The Liverpool Thread

Only half-time but that was an excellent half. Im being proved wrong by Gravenberch because boy does he just glide on the pitch, just needs to tighten up his awareness and work-rate here and there but what project he will be. Endo has been excellent in every one of his outings and I hope Klopp sees a bit of sense and decides to drop the Macca number 6 experiment because it's not doing the lad and his confidence any good. I can see the sense in why he wants Macca as control in the 6 but he just isn't a defensive midfield in transitions and tracking runners/ tackling and it really shows when he is under the cosh. Hopefully, Endo gets a few starts in the league because he is looking very good in the role.
MOTM was between Endo and Gravenberch for me. The Gravenberch goal was peak Nunez for me and sometimes you cant help but laugh as he must be playing the game at a higher plane to all of us to crash it off the post for the assist lmao. Nice that he saw the funny side to it too.
Like Union, thats how group games should be. Put to bed with the minimum of fuss to allow players to shine under the European lights.

Yesterday’s Admin-

Current total game unbeaten run:
P 4 W 3 D 1 F 11 A 3 CS: 2
2 Straight Wins.

Current unbeaten home total games run:
P 15 W 13 D 2 F 42 A 12 CS: 7
7 Straight Wins.

3 wins out of 3 to all but box the group. Hopefully, a win next time out in Toulouse and we won’t have the very unneeded extra round in the Spring.

What is is with UEFA man? As if trying to limit the boss Toulouse fans in how they support there team wasn’t enough. (They’ll get a heavy fine for the pyro. Funny seeing the Police try to intervene and then think better of wading in.). Making the clubs perfect tribute to a really solid Scouser who never forgot his roots, Bill Kenwright (The choice of The Hollies classic was perfect. As was the heartfelt applause through it), happen 10 mins before KO so as not to take away from their anthem garbage was just ….. They are SO out of touch with the people they pertain to put first, actual supporters without which they’d have no money making machine, its untrue.

Thankfully, we’ll get to pay our respects to Sir Bobby on Sunday together and not with many people not in their seats like last night. 😡

Utterly mad to me how people ever doubted the strength of our squad based off one outlying season that had had a whole host of reasons behind it in context. I watched a full strength Utd on Tuesday labour to a home win over similarly average opposition. A Utd side with absolutely no identity. One of the worst coached Utd sides in living memory with a current manager who makes Solksjaer look competent. (At leat you could see what he was trying to do.). A Utd side that just relies on the totally unsustainable premiss that a moment of individual brilliance will drag them out of the mud. I’m referencing them, as many foolhardily got caught up in the blurred falseness of last season, and loudly proclaimed this summer our great rivals down the road had surpassed us. 🤦‍♂️ Contrast that to Jurgen’s new gang of ravenous Reds. A proper coached side who can comfortably make 8 changes, give a full and competitive debut respectively to two young left fulls, and not miss a beat in a really good display on the European stage.

We’ve something really special brewing again here and this group are primmed to go all out for everything again this year. I love that belief is just getting stronger and stronger across the whole squad by the passing game. I love that Chambers and Scanlon, who both did sound BTW on such a stage, are now a part of this journey. I love that Endo, a proper contender for MOTM, bagged his first goal to make him feel more and more a part of the joy going on at Anfield once more. I love that Gravenberch (Smiles knowingly), is making Bayern seriously question just what the heck they were playing at his time there totally ignoring him. I love that Darwin is giving me a mancrush on a footballer I’ve not had since Torres. I love that I’m feeling the same, youthful exuberance with this group as the beaming smile on the kite of the really young lad to my right last night lucky enough to take his place on pthis wondrous journey we are on again with another rapidly developing, brilliant, L’pool side.

Is it Sunday already to get more of the best drug money can buy?

UTR! FTT!!!!!
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Like I said before Scouse giving me Kiev season vibes. Looking forward to every game as you know it will be exciting to watch and the pressure of keeping up with City Juggernaut every game isn't really there. Although the squad themselves has high expectations of what they are capable of this season as evident from Szboss recent interview.
I hope Klopp drops the Macca as a six experiment for the time being and goes with Endo for now. You can tell the former is low in confidence and the latter is coming into his own getting used to the side and gaining confidence with each game.
I hope Klopp drops the Macca as a six experiment for the time being and goes with Endo for now. You can tell the former is low in confidence and the latter is coming into his own getting used to the side and gaining confidence with each game.

I personally don’t think it’s an ‘experiment’ mate. I think this is by design and not necessity. And I doubt you’ll see us buy a traditional 6, even if say Andre comes in, I think at best you’ll see Mac Allister in a double pivot back there like he was the majority of the time at Brighton.

We’re evolving the position (in this Country at least. He’s played every game since the WC for Argentina in the role), away from a sitter that we don’t need 99% of the time given we’ve evolved into a more possession based side that plays the majority of the game in the oppo’s half. (Not to mention the need for a sitter at home in particular is negated with the vast majority of trams just playing 1 up and sitting deep.). And a top ball player like Alexis, who also likes a ‘tattle, is perfect for progressing the play.

Where I completely disagree with you is I think Mac Allister has grown into the role and is plying some real good football the more experience he gets back there in our system. With the legs of the 8’s dropping in to allow him forward. All he lacks is pace but others compensate for that.

It started out as not ideal, but the more this develops and the more they get it down, the more comfortable everyone is looking to me.

Endo has his place in the squad and there’s always a need for a closer in games. But, and I might be wrong, I don’t think you’ll see us going down the road of a specialist 6 too often as we evolve Jurgens second great team.

It seems in this version, he wants to get as many attacking technical ball players, who also bring physicality, onto the pitch as possible.
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All the above said, I’ve no worries Endo or anyone playing today or any other game mate. We’ve a squad bang on it, brimming with quality depth, just loving being a part of this journey again in every competition. All showing they are more than capable whatever the game.

You aren’t concerned if ‘perceived’ starters play the league or cups as their replacements, like Endo, are killing it every chance they get.
Straight into these scab btards Red Men!

Talking about teams we have a rivalry with through the week, all the East Midlands meffs are up there. Particular Derby and Forest which is long standing hatred.

Time to unleash Darwin from the start. Think we lick these 3 or 4. Then, as P poor as Utd are, you wouldn’t be surprised to see then upset City as, like the Ev, they always raise it for the Manc Derby.

God I love not being able to wait for for games of L’pool football again!
And then perspective hits. Just as you thought football would be a nice distraction from the heartbreakingly horrific, on going genocide of the poor Palestinians, you wake to this.

Thoughts and prayers are with the Diaz family. 🙏🏻❤️

What a sad, sad World this currently is.

im convinced there are two Szoboszlai on the pitch, my god he was fantastic.
I personally don’t think it’s an ‘experiment’ mate. I think this is by design and not necessity. And I doubt you’ll see us buy a traditional 6, even if say Andre comes in, I think at best you’ll see Mac Allister in a double pivot back there like he was the majority of the time at Brighton.

We’re evolving the position (in this Country at least. He’s played every game since the WC for Argentina in the role), away from a sitter that we don’t need 99% of the time given we’ve evolved into a more possession based side that plays the majority of the game in the oppo’s half. (Not to mention the need for a sitter at home in particular is negated with the vast majority of trams just playing 1 up and sitting deep.). And a top ball player like Alexis, who also likes a ‘tattle, is perfect for progressing the play.

Where I completely disagree with you is I think Mac Allister has grown into the role and is plying some real good football the more experience he gets back there in our system. With the legs of the 8’s dropping in to allow him forward. All he lacks is pace but others compensate for that.

It started out as not ideal, but the more this develops and the more they get it down, the more comfortable everyone is looking to me.

Endo has his place in the squad and there’s always a need for a closer in games. But, and I might be wrong, I don’t think you’ll see us going down the road of a specialist 6 too often as we evolve Jurgens second great team.

It seems in this version, he wants to get as many attacking technical ball players, who also bring physicality, onto the pitch as possible.
I think I mentioned it before I understand why he wants Macca in the 6 role as the unit of choice of the midfield works so hard especially the Szboss that it negates the need for a specialist 6. However, it is not Macca's game for me and cuts out his main qualities. I think with Curtis out for the 3 games it would've been a good chance for him to be pushed further forward but it never happened for whatever reason. Games like today won't really highlight how much macca struggles in the role but against better opposition, he will be under the cosh a lot more, especially in transitions. Either way, it's good to have an Endo-like player in the squad who won't moan and will do an excellent job when put into the side.
The football club really ****** me off today. The quoted is from something I just read elsewhere but it makes the point.

’ ….. And ahead of the match there were also Palestine flags handed out by a group of
supporters around Anfield to those who wanted to display solidarity, despite a Premier League ban on showing flags from either that nation or Israel amid the ongoing Israeli-Hamas war.

Despite that, fans were repeatedly asked not to display those flags by directive from Liverpool and the Premier League. ….. '

This is fast becoming a serious issue. From being asked at the turnies to unzip your coat so they could check for flags. (‘Mate, F off! It’s cold. I aren’t unzipping for anyone!’ or heated words to that effect were being exchanged.). Through the club taking down loads of different Nation flags (the FA directive is just for Israel/ Palestine flags), as they have now made a ridiculous rod for their own back. Yet there were plainly 2 St Georges cross Forest flags at the front of the Road End which never got touched. What's the F difference? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Lad in front of us was challenged by the stewards for waving a Hungary flag for big Dom! The irony here on all this contradictory, selective bull is that they actively encouraged Ukraine flags to be flown in solidarity.

It was like being back in Thatcher;s Britain today as the club cow towed to the Tory line.

They need a serious rethink and quick as we’re not good at being told what to do when we want to exercise our right to stand up for what we believe in. This will get ugly fast if the club line is the same come Brentford.

’ At Anfield, football should never only be about the football.'

Anyone that doesn’t understand that, doesn’t understand our whole fan culture and the City the football club you’re a fan of represents.
The football club really ****** me off today. The quoted is from something I just read elsewhere but it makes the point.

’ ….. And ahead of the match there were also Palestine flags handed out by a group of
supporters around Anfield to those who wanted to display solidarity, despite a Premier League ban on showing flags from either that nation or Israel amid the ongoing Israeli-Hamas war.

Despite that, fans were repeatedly asked not to display those flags by directive from Liverpool and the Premier League. ….. '

This is fast becoming a serious issue. From being asked at the turnies to unzip your coat so they could check for flags. (‘Mate, F off! It’s cold. I aren’t unzipping for anyone!’ or heated words to that effect were being exchanged.). Through the club taking down loads of different Nation flags (the FA directive is just for Israel/ Palestine flags), as they have now made a ridiculous rod for their own back. Yet there were plainly 2 St Georges cross Forest flags at the front of the Road End which never got touched. What's the F difference? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Lad in front of us was challenged by the stewards for waving a Hungary flag for big Dom! The irony here on all this contradictory, selective bull is that they actively encouraged Ukraine flags to be flown in solidarity.

It was like being back in Thatcher;s Britain today as the club cow towed to the Tory line.

They need a serious rethink and quick as we’re not good at being told what to do when we want to exercise our right to stand up for what we believe in. This will get ugly fast if the club line is the same come Brentford.

’ At Anfield, football should never only be about the football.'

Anyone that doesn’t understand that, doesn’t understand our whole fan culture and the City the football club you’re a fan of represents.
I saw online that an Endo japanese themed flag was also confiscated. The FA are just covering their ***** sitting on the fence with their heads in the sand ******.
I think I mentioned it before I understand why he wants Macca in the 6 role as the unit of choice of the midfield works so hard especially the Szboss that it negates the need for a specialist 6. However, it is not Macca's game for me and cuts out his main qualities. I think with Curtis out for the 3 games it would've been a good chance for him to be pushed further forward but it never happened for whatever reason. Games like today won't really highlight how much macca struggles in the role but against better opposition, he will be under the cosh a lot more, especially in transitions. Either way, it's good to have an Endo-like player in the squad who won't moan and will do an excellent job when put into the side.

FWIW mate-
