UK Riots

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Shooting them is only going to increase public unrest, cause anger at the government and not just from the rioters. It's a stupid idea.
All I will say is IF the Met fails tonight then that will be a big worry.

This is the sort of thing that causes resignations at the top of civil service/policing.

They have deployed all available Met officers and if this fails the only solution left will be the army.

Surely we could use the sandbag bullets by the way?

I just hope the footage we see later this evening is people getting some form of police brutality and ending up with bloodied faces and carted off in police vans.

This has already gone too far, if it escalates tonight to a point of all out anarchy across London districts like Whitehall then I'm sorry but it's 'army time'.

I know the army are stretched etc etc but what's the alternative if this continues and escalates tonight when the Met has all resources deployed?

There's nothing else they can do is they fail tonight bar gunning them down with automatic rifles so the only option is get the army in.

This is all a game for these kids and they need to wake up to reality and if that means they get a good 'kick in' then by all means Mr Policeman kick away.

Tonight will be crucial, I'm guessing the extra 10k police will stop it but then again if the youths get more youths involved from the estates across London then there will be serious trouble.
Even though I'm not British, I've arrived Sunday and have been affected by this as well. Honestly, I can't see why the army wouldn't intervene. Every single one of those guys (are they even humans?) doesn't deserve anything but a kick ***... I also have to say that the PM's holidays must have been really good, with the time he took to return to the country he should be running... But whatever... It's obvious that no one wins with this. Tourists are scared and may come back and anticipate their journeys, residents are scared as well and I hope that those things the media calls rioters get scared as well...
MP's asking BlackBerry to disable Blackberry messenger. Rofl, sure, erm whatsapp, facebook, twitter would you also mind closing for a few days pwetty pwease?

Get real, get the army in.
I agree that something has to be done, but shooting/killing people isn't the answer, unless you fancy a civil war.

They need something that deters them from rioting, rather than something that may fuel their anger, which could lead to more rioting, or even worse.

You don't need to fire live rounds straight away, but if things carry on and other methods have failed I wouldn't mind live rounds being fired. If you are stupid enough to carry on this nonsense when you have been warned that you may be shot then you deserve to die.
What deters them from rioting is proper sentencing of crimes, and the time in prisons being hard and not a ******* holiday camp with xboxes, pool tables etc. We've missed those chances so let's just cut our losses, kill these scum who will never do anything useful and just ruin anything/everything they get near, and start again.

this is just as retarded as the people looting in the first place
We all know who we need...
I could be wrong but do the army have enough riot gear suites to wear?

I imagine the morons who did the defence cuts saw them as 'unnecessary' that's all.

But yeah completely with Jake, if there is the kit out there then suit up the army in gear and let them loose.
You don't need to fire live rounds straight away, but if things carry on and other methods have failed I wouldn't mind live rounds being fired. If you are stupid enough to carry on this nonsense when you have been warned that you may be shot then you deserve to die.

to repeat myself:

Here is the big argument against live round warning shots. Where do you think the bullets go? depending on the calibre of weapon, they will travel in a parabolic arc for upto a mile. what is a warning shot over the heads of protesters 200 metres away can be a fatal accidental shot to some passer by.
to repeat myself:

Here is the big argument against live round warning shots. Where do you think the bullets go? depending on the calibre of weapon, they will travel in a parabolic arc for upto a mile. what is a warning shot over the heads of protesters 200 metres away can be a fatal accidental shot to some passer by.

Shooting in the air=Good in Libya with miles of desert.

Shooting in the air in London with all the tall buildings/high rises and densely populated areas=Bad idea.

Bean bag bullets/Plastic bullets would be my choice, less velocity and less collateral damage as a result.
I could be wrong but do the army have enough riot gear suites to wear?

I imagine the morons who did the defence cuts saw them as 'unnecessary' that's all.

But yeah completely with Jake, if there is the kit out there then suit up the army in gear and let them loose.

If not the army then Her Majestys finest prison officers certainly have the gear. I live near a maximum security prison and many friends and family members deal with this sort of thing all the time, albeit in a contained environment.

I have no doubt that if my 18 stone cousin in full prison riot gear charged at some chavvy little **** throwing makeshift molotov cocktails there would only be one winner.
ladyarse ladyarse

People calling for the army to go in with plastic bullets and watercannons should ask people in Northern Ireland, see how that turned out

Have any of the people calling for rubber bullets ever even seen one?

Don't let the word 'rubber' fool you, these are hunking big lumps of rock hard rubber


to repeat myself:

Here is the big argument against live round warning shots. Where do you think the bullets go? depending on the calibre of weapon, they will travel in a parabolic arc for upto a mile. what is a warning shot over the heads of protesters 200 metres away can be a fatal accidental shot to some passer by.

Of course I see your point but live shots will of course be that the last resort. Put a curfew in place and warn people what is going to happen. If they have any sense any innocent people will stay inside.

My main point is that something needs to be done and if things carry on the way they are I wouldn't mind live shots being fired at these thugs. I wouldn't be upset if a couple of scum were shot and showed everyone what could happen. I know that it will never happen though.
ladyarse ladyarse

People calling for the army to go in with plastic bullets and watercannons should ask people in Northern Ireland, see how that turned out

Have any of the people calling for rubber bullets ever even seen one?

Don't let the word 'rubber' fool you, these are hunking big lumps of rock hard rubber


I imagine if you get hit by one of those you don't feel like rioting so much any more. ;)
And if they (MP's/Police civvy controllers) had any sense, the armoured vehicles, the specialist personell and gear used in Northern Ireland should already be arriving in London, or at the very least be on it's way.
Of course I see your point but live shots will of course be that the last resort. Put a curfew in place and warn people what is going to happen. If they have any sense any innocent people will stay inside.

My main point is that something needs to be done and if things carry on the way they are I wouldn't mind live shots being fired at these thugs. I wouldn't be upset if a couple of scum were shot and showed everyone what could happen. I know that it will never happen though.

These bullets can and will travel through glass and wood, thats windows and doors. Its a non starter, and when you consider the density of people in london, its just downright reckless.
ladyarse ladyarse

People calling for the army to go in with plastic bullets and watercannons should ask people in Northern Ireland, see how that turned out

Have any of the people calling for rubber bullets ever even seen one?

Don't let the word 'rubber' fool you, these are hunking big lumps of rock hard rubber


They would get a few mechanical injuries like broken ribs etc, would disperse crowds and deter people.

Rubber bullets+Tear gas is the only option we have to save citizens/businesses rather than containing it.

They tried 'containing it' last night, tonight they need to stop it with the extra 10k officers they have.