The Liverpool Thread

No idea is this is legit but I thought it was quite funny

Troy Deeney on facing Virgil Van Dijk: "Hate him. He's too big, too strong, too quick, too good on the ball, he loves fighting, good head of hair. And he's one of those guys who sprays on his top as well so he smells lovely."
Absolute scenes if Harry Wilson scores at Utd this evening.

’You Scouse Btard! You Scouse Btard!’ Haha.
Talking the quality depth we now have in abundance, it’ll be fascinating to see who we roll with Wednesday. Personally wouldn’t be bothered if he rotated all 10 outfielders so long as Alisson remained in nets. But Klopp being Klopp he’ll doubtless give the cry arsing Belgium clown a game.

Say something like-

Clyne/ Matip/ JMG/ Moreno
Keita/ Jones (Given Lallana’s not quite back)
Big Shaq/ Sturridge/ Mo or Mane.

That be what, 8 changes and still a real strong side that should have more than enough to deal with Chelsea’s changes.

Just the ‘leveler’ of Mignolet to be concerned about.

Ahh **** does that mean we start the game 1 nil down?
Whoever wins tomorrow evening, it’s really opened up for them now eary with 2 the big 6 gone the first round.
Unbelievable strike.

It’s a really strange story Wilson because that’ s literally all he does. The spectacular most every game he plays. And no matter if he’s having an off day, he has that uniquely invalauble knack of adding a goal or an assist regardless most every game.

His goals/ assist record the last few years since he returned from a bad injury have been phenominal. By common consensus he’s been by far and away the beat player the Country U23’s level for a few years now. Always been super talented coming through but it wasn’t unril he srarted adding the ridiculous numbers his game really elevated. (Still Wales youngest International.). Yet he’s never really had a look in under Klopp who has an open door to the first team squad from the Academy and is one of the best around witb young lads. So much so that he got bumped full time to the first team. Then demoted back to Kirkby.

I always thought it was probably gonna’ be his slight size or the only thing he lacks, genuime pace that would hold him back. The ridiculous technique has never been in question. But them he goes out to a struggling Hull side last year and tears it up the Championsh. Every challenge hes met head on and come through with flying colours.

Yet still hes flipped out again this yea

Its a really curious situation. On the face of it, as witnessed yet again tonight, he’s more than PL ready. So what gives day-to-day? I mean the club are still real high on him. Made sure he extended for another 5 years before they found the perfect loan situation for his continued development. But there’s still thst ? as to why when hes showing standout, difference making qualitys every challenge he faces?

Really curious situation this one.
Ergh ref was poor but we should have closed that game out. Hazard once again proving he is the best player in the league.
Klopp: I don't think I have Liverpool glasses on my nose, but it's offside. Not much. I don't expect the ref to see that, but VAR can have a look. Why use it if you don't want to make the decision?

Only in the premier league can refs be so ******* useless even with the addition of VAR.
Ergh ref was poor but we should have closed that game out. Hazard once again proving he is the best player in the league.

If Hazard was consistent he’d be at Madrid long ago.

He’s like watching Johnny Barnes when he’s on it. You just can’t get the ball off him. Couldn’t help but stand and applaud the brilliance of the winner the ground last night.

But he picks and choses when he can be arsed playing. Often against L’pool who he really seems to get up for and dominate like nobody else. Which has all gotten LONG past annoying. Conpletely with you he’s the best player the League ability wise but I’d argue the opposite until he does it on a consistent basis every week.
Klopp: I don't think I have Liverpool glasses on my nose, but it's offside. Not much. I don't expect the ref to see that, but VAR can have a look. Why use it if you don't want to make the decision?

Only in the premier league can refs be so ******* useless even with the addition of VAR.

Double joke. Never a free kick to start with. Even the lino didn’t give it. And then they take all that time looking at the replay and still don’t class Barkley off. But then Friend wasn’t giving us anything from the first whistle so it was no surprise.

That said, it still should have been defended a **** of a lot better. And we waisted more than enough chances so only ourselves to blame.

I think last night showed just how complex our system is and how regularly you need to be playing in it to have the rhythm and understanding. It’s sound having using the depth for one or two changes but when so many are coming in, not least with so little match fitness, it showed. Not least the first half hour when we were all over the show. I mean even Shakiri, who along with Mane was our best player for me, showed why hes still no threat at all to start regulatly just now to the front three. Great individual attacking play. But positionally he was continually a few steps out of line, along with not fully doing his defensive duty. Probably doesn’t show the telly but live it stands out massively with the shape from watching the normal three lads who are so in synch. Same Fabinho. Dead tidy the ball. But not hatd to see why he’s been held back right now. He just doesn’t know not only where he has to be, but where everone else has to be in the fuidity of our system to be able to drop in and cover. Say what yoo want about Henderson but thats why you go with his nounce and experience right now. He might be less technically gifted than Fabinho but he’s way more versed in our system to make organise and make sure everyone else is doing their jobs Poor Milner couldn’t play his own game last night for trying to sort everyone else out.

Which all leads into another massive downside of being out of the League Cup so early again. You just don’t see where most of those lads are going to get the regular minutes to get that rythum and understanding with even less games now?

On the plus side, although he did actually have a solid game for once, that wull hipefully be the last time we ever have to see Mignolet in nets again. And the less said about the continued brain dead lad who just NEVER learns, Alby, the better. Last night looked like our defending looked frim back this time ladt year around the Tottenham debacle. None of that 5 are in any danger of displacing Alisson, Trent, JMG, van Dijk or Andy Robbo any time soon lets put it that way. Makes you appreciate them even more looking at the night and day difference to those that replaced thm.

So this us what it feels like to wake up not having won? ..... Well this feeling can do one and quick!!!!!

Utterly ***** to be out of the first chance of much needed silverware and as mentioned, game time for many this season. To have it hapoen to them of all clubs makes it doubly depressing. Not gonna’ lie. That one hurts. BADLY wanted to get back to going far again in a boss competition but sadly not to be.

Congratulations Chelsea. Hazards magic deserved to win any game.

Expect a COMPLETELY different gang of Reds Sat’day tea-time
Real nice touch from Fabregas the end coming down the Kop applauding.

Dead classy that.
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If Hazard was consistent he’d be at Madrid long ago.

He’s like watching Johnny Barnes when he’s on it. You just can’t get the ball off him. Couldn’t help but stand and applaud the brilliance of the winner the ground last night.

But he picks and choses when he can be arsed playing. Often against L’pool who he really seems to get up for and dominate like nobody else. Which has all gotten LONG past annoying. Conpletely with you he’s the best player the League ability wise but I’d argue the opposite until he does it on a consistent basis every week.

But he has done that in 14/15 and 16/17. Just needs a year off in between ;)
Yeah if Hazard was consistent he'd be in the same bracket as Messi and Cristiano. If not higher. Arguably the only player in the world who is impossible to contain if he is in the mood.
But he has done that in 14/15 and 16/17. Just needs a year off in between ;)

Well done. One of them and a goal like that deserves to win any game.

Fixing to be a great game Sat’day. Be a completely different L’pool thats for sure. Jorginho for one won’t get anything like the time and space Fabregas was afforded last night.

Actually my first domestic away this season so a perfect one to start a mad week with the ‘fun’ of Naples Wednesday rounded off by the City game a week Sunday.