which theme are you using raikan ?.
also, your tactics are awesome. thank for you help
Skin you mean?
Plain Skin - Downloads - Football Manager 2012 Tactics, Wonderkids & Cheats
cheers mate

which theme are you using raikan ?.
also, your tactics are awesome. thank for you help
Hi Raikan, great tactic and have been using your tactics with great success on my own but struggle a bit in network games. Playing as Chelsea in a network game, wondering which of your tactics will best suit my team...
I like Swoop & was considering Amazing but you have soooo many that seem to be succesful
Cech, Courtois
Ivanovic, Bosingwa, Rapa, Cole, Bertrand, Van Ahnholt
Alex, Terry, Luiz,
Romeu, Essien, Mikel, Borysuik, Meireles, Ramires, Thiago, Lampard, Sigurdson,
Willian, Teixteira, Stuuridge, Jovetic, Mata, Fleck
Lukaku, Torres, Cavani
Thought I would jump on here. I d/l'ed this tactic (a-maz-ing) and took Grimsby from BS to League 1 where I got DESTROYED and relegated and mostly had to use other tactics to avoid giving up 5+ goals a game. I left Grimsby and went to Russian League 1 where I had some success early on with A-maz-ing and then in my next full season, I, once again, got DESTROYED using this tactic, often giving up 5+ goals a game but only when playing superior competition. Against inferior teams, I would crush them...well at least for awhile and then even that went away. I have stopped using it now.
From my observations, many of these tactics work because the teams most people choose to play are so good to begin with. Liverpool, United, Chelsea? You could win with almost any tactic since the players you attract are the cream of the crop. In lower leagues your D-men just can't get back in this formation and your mids will turn the ball over into suicidal situations.
I have moved to some other formations I have found on this site and am having better success with them. YMMV.
Home games:
Away games:
Both home and away depending on Opp:
thanx for your advice Raikan, Target Man Winger hasn't started off too well though.... lost all 4 away games so far. But Rome wasn't build in a day so hoping that's the case for me. Lost the title though :-(
you said awesome amc depending on opp....what did you mean by that.....good against top teams? or bad ?
I have one question Raikan. This tactic is superb as it it. But I have one little problem. Playing with Man City and I have Aguero,Tevez and Fierro. Tevez is playing very good as DLF, but he is getting old and since I have Fierro who has potencial to be one of the best strikers in the game, I will rotate them. However both Fierro and Aguero aren't DLF, more of a poachers, so should I just change DLF role into Poacher and make some changes to player instructions? This means I would play with two poachers upfront which isnt' such a good combination as DLF+Poacher. I'm sure about that. The second options is that I change DLF role into Trequartista-which is similar role to DLF. And I would have Aguero as Trequartista and Fierro as Poacher. Which combination is better? Please help me.
leave as isOkay then I will do so, but can you please help me with player instrucitons for that role. Should I change anything or should I left as is it for DLF?
wondering about the BDP position mate, playing with man united, wich defender do i use in that position? can i use Vidic there? after looking very hard through the transfer marked i can only find 1 player with the right stats and thats the one your using in the tottenham game you have, Jan verthongen. IF i where to change the players role to suit the players ive got better, to wich should i go? thx again m8
sorry to hear that mate, are you playing deeper/rigid and on the counter away from home though?? not as the tactic comes?
yeah, depending on the opp!its a good tactic, been using it lately again
maybe give it a shot
Raikan,about shouts,can i use at beginning,or when is tactic fluid?I am sking because,i read it that using shouts when is tactic not fluid can have negative effect.
Ok, 2 cb defend.. was also thinking about using a defensive version of Short and Sweet as my away tactic, any pointers on how to do that mate? counter or controll? Also, i think ive seen you comment on some nice tweaks to create more CCC with the Ama-zing tactic! Change the passing of center midfielders to more direct and up the tempo? thx again ; ) PS: when i use both center defenders as CB-Defend, offside trap ticks, do i keep it on or of?
Nah I wasn't using deeper or rigid but was using counter, hopefully that will make the difference...i'm in pre season now so will try it out fully....sure the results will pick up.
thanx mate.....will keep u posted
My real test is keeping Torres fit....i'm half tempted to sell him & buy another poacher but haven't got clue who. Got about £50m to spend though. I don't think Jovetic or Sturridge can fill the void.