The Liverpool Thread

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Would have been the best night of my life had we won. I had a great day in the city centre, and even at FT everyone was in a good mood, really. There was no kick offs or arguing really. Pre-match it was ridiculous. Don't know why the council didn't put down recycling bins, especially outside McCooleys, every other step you would stand on a can or bottle all the way from the Hilton past Matthew Street. Also someone set off a flare in the club I was at.
scouse can i ask what your job is and how the **** you get so much time off glad you had a good time and was safe roll on next season
Scouse please tell us your options of Karius, I'm dying to know! Will he ever appear in a Liverpool shirt again?

Trickiest of tricky situations this for Klopp.

Probably the most human manager anywhere out there today that puts the person first and the player second. A man who's ALL about the team. So if he replaces him, he's risking completely destroying him. But you can't have fundamental errors like that costing you on the biggest stage of all. Real delicate to handle for the manager given how much he cares about his guys.

Don't like signalling him out but it's gonna' be really interesting to see how the manager ultimately handles this one given the person Klopp is.
Trickiest of tricky situations this for Klopp.

Probably the most human manager anywhere out there today that puts the person first and the player second. A man who's ALL about the team. So if he replaces him, he's risking completely destroying him. But you can't have fundamental errors like that costing you on the biggest stage of all. Real delicate to handle for the manager given how much he cares about his guys.

Don't like signalling him out but it's gonna' be really interesting to see how the manager ultimately handles this one given the person Klopp is.

I still rate him as a better keeper than Mignolet, and a keeper has been on our transfer shortlist irrespective of Karius' form (basing this on all the gossip over the last year)

So I really hope we stick with Karius and get an established keeper to help him out. He needs some time away from the spot light and a spell as a cup keeper maybe helps.

Mignolet can leave.
You outplayed Madrid up until Salah went off, was admirable to see and style of football on biggest stage, all your younger players didn't look phased. Robertson in particular I thought was fantastic.

As a United fan there was a lot of stuff I would of liked to see us try to do on the biggest stage, assert ourselves on the biggest teams rather than sit back and hope they won't pass through us.

unfortunate events that ultimately cost you, but that is the cost of not having a top goalkeeper. Most important position on the field.
Would have been the best night of my life had we won. I had a great day in the city centre, and even at FT everyone was in a good mood, really. There was no kick offs or arguing really. Pre-match it was ridiculous. Don't know why the council didn't put down recycling bins, especially outside McCooleys, every other step you would stand on a can or bottle all the way from the Hilton past Matthew Street. Also someone set off a flare in the club I was at.

That right there mate. THAT'S what sets us apart. You look at the photies from town and you'd have thought L'pool was hosting the European Cup Final! Looked ****** brilliant. It was the same Kiev. The Boss Night gig they put on Shevchenko Park was just brilliant. Banners up among all the trees. Absolutely chocker with people happily partying. Ale being passed around between lads who didn't even know each other. Music and other stuff the stage. Just like one big, happy, bouncing music festival.

Man we know how to party and do this like nobody else ay?
scouse can i ask what your job is and how the **** you get so much time off glad you had a good time and was safe roll on next season

Nothing exciting mate. Certainly, nothing extravagantly paid. You wouldn't like to see the state of my bank account or CC's after a European season haha. You just sacrifice other things (often to your detriment. One day I'll grow up. Maybe .....) and holidays 'normal' people have as most of yours go on European aways.

Just makes you very humble and privileged to see things no other set of supporters here outside of maybe Utd fans the 90's/ 00's will probably ever get to experience. Privileged to be born in what I consider the best City on Earth. Privileged to have had no choice since birth other than being a Red. Privileged to be able to go most places and have ridiculous memories with some of the best friends you can have. And privileged that the crux behind it all just happens to be one of Europe's elite football clubs that continue to afford you the opportunity to experience all that with them.

Fabinho done, Keita done, Fekir nearly done. **** your lineup next season going to be crazy. Think Premier league is going to be very exciting.
Great player to replace Can. Another high energy press in the middle.. excellent Klopp buy

Know little about him in terms of actually seeing him play save to say with the Utd thread being full of how brilliant he was last summer compared to the lad Chelsea bought and how fantastic he was going to look down the road, he must be boss right? ;)

It does stand out to me that of all the players talked of/ who left Monaco last summer, Mbape, Lemar, Mendy et all, the one player both owner and manager consistently said wasn't for sale was Fabinho. That says a heck of a lot.

Gives Bobby a new mate and we don't have to jig too many songs around with a name like that so what's not to like? Haha.

Now, announce Pulisic!
Fabinho done, Keita done, Fekir nearly done. **** your lineup next season going to be crazy. Think Premier league is going to be very exciting.

Fekir nearly done?

Last I read was that he will wait till after the World Cup to decide...
Fekir nearly done?

Last I read was that he will wait till after the World Cup to decide...

Redmen seem to think it's nearly done, if that means anything, also Fabinho been speaking about him quite a bit.

I think that one will happen personally, seems perfect for Klopp.

If it doesn;t happen before World Cup, he might get a few other options though if he performs well.
Fabinho done, Keita done, Fekir nearly done. **** your lineup next season going to be crazy. Think Premier league is going to be very exciting.

And just as important, the bond currently between fans and players that Klopp's brought back. LONG time since it's been as strong as this. 'Togetherness' has been a keyword with Klopp right through and it's becoming more and more apparent the longer this rolls. Shankly's 'Holly Trinity'- Fans, players, manager. Together, as one, we'll conquer the ****** World! The way they interact on social media and at the match with the fans ..... They all get it. C and P'ing this next part from a post on here leading up to the final, but it just fits to what I'm trying say .....

The celebration the final whistle Rome. Honestly, when was the last time you saw such a togetherness between fans and players. Like, ANYWHERE? The way they were belting out 'Allez, Allez, Allez' and all loving joining in singing and clapping. The way Sadio said 'F this!' and broke through the security line to celebrate with us. Followed by the rest of the players who went 'Is F rite lad!' The way the Captain's (yanno', that lad who isn't good enough to be here and doesn't understand the L'pool way) first thought was to make a beeline straight for the Sean *** banner asking if he could borrow it to have the players remember our fallen compadre unable to be there. The way young Trent and Ben were filming it on their moby's. Absolutely in awe at the connection between supporters and players that sets this football club apart .....

..... And then, after some of the longest celebrations of a none-final win I've ever seen, with them all back the changies and everything quiet again save for two mad mini-footies being launched up and down the away section, out comes our mad btard manager who embodies EVERYTHING that this City and football club is all about and who's brought back that togetherness in spectacular style again; charging down to celebrate personally with his people. Fist pumping away and topping off the most memorable of nights perfectly.

That magnificent night in Rome just encapsulated Klopp's Liverpool and all the values we stand for.

That, as much as anything is what's driving this as this group, on paper ..... NOBODY would have had them down as being in Kiev playing for a European Cup this season. And even less so when they sold Coutinho and never replaced him.

Throw in now seriously recruiting the top level of players who want to be here and be apart of what's happening under him ..... Yeah, quietly optimistic about the coming years. We need to start putting the icing on the cake with silverware, but man it's one **** of a fun, exciting team to follow.
Fekir nearly done?

Last I read was that he will wait till after the World Cup to decide...

Load of buzz that there's another signing imminent this week. Have fun speculating who? Haha. (Please be Pulisic. Please be Pulisic. Please be Pulisic ..... ).

Just love that they've managed to keep Fabinho completely quiet until yesterday's shock announcement. (Landed back in Doncaster <don't ask. Real good, cheap route> at half 9 yesterday evening from Wroclaw in Poland and suddenly a very quiet, exhausted plane is alive and buzzing as moby's came back alive to the Fabinho news just breaking.). Full credit to Edwards and co as with so many different people involved in transfers these days to keep things out of the media is nigh in impossible.
Glad you are back Scouse, shame that probably you wont make the trip to Estonia. For us I dont like that we have such a small stadium, but infra, hotels, pubs would be top notch for everyone.

Hope to get tickets. Any one have experience going to super cup and how big of luck u need to buy tickets? Is it all by draw of the luck?

Don't know what the Estonian situation will be from UEFA as it's so small a stadium. I know the allocation per club from UEFA was **** poor the times we played in Monaco and nigh on impossible to get hold of. (Went without one the first time against Munich in '01 down to that and the poor way L'pool chose to distribute them.). The big bonus is the Spanish never travelling in big numbers so that should open up more tickets.

Yeah, Tallinn looks a boss City. If not the easiest place to get to regarding flights/ times from the UK. Had refundable rooms reserved and a nice cheap route sorted ready to book as soon as the whistle went in Kiev but that's no longer happening sadly. Was really looking forward to that. Sighs.
Don't know what the Estonian situation will be from UEFA as it's so small a stadium. I know the allocation per club from UEFA was **** poor the times we played in Monaco and nigh on impossible to get hold of. (Went without one the first time against Munich in '01 down to that and the poor way L'pool chose to distribute them.). The big bonus is the Spanish never travelling in big numbers so that should open up more tickets.

Yeah, Tallinn looks a boss City. If not the easiest place to get to regarding flights/ times from the UK. Had refundable rooms reserved and a nice cheap route sorted ready to book as soon as the whistle went in Kiev but that's no longer happening sadly. Was really looking forward to that. Sighs.

It is sad yeah.
We only have around 15k seated stadium, so it will be double harder to get some tickets... Already some bad commentaries are how UEFA allows even to host Super Cup on so small stadium. Hopefully this improves as kid see Poom and Klavan success. So we can promote our footy more.

Then I need to visit England. Liverpool - Manchester - Leeds line is somewhat in my plans to trip, need to check how all games would suit for specific trip.