UK Riots

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Apparently a man had been shot in East Acton earlier today/yesterday. Cannot confirm, but will try and get a link if I can.

Mmm, dunno about that, very strongly doubt it was to do with the riots even if it did happen, East Acton is right next door to me.

---------- Post added at 03:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:17 AM ----------

A convoy of 10 of these are heading out in London:

I imagine a lot of bricks shall be shat.

You know what, i'm dissapointed in you guys, I keep on seeing stuff I knew ages ago! ;)

These beasts were at the riots on the very 1st day, well, I saw at least one
Mmm, dunno about that, very strongly doubt it was to do with the riots even if it did happen, East Acton is right next door to me.

---------- Post added at 03:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:17 AM ----------

You know what, i'm dissapointed in you guys, I keep on seeing stuff I knew ages ago! ;)

These beasts were at the riots on the very 1st day, well, I saw at least one

Nobody gives a **** who posted or reports it first. This isn't a competition.


So that 'defence' I was talking about at the bridges, they have cordoned up a line of riot police on one bridge but on a footbridge they have 2 police cars and 3 officers...

Wonder which route the anarchistic youths will take...

Hope we dump the lot of them in the Trent and they can drown in their own stupidity.
Nobody gives a **** who posted or reports it first. This isn't a competition.

I was joking! sorry, probably should've made it clearer or added a smiley at the end of 2nd sentence too :P
Just had a thought. Wasn't William Hague the most senior figure while David was away? If so, he kept ****** quiet didn't he?
he was on bbc news at about 10 wasnt he?

Don't know to be honest. Been watching everything on Sky and talking about it on here tbh. Must've missed him if he was. Only seen press releases by police spokespeople and a woman
We had stupid **** like this back in '01. I remember a bunch of arseholes claiming they were looting because they were 'hungry' while they took a TV and a playstation from a supermarket. Idiots.
As a Spaniard, I didn't have a single clue of why all of this started, I've just seen that there are riots and all that.

And whan I have taken a look to this thread I am hugely surprised; have all of that seriusly started for this reason, the guy who got shot?
That's crazy.
So luckily the police seemed to contain them, made a fair few arrests apparently.

Just seen the London dep mayor on sky news spinning the usual 'police are brave and can cope with it'. They are brave and I respect them more than most but they will surely be tired by now, he also said that there were 7k officers out across London last night and that he was hoping for more tonight...

More to do what?

Loot some place then run away from the police with sticks?

Waste of time, what needs to come out of this COBRA meeting is either some form of water cannon/tear gas/military intervention.

600+ arrests made in the past few days but there is always another 600 waiting to come in and stir up anarchy. It would be embarrassing to have to put army officers/vehicles out on the streets but it's the only way to teach these kids some respect. The arrogance/audacity is ridiculous of these kids, some of them aren't kids as well alot of them are anarchists taking advantage of the situation.

I would have no problem with live ammunition being involved, they are beating people up/stealing/looting/provoking/burning they are frankly asking for it.

Shoot 20-30 of them dead and that will stop the riots dead.

Some sort of proper force needs to be adopted here, you can't rely on Police public order units to go out night after night chasing kids around the streets it's just not plausible.

A curfew is what I fear will come in but that punishes everyone, just get some tear gas/tasers out at the very least...

If a 12 year old gets hospitalised because of the tear gas so be it, he shouldn't be smashing up someone else's property.

As for the developments I'm hearing about 3 people running over a policeman and nearly killing him then that is just ridiculous behaviour.

I call these people ETS and always have, they are Expendable To Society. No great loss if they are killed in whatever fashion, a few less drugs on the streets and a few less welfare cheques to hand out.

I'm genuinely tired of it now, I went outside this morning to get some milk from the shop around 100 yards down the road and there is just spray paint on the roads and bins tossed over.

There people sicken me normally so when they start attacking/burning/looting my country then it really angers me.

I have now got to get up and head to work in around 30-40 minutes after having...3 hours sleep at best.

They don't realise (maybe they do) what a big impact they are having on EVERYONE's lives.

If there is no military support logistical or otherwise then it's another example of a political cop out.

Fully expect the friendly to be called off as well, what an embarrassing message to send out to World Football.
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Absolute ******* madness! I'd like to see them try and loot Buckingham Palace, they'd get killed, then maybe people will realise that it's just not worth it. We need Water Cannons and CS Gas! Rubber bullets... Armor Piercing bullets! This has got to stop, this is how civil wars start.
Crystal Palace v Crawley (Carling Cup) is called of tonight.
Breaking news on Sky News
Really starting to worry me, cant see how all this is going to end, I'd send in the troops to sort the thugs out!!

Even more annoying when it starts to interfere with the football fixtures!
Absolute ******* madness! I'd like to see them try and loot Buckingham Palace, they'd get killed, then maybe people will realise that it's just not worth it. We need Water Cannons and CS Gas! Rubber bullets... Armor Piercing bullets! This has got to stop, this is how civil wars start.

It already is one, there was an article in the Guardian or summing saying this is happened as a way for the underclass to revolt.