The Liverpool Thread

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Pity we don't have the luxury of being in camp in Austria and then France for over a month like last years perfect pre-season. But a fantastic development experience nonetheless for the 18's/ 21's contingent to be away with the first team. Special shout-out to Tom Hill for making the tour after 2-years out with his knee. Proper 'feel-good' story and great to have him back.

And a great opportunity for our Asian fans to see their heroes up close. The absolutely disgraceful greed of the pricing for Tuesday's game in particular not withstanding.
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Getting ready for Tuesday published at 10:18 9 July
10:18 9 July

Simon Stone, BBC Sport in Bangkok

I wandered up to the stadium for Tuesday's Manchester United v Liverpool game earlier.

There was a lot of rain in Bangkok last night, so I was interested to see how the pitch was holding up.

There were a few dark patches - we will have to see how it holds up to both teams training on it on Monday, and then the game on Tuesday.

There was a lot of work going on outside the stadium. I don't think they are quite ready yet.

At least they have sorted this very nice arch out though…



Year after year I feel more and more distanced from the football. This so called "friendly" between two bitter rivers is perfect example why.
You don't organize friendlies against your biggest rival if you care for fans. Its simply a money grab and with more time passing plus more friendlies like this - they will lose their weight. Its going to be just another game. Its going to be just another americanized, soulless sport.
I both appreciate and don't disagree with the sentiment. The main issue is the scandalous prices the sponsors have priced the game at for the locals. Which is sadly the vicious circle of the business of football period in this era. To attract the two major players to your Country, you need to pay them handsomely. So that money has to be recouped somehow. (Related- It broke just at the end of last week of Fulham charging their supporters up to £100 on the opening day against L'pool in an absolutely disgraceful move through a cost of living crisis.). I'd rather we never went on tours to the other side of the World selfishly speaking. But I understand why the club has to.

But L'pool- United will NEVER become 'just another game.'

I'll wager Tuesday, even accounting for it being so soon into pre-season, with both clubs just back a week/ fortnight respectively, will be the most intense game either club plays before the proper stuff starts. And for the mad support both clubs have out in that part of the World, the chance to see this game, albeit in 'friendly' form, couldn't be better for them if you asked them.
The might of this football club on a World wide scale is something else. Matched only by the club we are kicking off the exhibition season against Tuesday.


Another classy departure.

Perfect move for all parties. And another belter deal from Julian Ward who’s absolutely smashing his first window.

It’s been very strange to me to read many Liverpool fans openly questioning why L’pool are moving Neco on ….. When this is both Neco’s decision. As he reiterates here. And the simple reality of the situation being he was never going to sit backing up well arguably the best right full in World football when he’s an established, 21-cap International starting FB in his own right. And not least in a WC year where his Country has qualified for their first World Cup since 1958. Neco’s 21, and needs/ deserves to be playing regular, first-team football. And to do that in the PL, under his former youth coach Steve Cooper, is the perfect scenario for him.

I’ve been a massive champion of Neco right through here as, being an avid watcher of our youth teams, I’ve seen his development year-on-year and could see the undoubted, exciting potential he has. Not least through the absolutely disgraceful period when MANY proper low life beauts not fit to be called Liverpool fans, forced a young teenager, learning his trade, to black out all his socials down to the aborent abuse he received. But let’s be honest here, he’s been nothing more than a bit part player at Anfield. As anyone would be in the thankless task of backing up our generational talent at right fullback.

So for Ward to broker a fee of £ 17 million, for effectively our 3rd/ 4th choice reserve to Trent, is outstanding business.

For Neco to not settle for the odd League Cup game, and understanding that what is best for his career is to play regularly, even when that means dropping down massively in club size, is massively to his credit. Superb to see that in a young footballer and you can but wish him all the very best in what I’m sure will be a good career spent in the top divisions of the league.

Even if his next career step is at the horrible, hated scab btards in Nottingham! 🤬😛
I both appreciate and don't disagree with the sentiment. The main issue is the scandalous prices the sponsors have priced the game at for the locals. Which is sadly the vicious circle of the business of football period in this era. To attract the two major players to your Country, you need to pay them handsomely. So that money has to be recouped somehow. (Related- It broke just at the end of last week of Fulham charging their supporters up to £100 on the opening day against L'pool in an absolutely disgraceful move through a cost of living crisis.). I'd rather we never went on tours to the other side of the World selfishly speaking. But I understand why the club has to.

But L'pool- United will NEVER become 'just another game.'

I'll wager Tuesday, even accounting for it being so soon into pre-season, with both clubs just back a week/ fortnight respectively, will be the most intense game either club plays before the proper stuff starts. And for the mad support both clubs have out in that part of the World, the chance to see this game, albeit in 'friendly' form, couldn't be better for them if you asked them.
Even players were swapping kits after the game. It was "just another game".
Even players were swapping kits after the game. It was "just another game".

The more you try justify the silly original point that I think a whopping 4th friendly between the two giants since the 1930's is in danger of turning L'pool- Utd into 'just another game', isn't making it such mate.

But at least you're past the equally silly hissy fit from the other day so that's good. 🍻
Watched the game last night after the frustrating afternoon time difference.

The result aside, which doesn't matter at all in exhibition kick arounds, al- in-all, an enjoyable and good first run-out.

36 players used (Side note- Is that a record for one team in a friendly? 🤷🏼‍♂️) ..... No injuries ..... Some great showings from kids doing themselves no harm at all ..... Some real hard work into the legs in oppressive conditions ..... Post hit 3 times and countless other excellent chances created that on another day, further into pre-season when sharpness and rhythm is there, would have been taken. Just outdone the other end with individual errors. Which considering the majority only returned on this tour and have had a handful of sessions, is to be expected early doors.

As anticipated, after it worked so well early last pre-season to slowly build fitness back up, bar the goalies playing a half each, three completely different sides in 30 minute periods where you go flat out with everything you have. I really like that concept rather than players becoming goosed at the end of the half/ into the second and games petering out into bore fest's late on.

From the first group, only Phillips had a poor outing. Which is frustrating as every bit of game time is an important shop window for him. With Oxo-Chambo in the same shop window doing his rep. no harm. Great showing form the youth. Carvalho, Elliott and Morton in particular. Mbaya really good going forward too. Bad mistake for the opener but lest we forget he's just 17. And a natural midfielder still learning a fullback role he's transitioned really nicely into over the last season or so.

Pretty much total domination without scoring, with two messy mistakes leading to being 2 down against the run of play.

The 2nd group was a mess with more defensive mistakes. Only Curtis really did his cause no harm.

And then the third group returned to more or less complete domination for the last half hour with some great chances and Mo hitting the post. Adrián had next to nothing to do all half bar picking the ball out of the net after a break when Ibou lost possession and the middle was open for the counter.

A story of individual mistakes and missed chances that on another day reaps 4 or more goals .(I think the xG was 1.7- 1.5 in a 4-0 loss.).

More positives than negatives with the key objective of intense work into the legs ticked off after the earlier morning and afternoon work.

Roll on Friday and the third intense, extended training session of that day against Palace in Singapore.

After not feeling like I ever wanted to again after the trauma of Paris (And roll on the French Senates findings this morning and expected exoneration. If not a legacy biding one), it's great to watch the Reds play games of football again.

Really interesting loan this that again highlights just how highly our staff think of the Portuguese league.

And to throw Owen out to a top European league, on the back of giving him a 5-year extension this time last year in the Austrian pre-season camp, shows just how highly one of the 23’s top performers is rated at the Axa.

One of our youngsters who has a REAL chance of sticking long term here, it’ll be fun to see how his development continues in what looks the perfect league fit for a very technical, attacking full back.

Superb. Absolutely made up for a really solid young pro to finally start his career in earnest.

All the best mate. The 21's will miss your leadership. But your career comes first and beyond time it got started.