UK Riots

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Just bring in the army, i doubt we'd see any of these jumped up chavs who are rioting in the army, show them who are the boss, our country needs to get a back bone. Look at America, there Police carry guns, would this happen in America? Would it ****!
The Syrians know how to deal with those pesky trouble-makers. Ask them for a tip?
England has no backbone, they are trying to "contain it" apparently, if its spread throughout london they obviously arent doing a very good job, worst containment ive ever seen.
I can just about see the fires from Croyden in my room window!
Dirty scums of the world. Get the army and shoot for the head.
60 years ago, Londoners stood together to defend their city from the kind of destruction now being inflicted upon it by its own
People are making this guy out as some kind of angel who was a respected member of the community. He is a known crack cocaine dealer and is known to have carried a gun with him. If you were a good father then that wouldn't be the case.
This is always the case where the media are concerned when someone dies. This is a pathetic joke. If this government had a spine and actually sentenced these morons for every crime they've no doubt committed in the past maybe that would deter them from stuff like this.

As it is, they can attack and even kill someone, get a slap on the wrists, maybe have to paint a mural for a few hours and then they're free to do whatever the **** they like again.

It's about time they just called in the army and ordered them to shoot every rioter. Who gives a **** about "human rights" and the other excuses these yobs use. When they go around with hoods up terrorising people daily and then riot, loot and commit arson in the name of some criminal they don't even know, it's quite clear they'll never do anything constructive with their lives so just shoot them.
Just bring in the army, i doubt we'd see any of these jumped up chavs who are rioting in the army, show them who are the boss, our country needs to get a back bone. Look at America, there Police carry guns, would this happen in America? Would it ****!

it did happen in america, you forget the LA Riots, this has nothing on that

[FONT=Arial, Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif]Former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone says the government has failed to realise the level of discontent among young people who are facing a "bleak" future.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helmet, Freesans, sans-serif]Now, I am not being funny, but even if you come from a **** hole, life is what you make it, if you put the effort in then you wont have a bleak future. The fact that people are happy living on benefits, and the fact they don't get abused to **** for doing so, is ludicrous. If the government were less soft with benefits, and tried to instil a 'work to live' attitude, rather than a 'sit on your **** and be a lazy **** to live' attitude, then maybe we wouldn't have these problems. [/FONT]
This is always the case where the media are concerned when someone dies. This is a pathetic joke. If this government had a spine and actually sentenced these morons for every crime they've no doubt committed in the past maybe that would deter them from stuff like this.

As it is, they can attack and even kill someone, get a slap on the wrists, maybe have to paint a mural for a few hours and then they're free to do whatever the **** they like again.

It's about time they just called in the army and ordered them to shoot every rioter. Who gives a **** about "human rights" and the other excuses these yobs use. When they go around with hoods up terrorising people daily and then riot, loot and commit arson in the name of some criminal they don't even know, it's quite clear they'll never do anything constructive with their lives so just shoot them.

There not even rioting for the criminal now it's basically just to steal stuff for themselves.
Luckily (for my sake) it's quite away from my hometown, but this is truly awful. Mindless, thugs trying to 'be heard', it's disgusting. I'm currently in Cornwall at the moment, and I would quite happily move out here.
I wonder how many people here were slamming the police when they were "too harsh" on the student cuts protests, and the G20 protests? we reap what you sow... sigh
i bet most of these people don't even now what the initial protest was about.
anyone see on sky news the vid of people smashing in to ladbrookes and trying to get the telly of the wall ?
I wonder how many people here were slamming the police when they were "too harsh" on the student cuts protests, and the G20 protests? we reap what you sow... sigh

Not me, student fee's are high because if you go to Uni you go with the mindset you will have a job for life after helping you pay the money back. The police didnt do enough in my eyes, the police isent enough with things like this. Send in the ******* tanks, they will soon back down.
anyone see on sky news the vid of people smashing in to ladbrookes and trying to get the telly of the wall ?

They didnt succeed though which makes it funny as ****. Whoever put that TV bracket on the wall should be pleased with themselfs.