UK Riots

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They wouldn't dare do it on this estate. They'd end up in hospital. Safe to say yobs-sorry scum-are not tolerated in any way around here. People are very proud of living round here and don't want moronic scum ruining it.

Alright for some, I live quite close to two seprate estates that "don't get along" god anyone would think we lived in America... something like this could spark of their brainless "leaders" in to think "****, lets lyk go outz n hit the towns" sort of thing.
Alright for some, I live quite close to two seprate estates that "don't get along" god anyone would think we lived in America... something like this could spark of their brainless "leaders" in to think "****, lets lyk go outz n hit the towns" sort of thing.

Guess I am lucky to be honest. It's not always been entirely safe though sometimes, as just across the road there used to be some major knoblets. Used to live there and they used to light fires and attack the fire engines-even set a cop car on fire. Thankfully they got kicked off the estate and out the area after burning their own house down. And at Kingston Park (which is close to Newcastle Airport), there was a major arms bust which I was shocked to read about in the local paper. Different when I go into Newcastle City Centre though. There's a reason I just look at the ground majority of the time in parts of the city.
Shop owners and home owners face a lose lose too. They're only allowed to use "reasonable" force to defend their properties/themselves, or they'll face prosecution/jail, but that subject is a ridiculously grey area. I would hope, that in this situation, the grey area is non-existant. If I came across someone breaking into my home/shop and just walked out carrying stuff, you can be dam sure they won't be walking out. They wouldn't be able to walk for a dam long time.

According to the ITV news, there's skirmishes already breaking out too.

Legislation was started a few months ago giving more rights to defend your home IIRC, thankfully.
Legislation was started a few months ago giving more rights to defend your home IIRC, thankfully.

About ****** time. Nobody should be scared of breaking the law by defending themselves against people who are breaking the law
Name of the thread is barely accurate anymore, should be renamed 'Thieves all over London'. Just got word that they have hit Ilford and are in my local area of Romford, strolling about with their hoods up just waiting to do something.

So retarded.
Watchin the retards pushin bins toward riot police. Really surprised they haven't literally battoned the **** out of them. Numerous fires now aswell. Police are being stretched to breaking point now. And there's a bunch of them setting fire to a car around Hackney area, and there's some bint talkin to her mates on the mobile.
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Should just bring out the water cannon/tear gas.
These people really are the scum of the earth. 99% won't be contributing anything to society and are claiming that they are getting nothing. If they got off their ******* **** and put effort then that wouldn't be the case.

I wouldn't complain if the army was brought in and told them all to get on their ******* arses or they will be shot. Unfortunately that will never happen.
These people really are the scum of the earth. 99% won't be contributing anything to society and are claiming that they are getting nothing. If they got off their ******* **** and put effort then that wouldn't be the case.

I wouldn't complain if the army was brought in and told them all to get on their ******* arses or they will be shot. Unfortunately that will never happen.

How else do Labour intend on getting to power? ;)
Lets get a **** load of us down to Lanndaan and **** some **** up!

As in, let's go **** up some rioters.

I mean, come on, rioting will get you no where.. It might get you a new TV or some new REEBOKKZZ, but at the end of the day, you're still a scrubby ****.
Sigh....This is our country's future aswell. Enough to make weep. Makes you wonder what sort of parents they have aswell.
In the end of all this it will be the taxpayers who will have to pay for all the damages.
Apparently the Hackney kickoff started because some kid didn't want to be searched by an officer. People formed a crowd, shouted abuse at the officer, then started hurling missiles when a van pulled up.
Should just bring out the water cannon/tear gas.

What he said.

Bet all you southerners fancy moving up North now ey, the pensioners of marske would kick **** outta the little scroats.
Lets get a **** load of us down to Lanndaan and **** some **** up!

As in, let's go **** up some rioters.

I mean, come on, rioting will get you no where.. It might get you a new TV or some new REEBOKKZZ, but at the end of the day, you're still a scrubby ****.

In a way i'm actually quite dissapointed it's on the other side of London, it would of been interesting to go out and see exactly what was happening but on the other side i'm happy knowing im safe, although not for long if Westfield proves to be an attractive option for the rioters...
If there is one man who can sort this **** out, it's me. The members of Anmelden | Facebook

know ;)

Seriously the most moronic thing I have ever seen. This was never about the man who died. Get the army in and get this thing finished with. Why can't we do what they do in other countries & beat the living **** out of them? Hit them with tear gas, water cannon etc etc.

I've heard it's now started in other cities? Stupid is as stupid does!