UK Riots

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Here is the big argument against live round warning shots. Where do you think the bullets go? depending on the calibre of weapon, they will travel in a parabolic arc for upto a mile. what is a warning shot over the heads of protesters 200 metres away can be a fatal accidental shot to some passer by.
My point is, would you like to tell that to the peoples livelihoods/jobs they have ruined/burned?

And the people's houses/flats they have broken into and in some cases burned.

I am a humanitarian and absolutely not right wing but in this sort of instance I just find them despicable human beings and they only respond to violence.

Put it this way: Whatever method, if any of these rioters get killed by police in anyway I really wouldn't give it a second's thought.

What's this got do with being right wing? It's not as if National Socialists, Mao and Stalin were kind to their own.
Stops the kids looting the next business...

---------- Post added at 02:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ----------

I don't know it would be a murky area, 5 vs you and a 90 year old woman.

Her life/house was in immediate danger, you could definitely argue it was in self defence.

Still agree with your point if I was an actual firearms officer that would obviously go through my head.

No other way of stopping these vandals, they would just run off and go rob another 90 year old lady.

Arrest them and make sure they go into the country's worst jail. If they're too young for jail, borstels. It's obvious the parents are doing sweet sod all, so just take them away from them.
Need to clarify one disparity because I am starting to sound like a right wing nutjob probably, we need to realise these are rioters not protesters.

These youths have no cause, I see them most days around Nottingham city centre with a 'swagger' as they probably go to get their welfare cheques and probably sell/buy some drugs.

They need a reality check that they aren't the biggest/baddest people out there.

Only way to get through to these people is violence, they're to stupid to understand sense obviously so therefore the next step is respond with violence/containment from the police.

I don't want to see police out with their camcorders recording it we pay taxes for them to STOP it (if they can), hopefully with the 16k out tonight they have the capacity to stop it rather than just arrest in the aftermath.
If someone dies from police brutality tonight, then so what? I won't be on my conscience, simply put, they shouldn't have been there in the first place for it to happen. I saw a lad get a crack over the head on the news this morning and I felt good about it.


They just need to do that to everyone who opposes them!
Arrest them and make sure they go into the country's worst jail. If they're too young for jail, borstels. It's obvious the parents are doing sweet sod all, so just take them away from them.

I would say that if I had faith in this countrys justice system...

They would get 'community service' most likely, the irony.
You would have to kill them all if you wanted to stop them from looting places, or you could gas the **** out of them and arrest them.

He was shot, I wouldn't be so sure it's part of the same thing. Looting =/= shooting people.

They were 'looting' his car...
Anyways off to Uni. Hope this doesn't get much worse.
Idea: Could we give police Samurai swords?

Light, transportable and unlike bullets they are more accurate at killing/maiming the target you want to hit.

Just a thought alongside my lion/lion tamer combo from earlier...
Idea: Could we give police Samurai swords?

Light, transportable and unlike bullets they are more accurate at killing/maiming the target you want to hit.

Just a thought alongside my lion/lion tamer combo from earlier...

You've lost the plot!
Happy medium- Paintball guns?

That way there's no chance of anyone dying and no one can complain about police brutality...

I'm running out of options here, only alternative to that is super soakers filled with some sort of putrid skunk smell to spray on them.

Idea: Put smart water in water guns and use them. That way you can track them down the next day with no fuss/denials.
We should send this guy over to you.
He is a Garda (police officer) and famously took his jacket off and waded into a riot battering people in his shirt and trousers XD


View attachment 190709
Found there was indeed trouble in Newcastle last night. Idiots attacked a mosque.
This is how Russia keeps a communist regime in charge for 90+ years:


We could learn a thing or two...

Note to self, always make sure to put a chairlift on top of an armoured car.
The Kaiser Chiefs warned us 3 years ago what was going to happen.