Capello resigns - Hodgson appointed England boss

I'd prefer Alan Curbishley to Alan Pardew. Not to mention the fact that Curbishley never really failed in a single one of his seasons as a manager, so I'm not sure why you're hating on him so much.

I don't know why either. I just have an irrational dislike of Alan Curbishley. Statistically, he's a pretty decent manager, but I can't shake the feeling...
What the **** does "italian football" even mean anymore. Everyone is about defense nowadays. Even Holland and Brasil have given up their principles about playing attacking football.

watch serie a football and you'll see the difference. Or watch real madrid under capello compared to under mourinho nowadays
Personally i'm glad he has gone, despite it being just months before the Euro. The F.A have enough time to find a new manager now and for him to understand and learn from the squad. After taking some time to consider the possibilities, the only option i can see doing England any justice is Harry Redknapp. But, even as an Arsenal fan, its wrong for Spurs to lose their manager who has lets face it, made them into a pretty decent club again. ( Its rather nice having some competition in North London again :p ). If i was the F.A, i would let Stuart Peace be temporary manager but Harry would take sort of 'half' charge. He would manage both Spurs and England at the same time, rather like Hiddink did with Chelsea?.....We only have 3 friendlies between now and the euros, so Harry wouldn't be too distracted with England. Then during the summer h would take up the full role. In my view, England need to clean up and throw out the 'old guard' in the Lampards, the ferdinands and the terrys. We need to take a leaf out of germany's book and put trust in a slight mix of youth and experience. Redknapp would put fire back into the Three Lions and would put pride back into playing for England again. Under him i could pretty much guarantee that every player would sing the anthem, and be proud to sing it, like the English Rugby ( as much as i hate rugby ). Redknapp would restore the passion in England, and for me he is the only person at the moment who could do that. Yes, Mourinho is a good manager but he hasnt got that passion for England that i know Redknapp has!
I've had a few days to reflect upon this... Correct me if I'm wrong in the basic series of events:

Terry uses alleged racist language against a black player. Terry sacked as captain. Capello complains. Capello forced to resign. Media + Barry Fry + FA + most of the country going completely against getting a foreign manager in, bordering on xenophobie.

Anyone else see the irony here?
I've had a few days to reflect upon this... Correct me if I'm wrong in the basic series of events:

Terry uses alleged racist language against a black player. Terry sacked as captain. Capello complains. Capello forced to resign. Media + Barry Fry + FA + most of the country going completely against getting a foreign manager in, bordering on xenophobie.

Anyone else see the irony here?

Slight exaggeration: Barry Fry is a ******. The FA said they will consider a foreign manager. "Most of the country".. The second highest on SSN's poll for next manager is Mourinho, 3rd Hiddink, & 4th Rafa. I hardly think "we" are being xenophobic.

Also, where is the irony? :/
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watch serie a football and you'll see the difference. Or watch real madrid under capello compared to under mourinho nowadays

Mourinho is hardly a poster boy for attacking football.. He plays counter-attacking football/ Ronaldo "whores". (;
Slight exaggeration: Barry Fry is a ******. The FA said they will consider a foreign manager. "Most of the country".. The second highest on SSN's poll for next manager is Mourinho, 3rd Hiddink, & 4th Rafa. I hardly think "we" are being xenophobic.

Also, where is the irony? :/

1. Barry Fry is indeed a ******
2. quote from Bernstein: "There is a preference for an Englishman or a British person, but at the end we want the best person so we don't want to rule out anyone. At this stage an English or British person would have a good start."

He is only 'considering' a foreign manager because if he didn't he'd have a legal case on his back. Safe to say we won't have a foreign manager me thinks.

3. I'm not in the uk so wasn't aware of the poll, how much in percentage did Harry get of the votes?

4. I'm guessing you're being tongue in cheek but the irony of whipping up a storm over racism, and then practically spelling out the wish not to have a foreign manager in charge springs to mind. Seems to me like pot calling the kettle bla... err non-white.
Crux of the matter-best man for the job is what we really want. And as mentioned, couldn't care less about the nationality-they just have to have the experience we need. But the FA have to stop this "we pick the coaching staff" **** or no-one will want to take over. Why else would the national boss want so much money-only way they'll work with their kind.
1. Barry Fry is indeed a ******
2. quote from Bernstein: "There is a preference for an Englishman or a British person, but at the end we want the best person so we don't want to rule out anyone. At this stage an English or British person would have a good start."

He is only 'considering' a foreign manager because if he didn't he'd have a legal case on his back. Safe to say we won't have a foreign manager me thinks.

3. I'm not in the uk so wasn't aware of the poll, how much in percentage did Harry get of the votes?

4. I'm guessing you're being tongue in cheek but the irony of whipping up a storm over racism, and then practically spelling out the wish not to have a foreign manager in charge springs to mind. Seems to me like pot calling the kettle bla... err non-white.

1. Glad we agree.

2. Well they would prefer an English/British person but are not ruling out a foreign manager. I think they are within their rights to prefer an English manager.

3. Um, 41% - Next highest was 14%, it might have changed as I last looked at the poll yesterday, maybe the day before..

4. Hm, I don't think there's any irony. We want the best man for the job.. But it seems the more retarded fans are hoping that some "English passion" will help us instead of the old "money grabbing foreigners". Not my opinion, of course. I personally would rather have Hiddink, Rafa, or even Mourinho over Redknapp..
Crux of the matter-best man for the job is what we really want. And as mentioned, couldn't care less about the nationality-they just have to have the experience we need. But the FA have to stop this "we pick the coaching staff" **** or no-one will want to take over. Why else would the national boss want so much money-only way they'll work with their kind.

I agree, and personally if it was me picking I'd choose Hiddink or Mourinho over Redknapp any day of the week (good manager though he is).

That said, I certainly thought that Capello was the best man available at the time last time round, and still maintain he did the best job possible. Treatment of the man has been shocking
1. Glad we agree.

2. Well they would prefer an English/British person but are not ruling out a foreign manager. I think they are within their rights to prefer an English manager.

3. Um, 41% - Next highest was 14%, it might have changed as I last looked at the poll yesterday, maybe the day before..

4. Hm, I don't think there's any irony. We want the best man for the job.. But it seems the more retarded fans are hoping that some "English passion" will help us instead of the old "money grabbing foreigners". Not my opinion, of course. I personally would rather have Hiddink, Rafa, or even Mourinho over Redknapp.. Also, whats the "non-white" bit about? Capello is white you silly man. XD

4. It all comes down to forms of prejudice. Racism is a form of prejudice, so is being xenophobic.

Out of curiosity, why are they within their rights to prefer an English manager? Statistically, the last two have been much better than any previous manager (other than that one time in 66)
4. It all comes down to forms of prejudice. Racism is a form of prejudice, so is being xenophobic.

Out of curiosity, why are they within their rights to prefer an English manager? Statistically, the last two have been much better than any previous manager (other than that one time in 66)

Have to slightly disagree there. We came incredibly close to getting there in the 86/90 World Cups. I remember watching them vividly. Bobby Robson did a great job. It was a handball and then pens (as usual) respectively that killed us toward the end. Came very very close.

That's the way I see it anyway
The best team of last 20-25 years was at Euro'96. They hit that sweet spot between dominating other sides physically with high tempo/high stamina football, but still having enough flair to go with it through Gazza and McManaman. I've never seen anything quite like it.
Mourinho is hardly a poster boy for attacking football.. He plays counter-attacking football/ Ronaldo "whores". (;

and thats my point. Mourinho is known as a defensive coach, but no where near as defensive minded as Capello who doesnt even counter attack
and thats my point. Mourinho is known as a defensive coach, but no where near as defensive minded as Capello who doesnt even counter attack

Sigh, Capello isnt even a defensive manager. He has never been an inherently defensive manager, right though his career. We were not defensive in the qualifers. People have just gone Capello = Italian = Defensive. Not true
1. Glad we agree.

2. Well they would prefer an English/British person but are not ruling out a foreign manager. I think they are within their rights to prefer an English manager.

3. Um, 41% - Next highest was 14%, it might have changed as I last looked at the poll yesterday, maybe the day before..

4. Hm, I don't think there's any irony. We want the best man for the job.. But it seems the more retarded fans are hoping that some "English passion" will help us instead of the old "money grabbing foreigners". Not my opinion, of course. I personally would rather have Hiddink, Rafa, or even Mourinho over Redknapp..

I seriously hate this notion of passion.
Whoever gets appointed the press wont lay off the man unless it is the one they want.

Hacks are already sharpening the knives for Stuart Pearce by saying he was in a race storm by saying stuff about Paul Ince and then saying Pearces brother was a member of the BNP. Sickens me really that the guy has not even picked an England squad yet but whoever Pearce picks the media will start to ****** slate him.

Roy Keane sums up the mentality of it all today as the press and senoir England Players attitudes want different things from each national manger appointed yet they are the ones dictating what sort of manager they want. OK Roy Keane is oppinonated and may not be everyones cup of tea but he has a point when he says.

"What worries me are the likes of Wayne Rooney and Rio Ferdinand coming out and saying Harry should get the job."

"It shouldn't be down to the players who gets the job. OK, you might consult one or two senior players but the problem is that what they want seems to change every couple of years.

They seemed to like Sven Goran Eriksson at first but then the complaint was he was too laid-back and wasn't passionate enough about the job so they wanted an Englishman.
Steve McClaren was given the job and the problem with him appeared to be that he was too pally, joining in at training and calling John Terry 'JT' and Steven Gerrard 'Stevie G' so they wanted more of a disciplinarian.
Then they decided Capello was too aloof and there was a problem with the language barrier so now we're back to them wanting an Englishman."
Sigh, Capello isnt even a defensive manager. He has never been an inherently defensive manager, right though his career. We were not defensive in the qualifers. People have just gone Capello = Italian = Defensive. Not true

Ok, Capello isnt a defensive manager. But he's a non-attacking manager. The fact he's Italian is a coinsidence.

Teams that we scored less than in qualifying....

Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Holland, Sweden, Hungary, Italy, Armenia, Belgium, Germany.

Am I the only one who remembers when we've had our best performances in major championships? Attacking football. Goals aplenty. Games where you dont just fall asleep at the endless defensive passing cirlce of centreback to defensive mid to centre back to defensive mid.

If football is about winning 1-0 really boringly over a team that vastly inferior to ours then I think i'll give up hope on football.

Its not just about winning, its about how you do it. Thats the kind of attitude I can't stand and I will never speak highly of any manager that thinks thats what people want to see. Playing like that makes people look at the players involved and they think "they arnt even trying....they cant be bothered....they dont play like that for their clubs....' endless garbage that gets drooled out because a manager's primary aim is to keep the ball, not score goals.

Now I know that people are gonna say that you have to control the ball in order to win a game. I agree. Barcelona do it perfectly. But Barcelona's primary aim is to score goals, not keep the ball.

It what you do with it when you've got the ball, moments of creative genious, movements to create space for other people to exploit, altering the tempo between slow and fast when its needed.

Capello's tactics offer none of the above. His tactics are about maintaining your shape. Retain possession at all costs. But constantly being pragmatic will get you no where in a knockout tournament.

He made us look cautious in our play when we should look optimistic.

Thats my little rant over. I feel better.

Its the best time for a change now. Teams won't know what to expect from us. The minute i knew Capello resigned the chances of us winning the Euros increased 10 fold.

BTW, I dont think Capello expected the FA to accept his resignation. I think he thought he should do it to show how angry he was at their decision but the FA called his bluff.

Having said everything I have I still think Capello is a class manager. He can get teams to win in the only way he knows how, boringly. Some like it, some hate it. I hate it. I wanna be entertained.

Capello did'nt understand English footballing culture and it showed, not that i blame him, he never managed here. We need someone who knows the style of football here. Theres no point trying to play like Spain or Brazil or anyone else. We need to play like England. It's what we're best at.

Harry Redknapp is the only choice.
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