The Liverpool Thread

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Liverpool's Loris Karius suffered concussion during Champions League final, doctors confirm | Football News | Sky Sports


Karius suffered concussion apparently in CL final. There was a clip going around where he got elbowed in the head literally two minutes before his first mistake throwing it to Benzema.

I can guarantee there's going to be the...."special" kind people out there (to be polite)....who refuse to believe this-already seeing eveidence on Twitter. He was sent to one of the best neuro doctors who confirmed it what more do they want-why make something like this up? Don't know wether to laugh or facepalm lol.

I guess the truly stupid are beyond help sadly.
Sweet mother of Christ, that is so ****** up. Poor ******* kid got crucified, gets death threats and for what?

Liverpool's Loris Karius suffered concussion during Champions League final, doctors confirm | Football News | Sky Sports


Karius suffered concussion apparently in CL final. There was a clip going around where he got elbowed in the head literally two minutes before his first mistake throwing it to Benzema.

Yanno', like most L'pool fans (not the absolute bellends that live to talk utter _____ on social media), I was completely at peace with the European Cup Final. Truth be told, like the vast majority out in Kiev, I'd moved on from it pretty much that night/ morning after the game. It's been amusing to see the reaction of Evertonians here and other fans on social media trying to nark at you and not being able to understand why you aren't totally down at losing the biggest game of all. When all you feel is pity for them that they can't understand the pride in an absolutely magnificent L'pool season and the continued upward trajectory the clubs on. Probably the highest it's been the entire PL era. The last time we lost the European Cup Final, in Athens in 2007, it felt like the end of something. The feeling this time is it's just the beginning of our cycle coming around again.

And then this. For the first time I'm now really narked. Mainly at that snide, cheating, underhand ____house Ramos. Not only did he take out our main player in a gutless, premeditated act that changed the entire course of game Madrid were being dominated in to that point, he's made sure by knocking our goalie out of a game he was playing real well in to that point. Something that's been sadly lost by the two mistakes that followed.

I've never been one for wishing ill/ injury on any player. But honestly, if someone was to go out and do Ramos the WC and say snap his leg in two I'd just think that's justice and karma catching up on you for a careers worth of base ____housery.

Here's looking forward to meeting Madrid and Ramos again next May in their own City for a full circle Scouse retribution!
Yeah I've just seen a footage and of course it's Ramos again. How is that **** not banned for life yet is beyond me. He shouldn't be allowed to wear football boots ever again.
Yeah I've just seen a footage and of course it's Ramos again. How is that **** not banned for life yet is beyond me. He shouldn't be allowed to wear football boots ever again.

He captains UEFA's marquee team.

Can't be banning him or touching them.
Talking of that absolute clown show of an organisation .....

Uefa refuse to sanction Roma for their 'fans' leaving an innocent, family man STILL, 6 weeks after the event, in a critical situation the hossey fighting for his life as it wouldn't be right to punish the club for the actions of a few outside the stadium and their control.

They refuse to take any action on Ramos after the fact in the final. Even though there's clear evidence of the depths he sank to.

But they have no problem dishing out charges and a fine for a minority of bellends lobbing a few bottles at a bus. Which apparently flys against their rhetoric on the Roma attack being as that was 'outside the stadium' too.

The absolute hypocrisy of that sham of a governing body id beyond being disgraceful now.
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I can guarantee there's going to be the...."special" kind people out there (to be polite)....who refuse to believe this-already seeing eveidence on Twitter. He was sent to one of the best neuro doctors who confirmed it what more do they want-why make something like this up? Don't know wether to laugh or facepalm lol.

I guess the truly stupid are beyond help sadly.

The absolute imbeciles, to be VERY kind, on social media aren't worth the time of day.

Karius got the appreciation he deserves a week last Saturday in the ground when he had the dignity to front up to his mistakes. As much as many were, naturally, fuming at the costly mistakes, the respect he got for not only doing that when he came over tearful at the end but for his part in an absolutely wonderful season from L'pool FC was, rightfully, acknowledged and applauded. The confirmation of this just makes you feel for him even more.

That means FAR more than any knobheads pontificating from behind a 'puter screen spouting low life, despicable _____.

A potential massive shift if they're now prepared to revisit the law on standing again:

1) Ramos was pushed by VVD
2) if you're talking about Ramos you've missed the point. How does everyone including the medical team fail to spot a concussion.
No points being missed on Ramos' continued, career-long ____housery. The fella' completely changed the course of the biggest game of the season with his indiscretions. To be kind. Twice.

How the officials/ medical team/ everyone else not stop the game and have him fully evaluated there and then is another issue again. They pulled the referee and looked at him at half-time when all turns out but presumably he wasn't showing the signs of a delayed concussion. But that all plays into a wider-reaching problem of football's continued VERY lax attitude to head injuries compared to other sports. Both in the immediate diagnosis and the amount of time players are held out when they have been diagnosed as having been concussed.

*Edit* End of the game sorry. Not HT. Brain freeze.
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1) Ramos was pushed by VVD
2) if you're talking about Ramos you've missed the point. How does everyone including the medical team fail to spot a concussion.
Any other player I would give the benefit of the doubt but this is Ramos he's entire game is built around intimidating the opp. Tbh I dont see anything wrong with that but what irks me is how much of a coward he is due to him always trying to get players sent off and whatnot. Sure VVD mightve shoved him but its not out of character for Ramos to leave a flailing elbow. If you have history for being a general C*nt on the pitch its expected to be called out.

Edit: yeah sorry Mike he meant the elbow.
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1) Ramos was pushed by VVD
2) if you're talking about Ramos you've missed the point. How does everyone including the medical team fail to spot a concussion.

Medical team are 50 meters away, how are they supposed to spot a possible concussion when you can barely see there's a blow to the head on a slow motion replay of a zoomed-in HD footage.

I see a lot of commentary focusing on lack of proper concussion protocols and while that might be true, even the most rigid protocol wouldn't help in this case, unless if you are willing to stop the game after every rough collision and review the footage and then investigate if the player is well. Which still might not be conclusive because it's not ilke they have MRI machine on the bench.
Medical team are 50 meters away, how are they supposed to spot a possible concussion when you can barely see there's a blow to the head on a slow motion replay of a zoomed-in HD footage.

I see a lot of commentary focusing on lack of proper concussion protocols and while that might be true, even the most rigid protocol wouldn't help in this case, unless if you are willing to stop the game after every rough collision and review the footage and then investigate if the player is well. Which still might not be conclusive because it's not ilke they have MRI machine on the bench.

By going up to the player and doing a god **** assessment. You don't need an mri to do this. Rugby does this every single game and spots the majority of concussions. Football is so backwards on this it actually makes me a bit sick. Rugby has far more collisions. ****. It's a game based on collisions. And it does a far better job. Absolutely no excuses for him not being checked out.
Any other player I would give the benefit of the doubt but this is Ramos he's entire game is built around intimidating the opp. Tbh I dont see anything wrong with that but what irks me is how much of a coward he is due to him always trying to get players sent off and whatnot. Sure VVD mightve shoved him but its not out of character for Ramos to leave a flailing elbow. If you have history for being a general C*nt on the pitch its expected to be called out.

This a 100 times. If this wasn't anyone but Ramos, I might have given benefit of a doubt. But we're talking about the most violent player of the modern era. ****** has 24 career red cards. Twenty ******* four. That's twice more than Roy Keane for god's sake.
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By going up to the player and doing a god **** assessment. You don't need an mri to do this. Rugby does this every single game and spots the majority of concussions. Football is so backwards on this it actually makes me a bit sick. Rugby has far more collisions. ****. It's a game based on collisions. And it does a far better job. Absolutely no excuses for him not being checked out.

Why would they do an assessment if they don't see that there was a blow to the head? And when are they supposed to do that assessment? There's a live game running. If the ref doesn't call a stop and player or his teammates don't signal the bench, what do you expect med team to do? They are not clairvoyant and not at fault here.

Rugby match has a different structure and it's much easier to fit concussion checks into it. It's not at all clear how to introduce rigid concussions checks into football without dramatically changing how entire match is conducted.
26 out of 30 tests for concussion in Loris Karius' head scan were positive following Sergio Ramos' elbow. (BILD)
Why would they do an assessment if they don't see that there was a blow to the head? And when are they supposed to do that assessment? There's a live game running. If the ref doesn't call a stop and player or his teammates don't signal the bench, what do you expect med team to do? They are not clairvoyant and not at fault here.

Rugby match has a different structure and it's much easier to fit concussion checks into it. It's not at all clear how to do introduce rigid concussions checks into football without dramatically changing how entire match is conducted.

He's quite literally said he's had a blow to the head

They have touchline feeds

Medics can ask the officials to stop play

Rugby matches don't have different structure. They have just learnt to take it seriously, unlike football

Concussion is a brain injury, if a player takes a heavy blow to the head, he should be assessed like any other injury

Anything else is bullshit excuses.
**** like this happens because football makes all the excuses for it. Do we need a player to die before we learn?
Even now m, the discussion is about Ramos and not how a player got through a game with concussion and no one spotted it, and how we should be trying to prevent it happening again