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British history bores me. Basically, we are of an inbred and barbaric descent, who have, in the past held no other country with regard. We've probably committed more human attrocities to other nations than america as well: India, Pakistan, Africa, Falklands e.t.c.

At the minute at A-Level I'm studying British politics around the time of appeasement, it bores me shitless. Basically, we only cared about our gain, while trying to make out we cared about keeping peace.
A-levels was mainly Germany/Italy an Britain. Uni modules I've done so far have been a massive range, all kindsa random shiz, Roman Empire, Early Modern Europe, Britain in the 20th century. Generally there's **** all about ****'s and the Soviets etc because they say its generally done to death at GCSE and A-level, which is usually right. Quite a few unis say that.

Oh thats quite good! Yea that is true like, at my A level i think all i did was Britain and Germany. ..I can't remember if i did anything else or not though..hmm.:irked:

On my course we study; Italian Fascism, Soviet Union, First world war, second world war, cold war, Austria-Hungary, French revolution then specifics such as the holocaust, british empire, decolonisation.

Urgh i just did the English Reformation...can't stand Henry VIII type stuff it bores me, i'm doing Themes in American Culture now, hope thats interesting. lol
Although I do like doin aspects of history I've never done or encountered before, that sounds pretty interesting.

British history bores me. Basically, we are of an inbred and barbaric descent, who have, in the past held no other country with regard. We've probably committed more human attrocities to other nations than america as well: India, Pakistan, Africa, Falklands e.t.c.

At the minute at A-Level I'm studying British politics around the time of appeasement, it bores me shitless. Basically, we only cared about our gain, while trying to make out we cared about keeping peace.

Yeah I found aspects of appeasement interestin, some was boring though. But tbh I think Chamberlain did want peace. Also, when a dictator like Hitler was annexing various parts of Europe, shwoing no signs of stopping, I think I'd care about my country's situation first and foremost.
Woo I'm off this week. It's a 'reading week' but only because the Animex festival is on :D
Morale dilemma.... just got the mark back from one of my modules last semester and somehow I passed it. after further inspection I received 35 marks out of 20 for a question on the exam... should I own up and take a resit or just take the pass?
haha wtf. Maybe your answer was really just that good ;)

Not sure what I'd do. However I know my first two thoughts would be: it's their fault for ******** up, and I cba with a resit. Although if you owned up they might let you off anyway...then again they might not. Tough one that.
dont own up!, i know you will feel guilty, but re-sits are a pain in the ****.
Own up, there's no point risking them just taking the points off you later.
Morale dilemma.... just got the mark back from one of my modules last semester and somehow I passed it. after further inspection I received 35 marks out of 20 for a question on the exam... should I own up and take a resit or just take the pass?

I'd probably own up. But who cares? It's up to you, either which way I doubt it makes much of a difference.
yeah lee i'd own up, they're bound to find out anyway, then you'd have to re-sit, and they wont like you for not tellin them lol
It's not some Ethics exam or something like that? I remember in SBTB they gave the students more marks than they were meant to get, if they owned up they passed the exam, if they didn't, they'd fail. :)

Tbh I'd say the only person that would notice is your lecturer, and he's not gonna have the time, or be bothered to make you resit is he?

I'd say I'd own, but that's just cause I'm a ***** + it might get you some good points for doing it.

It's up to you really.
Morale dilemma.... just got the mark back from one of my modules last semester and somehow I passed it. after further inspection I received 35 marks out of 20 for a question on the exam... should I own up and take a resit or just take the pass?

Oh dear, I'd own up to it they're probably going to find out anyway n it's better to do the right thing! lol ...also what idiot ***** up writing the marks down!!
Why bother owning up? if they say "whoah wait a minute" just say you didn't notice.

Take the mark ya lil' *****.
That's the stupidest question i've ever heard.

The mark is completely wrong and he shouldn't keep them due to someones stupid mark error, besides sooner or later someone is going to notice that it doesn't add up. He may as well tell them now rather having to resit the exam later on in the year. 8-)

plus also.. how can u NOT notice there is 35 marks out of a possible 20. ;) lol
Take the pass, don't be a little *****. They didn't notice, why should Lee? - Anyway he is probably reading it wrong.


Infact, scratch my replies.

Own up,

With ****** marks like that you don't deserve a pass, what's wrong with ya man!
I wasn't trying to have a go at you or anything, but i think even you wouldn't just leave the mark as it is and not do anything about it at all?

Well they probably haven't noticed yet and it's their own fault that they haven't but it is also up to the person who got the marks to see whether they look right or not and clearly they don't.
Well I was talking to my Dad about it last night and he said I should just take the Pass so think I will. :D