What Team Should I be? - FM 2014

Need a new save, that will keep me bussy until the new update is released! So far I've narrowed it down to two teams, Liverpool and Nantes.

Liverpool because they are doing so well at the moment, but also because they have a crazy good team.
Nantes because, even though they just got promoted to Ligue 1 last year, they have been playing well. Another reason is that they used to be one of the best teams in france.

So basically I need you guys to help me decide which of them I'll be starting a save with! Also, you're more than welcome to suggest other teams!

Im going to suggest a different team...

When i do saves like this i do short term goal saves, i.e. win champions league within 3 seasons. So teams like Real Madrid would be a good team to be because they have not won it in a while. However. Liverpool should still be a challanege to have them win the league for the first time.
Which European leagues don't require Work Permits for S American players? Anyone know?
looking to be a english league 1 team with a decent budget, or maybe a team in europe outside england, spain, germany or france?
Preferred League: Main european leagues (England, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal(
Financial information: Irrelevant because im going to give them around ?40 million in the editor
Expected position: Not in champions league, on the fringes of qualifying for europe
Training/youth facilities: good, aiming to build for the future

I am looking for a team who I am going to set up playing possession + attacking football, I want to bring a lot of youngster in and up through the ranks and hopefully get the team to challenge for the league in a season or 2.
Preferred League: Main european leagues (England, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal(
Financial information: Irrelevant because im going to give them around ?40 million in the editor
Expected position: Not in champions league, on the fringes of qualifying for europe
Training/youth facilities: good, aiming to build for the future

I am looking for a team who I am going to set up playing possession + attacking football, I want to bring a lot of youngster in and up through the ranks and hopefully get the team to challenge for the league in a season or 2.

this translates to Liverpool :)
preferred league: english league 1 or smaller european countries
financial info:decent
expected position: at least top half
training facilities: dont mind
Preferred League: Main european leagues (without spain or england )
Financial information: decent
Expected position: Not in champions league
Training/youth facilities: good, aiming to build for the future
i am looking for a small club with potentioal ( like granada in spain )
i am looking for a small club with potentioal ( like granada in spain )

Germany - Gladbach, 1860 Munich (2nd division)
France - Nice, Tolouse
England - Pretty much any non-top 6 team has a decent player or two to build around. Derby, QPR or Leister are good in the lower divisions.
Looking for choices of teams in the bottom league of their countries, that have potential to large club.
I'm looking for a team who can easily finish top in their league but i can build into a powerhouse in Europe.
I'm looking for a lower league English club (League 2/Skrill Premier)

I want them to have had hardly any success

secondly (and less important) I like them to have a cool colour kit...as in not just red or blue, something different!
I'm looking for a team who can easily finish top in their league but i can build into a powerhouse in Europe.

Belgian club???...can't think of who off the top of my head but their league system looks interesting!
Just c&p from my post on the SI Forums:

Nation: Not too bothered. Somewhere that isn't England would be nice.
Division: Not too bothered. Lower would be nicer but not necessary.
European Competition: Not needed.
Media Prediction: Not relegation, not promotion. Mid table really.
Board Expectation(s): Same as above.
Transfer Budget: One that gives me a little bit to work with, not too much.
Wage Budget: Same as above.
Finances: Stable. Not too rich though!
Other: A reasonably balanced starting squad. Good youth and training facilities to start with as well as some good coaches. Would also prefer to have a youth team that has some decent prospects and is actually entered into a competition, as I've noticed quite a few sides I've taken a look at on the new database don't seem to be entered into a youth competition. Also, no Amateur or Semi-Pro sides please.
I want a team that is fun, but in the top division in the top 5 leagues. Preferably with a transfer budget (so not villa).