The Liverpool Thread

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This man ...... Forget being one of the best football manager's in the World, just the man himself and all he stands for .....

Where would you get another manager(certainly not in England) talking from the heart on his values in such an eloquent way with such empathy for others? Person first. Player second. MANY of his rivals could do well to learn from that.

SO privileged and fortunate to have him in charge of our football club and among our number in this great City.

He just gets US. He just get's IT. He just get's EVERYTHING!

(Klopp's speech to the FWA last night on Mo winning yet another major POTY award)

Powerful, from the heart, compelling reading:

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before anything else, I would like to say on behalf of everyone at Liverpool Football Club how pleased we are to hear that Sir Alex Ferguson is already making a speedy recovery after his recent illness. You don’t have to be from this country or Scotland to appreciate his genius or importance to football – but the extent of the coverage in your publications following the news last weekend proves his status transcends his own profession. It’s fantastic news to hear he is already making big strides to a full recovery and at LFC we are delighted about this.

Please accept my apologies for not being with you in person tonight. It is the club’s own award ceremony at Anfield and as such, I need to prioritise being here with the rest of the team. Given this is the Football Writers‘ Association I thought a written acknowledgement from me that someone could read out on the evening would make more sense than a recorded message.

In terms of a Liverpool presence at your event tonight, hopefully, we have managed to show the respect it deserves, despite the clash with our own annual awards.

Your winner,
Mr. Salah, is either with you now or on his way depending when this message is read out. It is typical of Mo’s character that he was so keen to attend. And I don’t mean being greedy for awards, but being gracious and good mannered to make every effort to be there in person and thank you for the honour.

There’s not much I can say about what he does “on the pitch” that you guys haven’t already seen and written about. The fact you have voted for him as your player of the season reflects that you have witnessed his incredible quality as a footballer. But it’s his qualities as a person that should not be overlooked.

I read and hear about him being a wonderful role model for Egypt, North Africa, for the wider Arabic world and for Muslims. This, of course, is true, but he is a role model full stop.

Regardless of race or religion – country or region of birth. The only “labels” we should put on Mo is what a good person he is and what a fantastic footballer he is. And by the way, the first part of that is more important in life than the second.

Mo is someone who sets an example of how to approach life and how to treat others. Around Melwood, with his teammates and the club staff, he is gentle and humble despite being the international superstar he is now.

The attention and acclaim
has not changed him even by 0.01% percent. He arrived at Liverpool humble and warm and this is the same boy who comes to be with you all tonight to accept your generous recognition. Although maybe a little more tired and weary of selfies and autographs, so keep that in mind please!

Mo, we are very proud of you and thankful for what you have done for this team and club and of
course we look forward to sharing many more seasons with you at Liverpool. In a season when Manchester City have been outstandingly good and played outstandingly well, football from another planet, you have won the two major awards. The one voted for by your fellow professionals and now the one voted for by the football writers.

You are world class Mo, truly world class. And what’s even more exciting, for you, for Liverpool, and for the public who get to watch you play: you can and will get even better.

Congratulations my friend.

Aside from Mo, I have another member of my team with you all this evening, and his presence is, I believe, recognition of the importance of your industry: writing and journalism.

Rhian Brewster is just 18 years old. During the past 12
months, Rhian has established himself as one of the most exciting prospects in English football. He has grown and risen in status at Liverpool. He won the world cup for your country at his age level, he won the golden boot at that very same tournament. He made his family, his friends, his club and his country proud in doing what he did on the football pitch.

But it was away from the football pitch and instead in the pages of a UK newspaper, where Rhian made an even bigger impact on the game we all love and even a significant impact on society.

Aged just 17 at the time, and at his own behest, albeit with the support of his family and friends, plus the support of the incredible academy staff at Liverpool, he sat and spoke about racism in modern football with the same power, command and composure that he shows when playing.

The newspaper who carried the original story was then supported by other journalist and other publications, many of whom I am sure are in the room tonight, in making sure Rhian’s voice was loud and clear in articulating that racism and discrimination still exists and persists in our game.

That it takes a 17-year-old boy to do this is as frustrating and depressing as it is inspirational and uplifting. That many of you in the room were so supportive in spreading his message is
testimony to journalism in this country.

It is fitting that alongside Rhian as part of the LFC table tonight is Troy Townsend and other colleagues from Kick it Out. Troy and Kick It Out supported Rhian, Liverpool and other players during the very difficult periods following the occasions of racist abuse. They do so for players, staff, supporters up and down the country.

Troy and the team at Kick It Out help to educate players and staff at Liverpool, be it first team, academy or Ladies, on the importance of recognising we all still have lessons to learn in football and in life to ensure we are inclusive and not discriminatory.

As Rhian articulated so well in his interview – in England we are fortunate that big strides have been made whereby his own experiences have been largely restricted to European and International competitions, but sadly racism and discrimination is not exclusive to football overseas and therefore Troy and Kick It Out are still as important as ever to the game in this country.

I would like to finish with two points
; and I hope they do not in any way sound ‘preachy’. If they do, blame the person reading it, it is their fault clearly.

The first is to thank the English media for the coverage it continues to give football in this country. I am probably guilty, like many on my side of it, of bemoaning “the press” at times, lumping everyone in together. But I know the game enjoys the prominence and profile in England because the media devotes so much time and energy to covering it.

In some respects, those of you in this room share the same journey as the players you cover. You have to show dedication and sacrifice; you have to constantly keep learning your job and adapt to changes; you make mistakes and learn from them; you are under huge pressure to deliver. And maybe it is good old English irony that in the age of social media many of you are now subjected to the same scrutiny and comment on your performance.

And that brings me to my second and final point. It’s a World Cup year, and many in this room will no doubt be writing and broadcasting on the players performing for their country.

, as a German I will be supporting my own country, and I have actually lost count of the number of countries I have claimed to be backing as my second team in Russia. I suppose that depends on the nationality of the reporter asking..I think to date I have said “if not Germany then…” and declared for Egypt, Senegal, Croatia, Serbia, Brazil and even Iceland.

If Mo Salah is in the room, then Mo, ignore this next bit. Because if it’s not Germany, then it must be Egypt of course. But: England is a team I now
have great interest in and I really wish Gareth Southgate, his staff and the team the best of luck.

Gareth is still a relatively young manager, and both for him as a coach and many of his players, I think this will be a first World Cup at senior level. I think as the English media you can help
them, if you are minded to do so. And that doesn’t mean to be ‘cheerleaders’ or ‘ignore’ failure and mistakes.

It just means remembering they are a group of relatively young people who will be giving their best and trying their hardest to make a nation proud and happy. You are blessed in this country with wonderfully talented, skilful, honest, committed and tactically astute players. You are blessed with a coach who is brave and innovative.

England has the tools because the manager and the players have the mentality, attitude, character – it is all there for you.

Maybe reduce the pressure a notch or two, that is where you can help I think.

Maybe take the numbers 1966 off your computer keyboards for the summer and let this team write their own history and memories.

Regardless, I hope those of you travelling to Russia have a tournament to enjoy and remember for the right reasons.

Enjoy your evening and thank you for making the right decision when voting and for once, I don’t mean Brexit!

That is seriously taking the ****, the hotels knew the CL final was taking place in the city months ago so why leave it to the last minute to change the price once the two finalists were known don't they realise fans would have still paid a premium for rooms 6 months ago on the off chance that their club will make it to the final you can't blame UEFA for that. However, Fair enough whinging about the ticket prices and allocation (that is UEFA's fault) but then it's hardly surprising considering the ticket pricing charges of certain Spanish Clubs and the lack of response by UEFA on that situation. UEFA and for that matter FIFA have always been **** on matters of allocation of tickets, pricing and locations, come to think about it the English FA is just as bad.

You can blame UEFA for deciding to award the final to a City with such poor infrastructure and a serious lack of rooms to start with to host such a major event. That's the last three we've been to now that have been the same in just about the furthest places you can travel. And but for the Grace of God they never had another Hillsborough on their hands in Athens the mad overcrowding in that ground in 2007 when they had no means of checking who was entering as they had no F-ing turnstiles it being an athletics stadium! If Utd had been there as well and not Milan I dread to think what would have happened as they'd have taken as many we did.

They have, mercifully, now said this will be the last final they award without having a City's infrastructure as the number one priority in the bidding process. Whether they stick to that is another matter and doesn't help at all the scandalous exploitation going on in Kiev. But hey, they cream their biggest share off the top so F the fans they laughably run with the slogan it being ALL about.
Oh, bar an absolute miracle from Brighton, it's done.

But you know what mate? In a hypothetical worse case scenario where we end up finishing 5th, I honestly couldn't be ****** at them. It'd be disappointing. No question. But it still wouldn't take away from the absolutely superb season and ridiculous memories they've given us this year as they've taken another big stride forward. All whilst still having that little affair in Kiev the 26th of the month to look forward to.

We're going to another European Cup final. Against Real F Madrid. With a serious chance to win the biggest prize there is. This **** doesn't happen every season.

Regardless of what happens Sunday, even if the worst case possible scenario happens, you just have to think of that and I dare any Red to not have a BIG **** proud smile all over their face!

This is what it's all about man. It doesn't get ANY better than that.

And in the words of Shanks "If you can't support us when we lose, don't support us when we win"
Archie Rhind-TuttVerified account @archiert1FollowFollow


Suspect Liverpool will be keeping an eye on the Bundesliga final day tomorrow - affects how much they pay for Naby Keita.

So if Leipzig get...

Champions League: €75 million

Europa League: €68 million

Miss out on Europe: €60 million

Fixtures and table below [HT kicker] #LFC




6:16 am - 11 May 2018
Absolutely superb end to an absolutely superb season of yet more MAJOR progress under the German Meister. With the icing on the cake yet to come in 13 days time and the biggest game of all.

The Reds were on it from the first whistle and could/ should have been 5 or 6 up at the break. And that's without the absolutely abysmal officiating of K. Friend Esq. turning down not one, not two, but THREE stonewall penalties. This is getting beyond ridiculous now. It's like there's a conscious thing to not award L'pool penalty kicks at Anfield. When Tottenham Hotspur have won more penalties than L'pool over the season at Anfield something is BADLY wrong! (And neither of those were penalty's to just add insult to injury.). These aren't contestable, questionable decisions. These are absolute blatant, straightforward decisions we continue to be robbed blind of. Three of the last four league games alone against West Brom and Stoke. 3 blatant penalty's turned down those games. They get awarded, and Tottenham's mad game today doesn't matter. Third is wrapped up. The points cost on shockingly bad officiating this season has been criminal. If it evens itself out over the season, Real Madrid better be prepared for EVERYTHING going against them Kiev along with facing double-figure penalty's! I'm personally against VAR. Mainly from a time standpoint, having witnessed the shambolic carnage of the West Brom Cup tie live when nobody in the ground had a F clue what was going on. But something has to give as this is getting VERY costly. Mr Friend. Take a bow. It took to the last game of the league season but you've somehow managed to up all your brethren's incompetence and take it to a whole new level of *****. Well done you Sir!

Hard to pick out individuals on such a together, brilliant team display but a couple of shout-outs:

Mo's mojo's back. May God go with you Real. A new record for most goals in a 38 game PL season at 32. Equalling van Nistelrooy's PL record of 44 goals in all competitions through a season in one less game. With a chance to break it on the biggest stage of all next time out. With yet another award added. This time the PL POTY to go along with the PFA and FWA awards. A richly deserved hat-trick. What that lads done this season is up there with anyone on the Planet. Better be on yer game Kiev Christiano. There's a new World Class genius coming for yer crown!

Dom Solanke. Best game in a L'pool shirt by a Country mile. First goal finally. And a belter at that. Great assist on Mo's goal. Booted in the head for one of the none-peno's on a high boot. Which apparently only Sadio will forever get punished for ..... The way he just fit with the main three makes you feel real good about him off the bench if needed a week Sat'day.

Andy Robbo MOTM. If there's been a better FB over the second half of the season from the point he was finally up to speed and came into the side I'd like to know of him. Superb ball again for Degsy's bullet header. And capped a celebration day with his first for the club. Not bad for someone who was in effect a free transfer from Hull City most where up in arms over when he signed.

Gini and the Captain. Absolute, unsung rocks again. Wijnaldum, after regressing massively for most of the season to the point he was completely anonymous in games, is back to doing what he does best and quietly running them the past few months. Were it not for the aforementioned Robbo, either of these two would have walked off with the MOTM award.

Adam Lallana. Way to return to your best form at just the right time mate. Timely reminder to everyone of just what a tremendously talented football he is and just how integral h was to the side before he was injured. Great to have that optioion on the bench in Kiev.

Season's objective achieved with the best part still to come.

Can't speak highly enough for every least one of them and the massive strides forward made yet again as Klopp continues to build this the right way. His first half season he comes in the October, missing the all-important pre-season, and takes someone else's squad, who were at rock bottom when he arrived, without a single signing, to 2 major Cup finals. He then follows that the second season by taking a big leap from 8th to 4th and returning CL football to Anfield for the first time in 3 years and only the second time in 8 seasons. To then take that on further, after all the slights of 'that only being achieved as there was no European football to contend with', by not only repeating a top 4 placing but marrying that up with a CL campaign that has rolled all the way to the final. Showing that we can fight to the end on more than one front. Another major box ticked for this gang of Reds. All with a threadbare squad down to it's bare bones as I type through a slew of key, season-ending injuries.

What these lads have achieved this year has been nothing shy of sensational:

Season objective of CL attained for the second consecutive season for the first time in a decade.

70 plus points amassed for the second consecutive season. Only the THIRD time in the last TWENTY-SEVEN seasons L'pool have matched achieved that.

Second highest number of goals scored from a Liverpool side the last 30 years.

25 games with 3 or more goals scored. TWENTY FIVE! With 16 of those coming with an added clean sheet for good measure.

Least number of goals conceded for 9 years by a Liverpool side. And the lowest in the PL overall since the debacle at Tottenham in October. And van Dijk only played in 14 of those 29 games. L'pool's defence never was half as bad as many try to (still) make out.

With also the second highest number of points achieved over that duration in the PL outside of the Champions. All attesting to just how much more they've been on the ascendency the longer this season has gone than any of their rivals outside of City.

Fortress Anfield restored and then some. Only unbeaten side at home in all 4 top divisions in England.

All with what many perceive to be the weakest squad out of the top 6 teams and who sold, again, what many perceived to be their best player in January, a £140 plus million talent, without replacing him. A squad put together with a negative net spend. And one which has had to deal with season-ending injuries sending them down to the bare bones.

For this football club, this has been a MASSIVE stride forward this season regardless of what happens in Kiev and I couldn't be happier or prouder with every last one of them. There's a clear direction of progress under Klopp. We know we're the best footballing side in the Country behind City. We know our first XI is more than a match for them and are getting better and more together with each passing season. The prospects of where this will continue to roll with more top quality additions ..... Man alive, if we continue on this trajectory next year's gonna' be an even more of fun ride than this.

To get to enjoy that ride under this special, special manager ..... The lads in the 60's and 70's under Shankly couldn't have felt better or more connected than at this time under this man ..... We've been so, SO privileged to experience both and have both of these great men live among us in this great City of ours.

Oh yeah, did I mention we're in another European Cup Final?

Let me say that again .....

Liverpool FC. In a European Cup FINAL! Say that aloud without a big *** smile on your face Reds. That **** just doesn't happen every year. This will be my 5th I've been fortunate to attend live following this great football club. And there was a 20-year gap between my second and third. Two ****** decades! For this gang of Reds to get there in their first season back at Europe's top table after 3 seasons absence is incredible. To do it whilst marrying it up with a CL season through the league ..... You can't applaud that enough.

Europe defines this football club more than any other in England. We're on our way to our 8th European Cup final. That's as many as the other 19 PL clubs COMBINED! With a chance to win it for the 6th time and look up to only Milan and Madrid in UEFA lore. It's where our history and heritage lies. It's what has us respected the World over as one of the Worlds great football clubs. And it's what you live for as fans. Trips abroad and the story's that come out of them. And to have that wrapped up for another season, before we even think about the very real chance to win it this year, is just the best feeling going as I type this.

Than you Redmen. Regardless of what lies in store against Madrid in Kiev, thank you for an absolutely brilliant season and memories that will never be forgotten of the sensational football you've played and the thrilling games you've given us.

One more to go lads. One more heroic effort and you can write yourselves into immortality with the best season of any side in Europe this year by winning the biggest prize of all.

Man alive. This time two weeks hence we could well be basking in the ultimate glory of being Champions of Europe. AGAIN!

Life as a football supporter doesn't get ANY better than that!

Up the European F Royalty Reds! Madrid. We're coming for YOU!
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I was gonna write some words to sum up the season but I think its safe to say you covered everything and more Scouse lol.
The Reds were on it from the first whistle and could/ should have been 5 or 6 up at the break. And that's without the absolutely abysmal officiating of K. Friend Esq. turning down not one, not two, but THREE stonewall penalties. This is getting beyond ridiculous now. It's like there's a conscious thing to not award L'pool penalty kicks at Anfield. When Tottenham Hotspur have won more penalties than L'pool over the season at Anfield something is BADLY wrong! (And neither of those were penalty's to just add insult to injury.). These aren't contestable, questionable decisions. These are absolute blatant, straightforward decisions we continue to be robbed blind of. Three of the last four league games alone against West Brom and Stoke. 3 blatant penalty's turned down those games. They get awarded, and Tottenham's mad game today doesn't matter. Third is wrapped up. The points cost on shockingly bad officiating this season has been criminal. If it evens itself out over the season, Real Madrid better be prepared for EVERYTHING going against them Kiev along with facing double-figure penalty's! I'm personally against VAR. Mainly from a time standpoint, having witnessed the shambolic carnage of the West Brom Cup tie live when nobody in the ground had a F clue what was going on. But something has to give as this is getting VERY costly. Mr Friend. Take a bow. It took to the last game of the league season but you've somehow managed to up all your brethren's incompetence and take it to a whole new level of *****. Well done you Sir! .....

Andrew BeasleyVerified account @BassTunedToRedFollowFollow


Palace: 7 pens from 461 touches in the opposition box at home.

Liverpool (last three years): 6 pens from 1791 touches in the opposition box at home.

12:33 am - 14 May 2018

Something MASSIVELY wrong in that.

This is blowing e away more than anything today.Since the Tottenham debacle at Wembley back in October, we've had the best defensive record in the entire league.

That's the last three-quarters of the PL season. With the World Class addition of van Dijk, as massively influential as he's been, only playing in 14 of those games.


Aside from ruining all Zz's best lines (love yer man), that's mad when you consider the popular myth is that L'pool are still poor defensively under Klopp.
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Uhh, bit long shot yeah.
About CB in PL we truly lack in some elite world class players in that department.
I would but Tobby and Vertonghen head of VVD. Shame that Tobby was lost this season.
I like VVD but he not world class. Yeah would put him in same class as the 2 you mentioned. Don’t think there’s any WC CBS in the Prem. not many in world football tbh.
This is blowing e away more than anything today.Since the Tottenham debacle at Wembley back in October, we've had the best defensive record in the entire league.

That's the last three-quarters of the PL season. With the World Class addition of van Dijk, as massively influential as he's been, only playing in 14 of those games.


Aside from ruining all Zz's best lines (love yer man), that's mad when you consider the popular myth is that L'pool are still poor defensively under Klopp.

The issue now in my opinion is not closing out games when we are on top. Liverpool do not take their chances when they come in a lot of games. That's also why we drew so many games this season.

Everton home
West Brom home
Burnley home
Watford away
Newcastle away

Liverpool have 2 players in the top 10 list of players with most big chances missed (Salah at 1 and Mane at 7/8) IIRC.
The big chance stat is very flawed. Salah misses the most big chances because he gets on the end of so many, world class movement. Missing chances comes hand in hand with being a prolific goalscorer.

You can't have a man break the PL scoring record and then say "what if he scored more, where would we be?" XD - He already scored a lot of goals in which he probably had no/little right to, at least by XG model. More than evens itself out.
The big chance stat is very flawed. Salah misses the most big chances because he gets on the end of so many, world class movement. Missing chances comes hand in hand with being a prolific goalscorer.

You can't have a man break the PL scoring record and then say "what if he scored more, where would we be?" XD - He already scored a lot of goals in which he probably had no/little right to, at least by XG model. More than evens itself out.

I agree with you there.

However, those 5 games I mentioned should have never been draws and its the team that is culpable for that. And even if those 5 were 15 points instead of 5, we would still be nowhere close to City. My point was that we throw games away.
I agree with you there.

However, those 5 games I mentioned should have never been draws and its the team that is culpable for that. And even if those 5 were 15 points instead of 5, we would still be nowhere close to City. My point was that we throw games away.

Conversely, three of those games we win with better officiating. Off-side Watford equaliser opening day. Blatant penalty on Salah (or was it Trent?) the Burnley game the move late when Dom hits the bar. Although I personally disagree, what many would argue was never a penalty on Calvert-Lewin the Derby. 'Very' questionable at best. There's another 6 points right there. And how Dom's 'goal' West Brom could be construed as an 'intentional' handball you'd have to ask that divvy Scott.

Normally you can debate contentious decisions and just nark at a few refs. But right across the board, we've been robbed of VERY costly points this year from the most blatantly obvious, simple decisions not being awarded. You can count double-figure penalties alone. Not the difference in challenging for the League. But certainly the difference in being the closest team to them in the final table.

Worst season I've ever known for being done blind on an almost weekly basis by officials. Particularly at Anfield.