UK Riots

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Can't believe some of the scaremongering thats going on on Twitter. As if people aren't scared enough as it is. How scared do they think elderly or disabled people would get if they read it? Bunch of idiots
It's working with the police force isn't it or something in regards to the riots?

As far as I know Blackberry said the police could look through their BBM archives or something but as for suspending the service, I can't see it. I mean there is a thing called texting which is also pretty much free too!
As far as I know Blackberry said the police could look through their BBM archives or something but as for suspending the service, I can't see it. I mean there is a thing called texting which is also pretty much free too!
They could suspend every form of social networking but by now the yobs will know to meet in and around the town centre anyway so it makes little difference.
The Inside BlackBerry blog was hacked into on Tuesday afternoon by a group calling themselves TeamPoison. In a statement posted on the BlackBerry website, the hackers said:

Dear RIM;

You Will _NOT_ assist the UK Police because if u do innocent members of the public who were at the wrong place at the wrong time and owned a blackberry will get charged for no reason at all, the Police are looking to arrest as many people as possible to save themselves from embarrassment ... if you do assist the police by giving them chat logs, gps locations, customer information & access to peoples BlackBerryMessengers you will regret it, we have access to your database which includes your employees information; e.g – Addresses, Names, Phone Numbers etc. – now if u assist the police, we _WILL_ make this information public and pass it onto rioters…. do you really want a bunch of angry youths on your employees doorsteps? Think about it…. and don't think that the police will protect your employees, the police can't protect themselves let alone protect others….. if you make the wrong choice your database will be made public, save yourself the embarrassment and make the right choice. don't be a puppet..

p.s – we do not condone in innocent people being attacked in these riots nor do we condone in small businesses being looted, but we are all for the rioters that are engaging in attacks on the police and government…. and before anyone says "the blackberry employees are innocent" no they are not! They are the ones that would be assisting the police.

The hackers said they defaced the website "in response" to this statement made by RIM on Monday: "We feel for those impacted by the riots in London. We have engaged with the authorities to assist in any way we can."

Source: London riots and UK unrest: day four live coverage | UK news |
TeamPoison have booked themselves a nice stay in a cell then.
All that's missing from this story now is Jonnie Marbles...
I'm waiting on Gazza turning up with some beer & a fishing rod...
Why have they not been split up and moved on? 200 is a managable crowd, they will wait until it hits the thousands.

That would be worse imo. At least if they keep them together then they can keep an eye on them, just need to make sure no more people join them.

In the last hour several shop windows have been smashed in West Bromwich. Up to 200 youths in hoodies have been seen on the streets and police have now pushed the crowd to one side.
63 pages and not one Liverpool V Man U arguement, has to be a record on here.
Liverpool > United.

Nice to see it's getting closer to me now, Birmingham and West Brom starting to kick off.
This is why I own firearms

Lucky you. I wish the laws were less strict here in the UK. If I move to America in a few years (which is the plan, but obviously it depends if I can get in) I'll also own a firearm and if they break into my property; on their head be it. Well not actually their head, more likely leg.
Lucky you. I wish the laws were less strict here in the UK. If I move to America in a few years (which is the plan, but obviously it depends if I can get in) I'll also own a firearm and if they break into my property; on their head be it. Well not actually their head, more likely leg.
AFAIK you can legally own a shotgun of certain dimensions without a licence in the UK.
Lucky you. I wish the laws were less strict here in the UK. If I move to America in a few years (which is the plan, but obviously it depends if I can get in) I'll also own a firearm and if they break into my property; on their head be it. Well not actually their head, more likely leg.

The gun laws arent strike in the UK either. I own a rifle FFS.