UK General election 2010.

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Who do you think will win the UK general election 2010?

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Illegal immigrants work as Cleaners, Private Cab Drivers, and in Takeaways mostly. they can have those jobs for all I care. The Conservatives will probably win, thanks to their old fashioned views, and the aging population. can you imagine Cameron as PM though? It can only end in disaster.

In My Humble Opinion, the First part of that post is why the country is a mess. People didnt want to be cleaners, Cab drivers and Takeaway works among other jobs, they thought they where above it. so we got Foriegners to do these jobs, but the minute people find themselves out of work, In the Global economic problems. I do that Job, There all took by Foriegner, "british Job for British Worker" **** came out. If you wont do a perfectly good job whilst it is there, Becuase your above it, dont whine when Some Foriegner will.
sorry i just read throught i did sound rascist its just i agree with some of Bnp's Ideas and Labour FTW!!!!

Who doesn't disagree with every single one of there ideas, there not completely unintelligent, they need to attract people. admittedly some of them do sound attractive but at the end of the day they are a bunch of tarted up racist chimpanzees who wont do anything good for the country other than isolate it from the real world with insanely narrow minded opinions.

Though i dislike both parties much rather labour won than conservatives .
In My Humble Opinion, the First part of that post is why the country is a mess. People didnt want to be cleaners, Cab drivers and Takeaway works among other jobs, they thought they where above it. so we got Foriegners to do these jobs, but the minute people find themselves out of work, In the Global economic problems. I do that Job, There all took by Foriegner, "british Job for British Worker" **** came out. If you wont do a perfectly good job whilst it is there, Becuase your above it, dont whine when Some Foriegner will.

you're right. but when you've been educated, yet those are the only options open to you, you're quite right to demand better opportunities. and that includes immigrants. the thing is, there are extremely limited opportunities in Britain, all companies focus on is cutting costs and maximizing profit, which in my opinion is wrong. people come first over obscene profit.
you're right. but when you've been educated, yet those are the only options open to you, you're quite right to demand better opportunities. and that includes immigrants. the thing is, there are extremely limited opportunities in Britain, all companies focus on is cutting costs and maximizing profit, which in my opinion is wrong. people come first over obscene profit.

yeah thats a fair point. I not having a go at people for wanting better Oppurtinity or more from there life, i knew would want more, when i am at that stage, But it is just all the whining that comes after about these jobs.
2 heads are better than one, right? than why do most businesses have one person doing the job of 3, often with unpaid overtime? that is what really annoys me regarding employment. if one party addresses that, they've got my vote. for now I'm a floater, and might not even vote at all.
2 heads are better than one, right? than why do most businesses have one person doing the job of 3, often with unpaid overtime? that is what really annoys me regarding employment. if one party addresses that, they've got my vote. for now I'm a floater, and might not even vote at all.

Is some Business that isnt possible. Like where i work is just a small indepdent Shop. i may only be part time, i have to do tasks, that i arent really qualified to do and work Unpaid overtime occassionaly, Maybe only 30minutes after each shift, or do in during my holiday to help some-one out. I wont get any extra for it, but i know as a fact,the business needs all the money it can get. as it is struggling to stay afloat. Now if he tried to employ someone to help me, which i do need. he could kill him off, so i keep going. Not bad being a Weekend Manager at 18 is it.
yeh, that's because the tax man and the bank manager take all the cash. if the Muslims got their way and introduced sharia law, at least loan interest would be illegal.
yeh, that's because the tax man and the bank manager take all the cash. if the Muslims got their way and introduced sharia law, at least loan interest would be illegal.

I think Paying Tax is a good idea, To be honest. Our Country is an Mess, A ****** mess, Which ever government gets power, i think Tax levels shoukd stay the same, But everyone shuld pay tax, Students( that i will get slated for), People earning anything. I am 18, an A-level stdent, and i voluntery pay Tax. I think of it, as every penny i give the Government could keep a hospital open, which then could result in saving my life or someone else. Maybe keep a teacher in a job, where more kids get educated. Hence i think Tax improves the Country.

I am with you, with Banks, there interest rates are ******* Massive. SHould be reduced at least
I think tax is important to keep the country running. But its got a bit out of hand. Every wage slip I get theres a big chunk took between tax and National Insurance. I dont even know what nation Insurance does but I dont want to pay it. But for every wage I loose a good few hours wages to tax.
I think tax is important to keep the country running. But its got a bit out of hand. Every wage slip I get theres a big chunk took between tax and National Insurance. I dont even know what nation Insurance does but I dont want to pay it. But for every wage I loose a good few hours wages to tax.

National Insurance, is an insurnace that pays for people who are Unemployed or in need or help. so if you wheere ever signing on, or anything like that, You would be having Money from that fund.
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National Insurance, is an insurnace that pays for people who are Unemployed or in need or help. so if you wheere ever signing on, or anything like that, You would be having Money from that fund.

That is one of things it goes towards but isn't really the main thing.

It really is more to do with paying into the state pension.
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Woo, got my polling card today through the post. exciting stuff! Can't wait to vote! :) This is my first time voting in a General Election.
Why do people say British jobs for British people? What exactly is a British job? :S Surely defining a job as British is racist? Denying somebody a job because of their nationality is racism.. How can people not see that?

National Insurance, is an insurnace that pays for people who are Unemployed or in need or help. so if you wheere ever signing on, or anything like that, You would be having Money from that fund.

That's not really what NI is for, it's for State pensions, long term sick pay and jobseekers allowance which are all things most of us will need in this economic climate. Tax is what can go towards public services etc. although usually it goes towards **** DVD's, cleaning moats and snickers bars.. But hey..

Woo, got my polling card today through the post. exciting stuff! Can't wait to vote! :) This is my first time voting in a General Election.

Have you decided who you are voting for?
Why do people say British jobs for British people? What exactly is a British job? :S Surely defining a job as British is racist? Denying somebody a job because of their nationality is racism.. How can people not see that?

A job in Britain?

Although I don't wholly agree with the British Jobs for British People thing, I do think that British people should be chosen if they are equally as skilled and with the right qualifications for the job, ahead of a "foreign" candidate.

Can't get that sentence to make much more sense than it does there, sorry. Not saying I am against foreign people getting a job - just if it is out of two candidates, both with equal skills and qualifications - one British, one not, then I'd prefer it to be given to the British candidate.

I realise I just repeated myself, just trying not to appear racist.
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Well then doesn't that mean every British person working abroad shouldn't be allowed to because they are ruining their economy too?..

I just answered your question. I think when people are saying British jobs they mean jobs in the rest of my post and you will see my thoughts on the issue.