UK Riots

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I have a rather large stick I trimmed off a tree in my garden, I might be able to go and poke them with it...

However I value my life and know that my poke will be responded to by 100 knives coming out and I really don't fancy an evening run-for-my-life at this time.

It's very isolated, the incident is in a singular estate and it looks like from what I'm hearing that it's just burnt out cars/tires at the moment.

If they come to West Bridgford and try to rob my house, rest assured I will use 'reasonable self defence' on them.

Just hearing they have pillaged and smashed up Primark in Notts City Centre...These people really have 'taste' don't they.

If they burn down Republic I shall be rather peeved.

Amazing how even when they have free reign, they still rob Primark - The cheapest shop.
Can confirm rioting in Liverpool's Toxteth area. Bins set on fire blocking roads, at least 4 cars on fire and a bus. I can see plumes of smoke out of my window and the police helicopter is hovering overhead
Waltham Cross now burning, furthest North (of London) we've had for a bit

Sony Centre now seriously bad:

This is mad.. Soon half the country is going to be on fire. You've got to wonder if Dave has a plan or if hes just going to deploy more Police to watch people loot.
Crowd in Liverpool now moving out of Toxteth, past the woman's hospital towards the city centre down upper parliment street
eugh the only bit of manchester i could see this happening is moss side/longsight both areas which have had money pumped into them by the government, if there is riots there it proves how stupid people are
Why do I get the feeling I'll be reporting tomorrow about Preston :/

We need the weather to seriously **** it down. A good thunderstorm would sort them out ;)
What started as a innocent in Tottenham is now esculating nationwide and for what? To me it's just a bunch of moron's with nothing better to do during the school holidays.

It won't be too long before someone is killed in these riots, am surprised it has taken this long to be honest. Fires are being created here there and everywhere and that is a scary thought as these kids don't have a clue what the buildings could contain.

All I know is Essex Police, Fire and Ambulance services are on stand by (well the ones that aren't already in London) incase the violence begins here as well which being a neighbouring county to London, I shouldn't expect it to take to much longer before it does with some reports suggesting small groups have already started to cause problems in some town area's. Doesn't look like I shall be getting any sleep tonight thats for sure.
only a matter of time before olympic facilities get torched
daah well maybe another year for the olympics still i say deploy the army an give these (insert insulting name here) back what theyve caused to the normally decent people of london
never been more ashamed to be a londoner
This is mad.. Soon half the country is going to be on fire. You've got to wonder if Dave has a plan or if hes just going to deploy more Police to watch people loot.

If the riots in other city starts to kick off to the size of the London one, Cameron has no choice but to in force marshal law and call in the army to sort them out imo.
Ken Livingston on BBC, shut up. You know nothing, this isn't about politics, this is ridiculous animalistic behaviour.

We need this stopping and stopping now. The fact it's still happening astounds me.

An attempt to gain political support for himself no doubt.
People in Liverpool have no need to riot.

Neither have people in Birmingham.

---------- Post added at 02:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 AM ----------

There is gonna be a civil war in England by Friday, if they don't send in the army.
Thatcher should make a political comeback for a few weeks!
more and more reports I'm hearing that Manchester has been hit by trouble now
There is gonna be a civil war in England by Friday, if they don't send in the army.