Really like this tactic, using it with Chelsea first season and it's going well, will post up screens once i delve a bit further in, the defence is solid, midfield does its job and the cm makes alot of darting runs which i like, and alot of CCC within the 3 SS and the fullbacks sprinting down the wings..

Possibly my fav tactic from you.
Btw will it make a HUGE difference if i take off " tackle harder " on both fullbacks? constantly getting yellow cards each game, and so far within 6 games 3 got sent off, if that happens in a important game and i lose i'll go ape **** tbh haha.
Chelsea is perfect for this tac, they have very good midfielders.

I only use the 1st version, will try the new version tmw.

As said, I was testing if wrong footed AMCR AMCL and DL DR give better result, at the moment (after 3 games testing only), it seems so. The side players tend to hold up the ball and give through ball for a better player to score rather than run up to 1 side of goal and take a silly shot to get a silly corner which I never scored one (i am not complaining Totalfootball at all).
This idea I got from Zerosea and bayern...

For the 1st version, defense is good also, my DLR is still Gibbs (arsenal) and Jenkinson (arsenal). I don't think they are considered as good.
View attachment 384985 Well I haven't had the best start to the season. I am in the premier league with Wolves. It is my first season in the premier league with them. The Base tactic and the Defence tactic are both fully fluid. The team I am using is not weak. Most of the players fit into or are very close to the filters you provided. Not really sure what is going wrong. :( Looking back now I should have set up more friendlies however the tactic has been fully fluid since the first cup game.
Hello TotalFootballFan9.

Only one word needed to describe this tactic: FANTASTIC!!

I have just finished my first season (in my first ever save game on FM14!) with Manchester United (using V1 versions of the tactic) and I know it`s not the biggest challenge exactly, but the results were mighty impressive!

Anyway, I just wanted to give you some feedback on how it worked out for me and things that could be improved.










As you can see I just won everything possible in my first season, and I have to point out that the only match I lost in the Premier League came at home to Newcastle with my B-team/youngsters as I had a Champions League game 3 days later...

There are however a few things that bothers me...

1. The amount of yellow (116) and red (12) cards collected over the season.

I tried removing "Tackle Hard" from players with this instruction, but it didn`t make much of a difference really.. Wich makes me wonder if this is more down to the ME than your tactic.

2. At times it seems a bit inefficient.

In many of the 1-0 and 2-0 wins I had 15-20 shots on goal and 8-10 CCC`s. I tried to remove "Shoot more often" from AMCR/AMCL, but it seemed to mess up thing more than improve them. But then again... could just be the ME.

And last but not least.. I would love to see a third version of this tactic.

One that is all about keeping possession when leading 2-0 instead of just switching to the defensive version, wich in my eyes should be used ONLY in the last 10-15 minutes of matches.

Other than this there isn`t much to point the finger at here.

Fantastic work TotalFootballFan9!!

Best regards






Where does the CA show numbers? I thought it was just like a star rating. I am a bit of an FM noob :(
Can you give a summary for good and bad PPMs in the OP?
Thanks mate. Glad to hear it works good for you.

Here's some PPMs that suite for AMCL/AMC/AMCR/CM positions: "Plays One-Twos", "Tries Killer Ball Often", "Moves Into Channels"

"Gets Forward Whenever Possible" is good PPM for CM but be careful if this guy sometimes plays AMCL/AMCR positions because this is bad PPM for these positions.

If someone of AMCL/AMC/AMCR/CM has "Shots From Distance" PPM then add "Shoot Less Often" PI for him in order to compensate this PPM.
Where does the CA show numbers? I thought it was just like a star rating. I am a bit of an FM noob :(
You need 3rd party programs for it like FM Scout or FMRTE also there's official in game editor.

Heh... many call it a cheat ;) but for player who only start learn FM it can be very helpful because it can help learn thing in less time consuming manner and later when you become more experienced you can play without it just fine.

It can greatly reduce your frustration and give understanding why you lose because you will be know the "real" strength of your team comparing with your opponent. ;)

Can you give a summary for good and bad PPMs in the OP?
Ehh... I'll do that soon ;)
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Are any of them free? Which is the best one? I know about the in game editor but not the others.
Are any of them free? Which is the best one? I know about the in game editor but not the others.
I prefer FMRTE.

There're two versions of it: free and paid. With "free" version you can only see things but can't edit them. So if you need only see CA and PA of players than "free" version is enough for you.
Well... Winning everything in my first season with Manchester United resulted in no motivation to continue whatsoever...

Going to try this with Hertha Berlin SC wich is predicted to finish 16. in the Bundesliga.

I`ll also try to create a possession version of this tactic along the way.

I tried to remove "Shoot more often" from AMCR/AMCL
Ehh... I'm considering reduce long shots for AMCL/AMC/AMCR/MCL positions but for now haven't decided yet will it make more good or bad and to be safe I keep this setting on average level but if someone of your players has "Shoots From Distance" PPM then you definitely should reduce his long shots.
I have been using The FM Genie scout. Found out that my Wolves team isn't really as strong as I thought. I'm pretty trapped. The tactic isn't working, I don't have much to spend on players. Lost 9 out of my last 10 games. My chances of avoiding relegation this season are extremely low. However there is a long way to go yet.
I have been using The FM Genie scout. Found out that my Wolves team isn't really as strong as I thought. I'm pretty trapped. The tactic isn't working, I don't have much to spend on players. Lost 9 out of my last 10 games. My chances of avoiding relegation this season are extremely low. However there is a long way to go yet.

I really dont recommend it fm scout or any tool...this is for noobs(you are newbie) imo, you wont learn anything via cheating. Because you are not experinced, i can gurantee you, that you wont win anything or achieve your goals for very long time with this team. Pick strong and competitive team or even top/overpowered team and learn from many guides and your own mistakes.

You need to learn most important parts of FM is MUCH more, than quality of your team, this is not fifa :p

Morale is more or less everything.
I started off at Liverpool and got sacked by December. Then I got the job at Wolves and won back to back promotions and now I'm back in the premier league. It's just that the premier league hit me so hard. I tried to sign players that were as close to the filters as possible. But it just isn't working. So far this season I have played 15 - lost 13 and drawn 2. Unless I can do something to turn the season around I am screwed. I don't really want to use Genie scout or whatever else but it's a last resort to try to save the season and avoid relegation. I don't want to change teams because I want to stay with one team for as long as possible and see what I can achieve in the long run. This season is more of a learning curve, so far I have learnt that I need to be much more prepared next time I enter the premier league.
I have been using The FM Genie scout. Found out that my Wolves team isn't really as strong as I thought.
Ehh... and that's why these programs could be eyes opener and very useful when you start learn FM.

Probably as Wolves in first season at EPL you will have accesses to players 135-145CA but it's possible greatly overachieve even with such players but to do that you need to spend their CA budget as accuracy as possible. I mean, CA budget should be spend only on important attributes for position and minimum on not important.

My chances of avoiding relegation this season are extremely low. However there is a long way to go yet.
Nahh… I sure you will be fine ;)
This season is more of a learning curve, so far I have learnt that I need to be much more prepared next time I enter the premier league.
Kubzy, I would recommend set your General Training, Scheduling and Match Training this way. Also check one more time "Important things" sections in opening post.
