UK Riots

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We'll see tonight anyway when there will be 15k+ police on the streets on London.. Maybe a few yobs will get their heads smashed in by the police, then there will be an inquest in to police brutality. It's really makes my blood boil that we are just too soft. It seems like we're just leaving it to swizzle out on its own, we need to fight back.
More police, more aggressive policing (without resorting to extremes like tear gas), etc.

How ever many police you have, they will still be outnumbered by the rioters. Also, it takes more than one policeman to arrest someone who is rioting, mainly because they are running on adrenaline and are going ape ****. They can't be more aggressive, because if one tiny thing goes wrong, like someone falls over and breaks their arm, the police will get in ****, policemen will lose their jobs, all because people cant understand that the police are there for a reason, they are to protect people that need protecting. Rioters should be battered by the police, or army, because they are putting innocent peoples lives in danger. Not only that, but they are completely ruining areas where people live/work, which is going to have a much longer lasting effect on regular people than someone nicking 50 dvd's from HMV.

At the end of the day, if people see this going on for too long without major repercussions, they will think they can get away with it, we need to crack down on it, and hard.
Yes I have. It's a difficult situation where they're damned if they and damned if they don't. Personally I don't think they've reacted quick enough to some areas (which will be helped simply by putting more police on the streets) and when they have reacted, I think a lot of them are being too cautious.

But there's a difference between being more cautious and throwing tear-gas at them. That isn't going to help anyone IMO - it just encourages the rioters to react with more violence and missiles.

have you experience tear gas? trust me you do not get encouraged to fight back, it is brutal stuff. they need to be allowed to go into full riot control. Softly Softly will not break the riots. There needs to a be a point where they both clash and the rioters get beaten back and forced to retreat.
No water cannon? Lame. Has Cameron contacted the makers of Super Soakers? Wetter is Better n all that.

****** me off that these rioters can do what they like knowing a copper can do **** all to them.
BBC News reports that a 26 year old man who was shot last night in Croydon has died in hospital this morning. Time for action is now I say, David Cameron pull your finger out and make them decisions your paid to make before more innocent citizens are hurt/killed.
i'm sorry but if this is an 'underclass revolt' why are they trashing their own areas like peckham hackney toxteth etc, and not going and trashing sloane square? the (very) rich are hardly affected by what they're doing

What about Ealing? That isn't a poor area.

My brother said that apparently there's people looting JJB in Burnley town centre. If they are then how sad! I don't think there's even any stock/anything worth stealing left in JJB.

Bordering up the shops too.
Yep I said the same re water cannon, none in mainland UK. When I said S019 I meant rubber bullets but I wouldn't protest live ammunition to send a warning. Those monster armoured vans Joel showed were very effective last night in running away mobs. Tear gas is obviously needed, to me it's a no brainer. Heres my argument, if this was Islamist terrorists causing this damage, what would the response be? Whatever it would be I want it applied here, rubber bullets will cause casualties but frankly I don't give a shiny dung. As far as I'm concerned anyone out on the streets rioting tonight is essentially fair game to the police. Whatever it takes to stop the ungrateful sods, THAT's what I pay extortionate taxes for.
How ever many police you have, they will still be outnumbered by the rioters. Also, it takes more than one policeman to arrest someone who is rioting, mainly because they are running on adrenaline and are going ape ****. They can't be more aggressive, because if one tiny thing goes wrong, like someone falls over and breaks their arm, the police will get in ****, policemen will lose their jobs, all because people cant understand that the police are there for a reason, they are to protect people that need protecting. Rioters should be battered by the police, or army, because they are putting innocent peoples lives in danger. Not only that, but they are completely ruining areas where people live/work, which is going to have a much longer lasting effect on regular people than someone nicking 50 dvd's from HMV.

At the end of the day, if people see this going on for too long without major repercussions, they will think they can get away with it, we need to crack down on it, and hard.

Couldn't have said it better myself! Well said!
For those calling for the army, there's a lot of judicial problems about deploying the army against the populace. Martial law in Britain isn't necessarily what we need,but it is being considered.
Yep I said the same re water cannon, none in mainland UK. When I said S019 I meant rubber bullets but I wouldn't protest live ammunition to send a warning. Those monster armoured vans Joel showed were very effective last night in running away mobs. Tear gas is obviously needed, to me it's a no brainer. Heres my argument, if this was Islamist terrorists causing this damage, what would the response be? Whatever it would be I want it applied here, rubber bullets will cause casualties but frankly I don't give a shiny dung. As far as I'm concerned anyone out on the streets rioting tonight is essentially fair game to the police. Whatever it takes to stop the ungrateful sods, THAT's what I pay extortionate taxes for.

Are you ******* kidding me? You want the police/army to start using live ammunition​ against protesters?
Yep I said the same re water cannon, none in mainland UK. When I said S019 I meant rubber bullets but I wouldn't protest live ammunition to send a warning. Those monster armoured vans Joel showed were very effective last night in running away mobs. Tear gas is obviously needed, to me it's a no brainer. Heres my argument, if this was Islamist terrorists causing this damage, what would the response be? Whatever it would be I want it applied here, rubber bullets will cause casualties but frankly I don't give a shiny dung. As far as I'm concerned anyone out on the streets rioting tonight is essentially fair game to the police. Whatever it takes to stop the ungrateful sods, THAT's what I pay extortionate taxes for.

not live ammo, people forget that the bullets keep on travelling even though they are fired into the air, they will come down somewhere, and thats just dangerous in a city like london

Riot police need to start doing this (0:20)! Thing is though then the public will start complaining that they're being too harsh.
Are you ******* kidding me? You want the police/army to start using live ammunition​ against rioters?
Fixed. And I honestly would not mind, protecting people and their businesses would be my priority. It's a thin moral line but I would happily have a couple gunned down if it would disperse the rest.
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Most major militaries in the world are trained in crowd and riot control techniques (I know the Army is trained in such ways. Don't know much about the Marine Corps)... So, I can't see why the British Army shouldn't be called in. However, the British Army is paid a fraction of what the London Police is being paid, so, that could be an obstacle. If there are any more problems, just call the Syrians for tips.
Fixed. And I honestly would not mind, protecting people and their businesses would be my priority. It's a thin moral line but I would happily have a couple gunned down if it would disperse the rest.

Oh OK that's fine then.

There I was thinking you wanted the police to fire live ammunition in the air, but no - you want the police to "gun them down".

Cool, let's just kill them. I mean, it's completely reasonable that in a country with no capital punishment, we can just kill thieves on the streets instead.
I've always called the kids rioting 'ETS'. Expendabe To Society. So if a situation arises with an armed officer and the mob wont disperse and civilians are in immediate danger without causing collateral damage to anyone else then by all means open fire. Don't confuse these idiots with protesters, as far as I'm concerned anyone involved has devoid themselves of human rights the second they started burning/looting/beating up in communities. Protect people/business at all costs, the people who contribute to society and aren't selfish state reliant 'estate gangstas'.
According to Lilly Allen "the youth are frustrated and I can see why". And it's OUR responsibility to look after future generations. Really? Isn't that down to the parents?
Hardly a loss if some of these losers are gunned down anyway, would absolutely send a message to the others but in this country it would never happen.

According to Lilly Allen "the youth are frustrated and I can see why". And it's OUR responsibility to look after future generations. Really? Isn't that down to the parents?

Everyone can get an education and set up a business. They can do something for themselves rather than relying on someone harder working/more successful than them to hold their hand all the way. There's a lot worse places to be than the UK, and not just Africa/Middle east, mainland Europe countries. Go live in Greece for a while and see how hopeless things are for the UK.