Zlatan Ibrahimovic manages get into the DLF filter with his default attributes that he has in the 1st season but he is 33 years old and it means that he's on great decline, you said that you were in the 2nd season in your save so probably his attributes declined greatly in your save and it prevented him of getting into the DLF filter.
If you take the 1st season Wayne Rooney (CA = 155) is very good as DLF and he is better than Gary Hooper (128 = CA).
Wayne Rooney has almost all important attributes that are important DLF higher than Gary Hooper, expect, First Touch and it is the reason why he didn't managed to get into the DLF filter, his First Touch is only "11" and it's 2 points away from the minimal level that First Touch has in the DLF filter.
Yes, such situation might happen and some really good players might miss the filters only because they are missing only one attribute, for example, Olivier Giroud, also, didn’t manage to get into the DLF filter only because his was missing Agility that isn't so important attribute for DLF but his other attributes are excellent for DLF.
In order to avoid situation when the filters are missing such players as Wayne Rooney and Oliver Giroud you can reduce the "Match Condition" by 1 condition and see what players were out of the list and why, if you see that some very good players were missing only because 1 attribute that isn't such important and they are missing it only just by few points then you can also consider these players as candidates for the position.
I've already explained it many times but probably it's worth explaining once more.
Not all players that were found by the filters are equally good for some specific position.
For example, as you can see when you use the DLF filter it might show you the same time such striker as Gary Hooper(CA=128) and Robert Lewandowski(CA=178), it's obvious that Robert Lewandowski is much better than Gary Hooper but if you manage some small club than you can't afford to buy any 178 CA players such Robert Lewandowski and you can only afford to buy much less quality players with CA no higher than 130 so in this Gary Hooper is your choice.
The filters just show you such players that have their CA allocated in most efficient way for the position h that you looking for, for example, the lower CA players have the more important it’s allocated efficient because CA is just amount of points that players have to spend on their attributes and you want that it was spent in the attributes that are the most important for the position and when a player has low CA, speaking, other words, his doesn’t has many points to spend on his attributes so it’s very important that his points weren't spent on some useless attributes for the position.
Let's say you can only afford to buy 125 CA Winger for your team so you want that his CA was spent in the most efficient way for Winger on such attributes as Dribbling, Technique, Acceleration, Agility, Flair and some other and you don't want that it was spent on some much less useful attributes for Winger such as Strength, Jumping Reach, Tackling, Positioning, Heading and some other.
The filters are just "checking" that players' CA are allocated in the efficient way for the position but anyway you need to check all players that were found by filters in order to find out who is better(having higher CA).
Now ofc you say it it all makes more sense and ofc i know Rooney has a higher CA etc than Hooper. Maybe Rooney and Ibra were a bad choice. I'm with Dortmund 2nd season and I look at the filters for DLF and I see lots of players missing (top players) and I just always wondered about the non-filtered players vs the low CA filtered players...if that makes sesne ^.^
But I'm Dortmund with 100m's to spend so I buy who ever I want Always nice to ask and get a response! Thanks TFF and others!