changed one thing. I was over budget when I started. I think were spending around $16,000 and we have a budget of around $12,000.

Ive asked to increase the budget twice actually, both times board says they dont have the funds.

I linked up with Luton. They are paying me whopping $11,000 a year lol.
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Yeah I was joking about the wage control thing! :p I suppose it will just increase as we go up the leagues, apart from that.. well.. we don't have much of a chance, unless you can sell one of your players for a mill or more, but you don't want to lose too many as we can't sign anyone lol.
We technically can sign people, but doing so you couldnt complete all the achievements. Im not going to, because the 2 other guys doing this arent.

I dont wanna lose any of my players. I didnt look over what everyone put for their PA. But im sure everyone put over 160. Id like to have all those guys in the Championship/Prem.
I also asked the board for more coaches and they allowed. They actually have me $600 as a max salary for a coach. But only $160 as a max salary when I tried to give a professional contract to Smith I believe. And he wanted around $900.
I also asked the board for more coaches and they allowed. They actually have me $600 as a max salary for a coach. But only $160 as a max salary when I tried to give a professional contract to Smith I believe. And he wanted around $900.

Try giving them a lower base salary, with appearance bonus's of a similar amount to what they are asking per week.