Well done everybody for getting their games done on time
I've made a pretty complicated points system but it ensures that you should get a fair amount of bonus points, whatever game mode you play.
Points System
The deciding leg for this week is Demolition on Summit. Please play your games by this time next week.

I've made a pretty complicated points system but it ensures that you should get a fair amount of bonus points, whatever game mode you play.
Points System
If you win a leg you will automatically get 5 points, although you can gain extra depending on what game mode and by how much you raped the opposing team.
For the following game modes you get 1 point for how many rounds you win by (So if you win 4-1, you get 3 points plus an extra 5 for winning the leg):
For Domination & Headquarters, you get 1 point for every 25 in game points you win by (If you win 200-133 you will get 2 points plus an extra 5 for winning the leg)
For TDM you get 1 point for every 500 point (that's 5 kills) advantage you have over the losing team.
For the following game modes you get 1 point for how many rounds you win by (So if you win 4-1, you get 3 points plus an extra 5 for winning the leg):
- S&D, CTF, Demolition & Sabotage
For Domination & Headquarters, you get 1 point for every 25 in game points you win by (If you win 200-133 you will get 2 points plus an extra 5 for winning the leg)
For TDM you get 1 point for every 500 point (that's 5 kills) advantage you have over the losing team.
Week 2 Fixtures
Team 1 vs Team 3
Team NorthSouthYank vs Team Aids
Bling Singhs vs Team Prawn
Team 1 vs Team 3
Team NorthSouthYank vs Team Aids
Bling Singhs vs Team Prawn
The deciding leg for this week is Demolition on Summit. Please play your games by this time next week.