UK Riots

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Think it's time to stop slagging off the police here. Put yourself in their shoes. For protection they have a baton, and a plastic shield. Maybe the lucky ones have a tasar. Well just wow. Also they are right now like a rubber band thats so over-stretched it's ready to snap. And most of all, the press are right in their faces. So EVERY little thing they do, will be over analysed, so I guarantee you one thing. They lay the smackdown on one of these cancerous little pieces of ****, you'll get some liberal lefty pillock going "oooo that was way over the top man. They come from a broken background wheres theres no jobs and blah blah frickin blah". Just stfu because thats just pure and utter bollocks. They are scared of doing something wrong, so that in a way, their actions are being influenced by TV cameras.

And as for human rights, they simply DO NOT HAVE ANY. They only thing they do have a right to, is a dam good SMACKING.
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I know ill be called racist but 90% of the people i see there ain't white...
I know ill be called racist but 90% of the people i see there ain't white...

This has absolutely nothing to do what race you are. The people out there regardless of colour are scum.
I know ill be called racist but 90% of the people i see there ain't white...

Maybe thats true, but you should be careful since there are probably black people on this site, Mike for one is black. Personally i wouldn't have posted that.
Think it's time to stop slagging off the police here. Put yourself in their shoes. For protection they have a baton, and a plastic shield. Maybe the lucky ones have a tasar. Well just wow. Also they are right now like a rubber band thats so over-stretched it's ready to snap. And most of all, the press are right in their faces. So EVERY little thing they do, will be over analysed, so I guarantee you one thing. They lay the smackdown on one of these cancerous little pieces of ****, you'll get some liberal lefty pillock going "oooo that was way over the top man. They come from a broken background wheres theres no jobs and blah blah frickin blah". Just stfu because thats just pure and utter bollocks. They are scared of doing something wrong, that in a way, their actions are being influenced by TV cameras.

And as for human rights, they simply DO NOT HAVE ANY. They only thing they do have a right to, is a dam good SMACKING.

Slagging off the ones who won't commission force rather than the individuals on the frontline. But this is just the result of years of over-liberalisation. If we do nothing today, it's just showing we're not going to do anything tomorrow, the day after and so forth. You'd think 3 days of it would be enough to force some sort of response, and it's not as if tear gas/water cannons/rubber bullets are lethal.

---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

I know ill be called racist but 90% of the people i see there ain't white...

Race has nothing to do with it. Even if you pull certain statistics showing crime rates higher for certain races, it's mainly due to the fact that there are a higher proportion of black people in poverty, and poverty is proportional to crime. Correlation isn't causation.

Oh yeah, racist.
Slagging off the ones who won't commission force rather than the individuals on the frontline. But this is just the result of years of over-liberalisation. If we do nothing today, it's just showing we're not going to do anything tomorrow, the day after and so forth. You'd think 3 days of it would be enough to force some sort of response, and it's not as if tear gas/water cannons/rubber bullets are lethal.

I sincerely doubt the Mayor Ol' Borris will be in office much longer either. This situation called for leadership from both the Government and the elected Mayor. The damage has been done here I suspect. Holding the Cobra meeting tomorrow morning is too little too late.
I know ill be called racist but 90% of the people i see there ain't white...
it does seem that way, but there are a lot of areas in london that are mostly populated by black people.

But most of the rioters have their faces covered so its hard to tell to be sure.
Think it's time to stop slagging off the police here. Put yourself in their shoes. For protection they have a baton, and a plastic shield. Maybe the lucky ones have a tasar. Well just wow. Also they are right now like a rubber band thats so over-stretched it's ready to snap. And most of all, the press are right in their faces. So EVERY little thing they do, will be over analysed, so I guarantee you one thing. They lay the smackdown on one of these cancerous little pieces of ****, you'll get some liberal lefty pillock going "oooo that was way over the top man. They come from a broken background wheres theres no jobs and blah blah frickin blah". Just stfu because thats just pure and utter bollocks. They are scared of doing something wrong, so that in a way, their actions are being influenced by TV cameras.

And as for human rights, they simply DO NOT HAVE ANY. They only thing they do have a right to, is a dam good SMACKING.

Agree the police can't really do anything about it, they don't have anyway of stopping them really. The government need to make a statement of intentent and bring in the army, otherwise I don't see this stopping anytime soon.

A YouTube comment:

"In Libya this = revolution
In England this = rioting/looting
And once again the BBC aka government propaganda machine has done a marvellous job of the explaining the situation to the public viewers. Excellent, better yet, fantastic!
Anyway I'm off to Croydon, all you "rioters" feel free to join there or in your respective borough and do what you do best. Cheerio chaps!"

FailFred 52 minutes ago 6

Is this guy being serious? It's innocent people who are being affected, losing their homes, having their workplace/business looted or even burned down. I'd love to see all of these people's reactions if some people went to their house robbed all of their stuff (probably not much good there, but this guy has some sort of access to the internet, so that could be worth something) and burn it down.
Maybe thats true, but you should be careful since there are probably black people on this site, Mike for one is black. Personally i wouldn't have posted that.

It's ok. Obviously Mike will be out there rioting.. ;)
Rioting in Sweden, nothing to do with this but seems the whole world is going mad (Exaggerating a little bit..)
Can anyone explain me "who" ( english or immigrants) (most likely a mix) is doing this? And for what? Just to take out frustrations caused by the crisis? Because of that man's death? Because they are just scummy ******** that like breaking stuff without getting caught?
Agree the police can't really do anything about it, they don't have anyway of stopping them really. The government need to make a statement of intentent and bring in the army, otherwise I don't see this stopping anytime soon.

A YouTube comment:

"In Libya this = revolution
In England this = rioting/looting
And once again the BBC aka government propaganda machine has done a marvellous job of the explaining the situation to the public viewers. Excellent, better yet, fantastic!
Anyway I'm off to Croydon, all you "rioters" feel free to join there or in your respective borough and do what you do best. Cheerio chaps!"

FailFred 52 minutes ago 6

Is this guy being serious? It's innocent people who are being affected, losing their homes, having their workplace/business looted or even burned down. I'd love to see all of these people's reactions if some people went to their house robbed all of their stuff (probably not much good there, but this guy has some sort of access to the internet, so that could be worth something) and burn it down.

In Libya it was a revolution against a violent dictator. This is a revolution against?..

>.< His name explains a lot.

---------- Post added at 10:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 PM ----------

Can anyone explain me "who" ( english or immigrants) (most likely a mix) is doing this? And for what? Just to take out frustrations caused by the crisis? Because of that man's death? Because they are just scummy ******** that like breaking stuff without getting caught?

Anyone who feels like doing it, and because they're scummy ********.
Can anyone explain me "who" ( english or immigrants) (most likely a mix) is doing this? And for what? Just to take out frustrations caused by the crisis? Because of that man's death? Because they are just scummy ******** that like breaking stuff without getting caught?

I doubt any of the looting bastards honestly know why the 'peaceful protests' (at the start) even began.

No, this is just scum breaking things and stealing things.
And how can some of them complain about being in poverty like conditions, when most of them organise this via a Blackberry.
rioting in birmingham near england cricket team hotel just heard. Whats goin on with the world?
So it is just an excuse for pointless violence ... Nice..~~ What is this world turning into!
Did anyone listen to the man who was talking about how his family business has been burned to the ground?
Can anyone explain me "who" ( english or immigrants) (most likely a mix) is doing this? And for what? Just to take out frustrations caused by the crisis? Because of that man's death? Because they are just scummy ******** that like breaking stuff without getting caught?

I'm not sure but I don't think there's many immigrants involved.