Why I love my fellow FM-Basers

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Madsheep is the don, 'nuff said. Joel's opinionated, which is often a bad thing, but in a person of such sound judgement and character it is a personality boon. Joss always knows his stuff, and mfage is a really decent guy (for one of the Small Heath lot, anyway ;)). Also Ride the Walrus is great.

I love everyone anyway.

Opinionated? I strongly disagree with that statement ;)

This thread makes me feel unloved :'( :P Anyway,

Dunc - What is there to say?
TheMjt - A nice guy, always fun to chat to
*JK* - Have a good network game going and is good fun talking to
Everyone in my auction game - You've all been great, always getting bids in on time :)
fuelledbypassion - Was a follower of my FM2010 story and is the first person to invite me to be in something XD
Alex - Always fun reading your comments on the Liverpool thread :)
Other Liverpool fans - Sometimes, admittedly don't know what they're on about but our numbers make up for that ;)

I'm sure I've missed people, but that's all for now!!!
Won't go through names as I don't really speak to many on here but everyone who is mature enough to have a sensible debate without the bias or trolling gets my respect. Anyone who has the patience to help others is also admirable, and finally anyone who's story I follow/followed seems pretty decent.
So many passionate fans on here I appreciate.
Best examples would be GodCubed, Cjacko and Joss.
Ages since I last updated this, but they'll be a few changes, very, few.

mfage - seems to know what he's talking about when it comes to football
frankie - like the lower league conversations about hayes and yeading and how **** there attendance is

add that to the previous list, also, i love this thread, where i got the most likes i've ever got. boom.
Realtively new on the site, so none of these guys probably know who I am, but here goes:

GodCubed- Usually makes intelligent posts that are interesting, and he is passionate about the team he supports.

Mike (madsheep)- Possibly the most sensible person on the site, and his posts about United/ England are always interesting

Sean- for obvious reasons

All the fans of league 1 teams- We are all in the same boat and are a minority on this site, as most people support one of the top 4 teams, so we know how miserable it can be ;) Plus there is always good banter on the football league thread :)
Ronan: Play lots of clubs with, And some good banter between us and Tira. Supports a dodgy team though ;)

Tiraths: Another person I play clubs with, A good laugh too.

Nathan: Another person who join in with the banter

Jake: That clubs sesh till 5am was pretty fun

Edit: How could I forget Jay "im not going to pass" Pricey
I'd just like to say thanks to anyone that has followed my stories and to the writers that have really drawn me to the site. I initially came looking for tactical advice, but have found myself dragged in and use the site more than actually playing the game now. Some users contribute such a lot of their time in helping others, and it's great to see that they are getting the recognition that they deserve
Thanks you two. You're my favourites... Plus whoever else mentions my name ;)

Seriously though:

Max, Frankie, Scott, 19-11-08, Mike, Harry and the rest of the msn group - Top bunch of lads - have a good laugh, started off not so well then I got introduced into their wonderful outside of FM base world and been cool ever since. Playing FM/Fifa etc together :)

DMF, FoxyCFC + Joe - Love these guys, again because of the La Liga net game, and usually talk on MSN, Facebook etc...

The FM-Base Elite FIFA team - :wub:. Say no more.

Anyone I've forgotten, I hope not but if I have... Love you.

9 months on, adding to this:

GodCubed, Jake, Tirath, Mike (Madsheep), CJACKO (From time to time), Ride the Walrus, Calum(s). I'm sure there are others.

You're all heros. Place wouldn't be the same without you all.
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I'd just like to say thanks to anyone that has followed my stories and to the writers that have really drawn me to the site. I initially came looking for tactical advice, but have found myself dragged in and use the site more than actually playing the game now. Some users contribute such a lot of their time in helping others, and it's great to see that they are getting the recognition that they deserve

same here mate. hadly played me game at all this week because of this ****** site lol
9 months on, adding to this:

GodCubed, Jake, Tirath, Mike (Madsheep), Mike, CJACKO (From time to time), Ride the Walrus, Calum. I'm sure there are others.

You're all heros. Place wouldn't be the same without you all.

I'm assuming this is Calum as in _Arsenal?? :S
9 months on, adding to this:

GodCubed, Jake, Tirath, Mike (Madsheep), Mike, CJACKO (From time to time), Ride the Walrus, Calum. I'm sure there are others.

You're all heros. Place wouldn't be the same without you all.

I was classed as an FM Base Elite FIFA member so I was happy without a personal mention :P
And a few more such as Man v.1 making my logos
Dunc and Billy for their pure hilarity
EDIT: and Dan for making my kits

The FMB Cod Crew
Jake and Andy and jGibbard for late night Ashes seshs.
Mfage for our Birmingham chats.
I dont talk to many on the football section as i get annoyed at alot of arguments so try and stay away. That may change in a while
Got to add to this:

Godcubed, Alex, Sunilvk7, Joel, RTW, Cloud alicwkd etc (I've definitely missed people out, but i hope you guys know who you are), basically all the regular people on the football forum, nothings better than a footballing debate with people who may not agree with your points, but are willing to hear them out and counterpoint them sensibly

Special mention to Cjacko11, sometimes controversial, but no one can question his passion and he gets more stick than he deserved, always enjoy our discussions, even if they do get a little heated

My fellow Mods, looking forward to the meet up!

Sean: for keeping this site running

all the rest of you good people on this site