Capello resigns - Hodgson appointed England boss

The best team of last 20-25 years was at Euro'96. They hit that sweet spot between dominating other sides physically with high tempo/high stamina football, but still having enough flair to go with it through Gazza and McManaman. I've never seen anything quite like it.

This is exactly what i mean.

Euro 96 was English style football at it's finest. We need that English style back
This is exactly what i mean.

Euro 96 was English style football at it's finest. We need that English style back

I thought we played the christmas tree formation in Euro 96 4-3-2-1. 4-4-2 is more the english style.
I thought we played the christmas tree formation in Euro 96 4-3-2-1. 4-4-2 is more the english style.

i'm not talking formation. Im talking style. A mix of flair and exciting attacking football combined with grit and a determinded work ethic where you leave nothing on the table and give everything for the England jersey.

some managers can bring that out in players. others can't
i'm not talking formation. Im talking style. A mix of flair and exciting attacking football combined with grit and a determinded work ethic where you leave nothing on the table and give everything for the England jersey.

some managers can bring that out in players. others can't

no, just no about grit. also football has moved on since 96. You dont need to run about chest thumping to show you give everything. We got where we did because overall we were so well set up tactically and player wise, we understood out strengths and weaknesses, and played accordingly
i'm not talking formation. Im talking style. A mix of flair and exciting attacking football combined with grit and a determinded work ethic where you leave nothing on the table and give everything for the England jersey.

some managers can bring that out in players. others can't

I would say that 96 was less to do with the formation/tactics or even the manager, and much more about player character. Proud, passionate, hard as nails professionals who didn't give a **** about 'pressure' to such an extent that a total car crash character like Gazza was able to be carried by the rest of the squad for the majority of the tournament without incident.

Pearce, Shearer, Ince, Adams, Southgate, Les Ferdinand and Seaman were the senior players in that squad, compare that to the twitter loving, model ******** playboy fairies of today. Does Theo Walcott even have anything inside his ********? If he had even a tiny fraction of Pearce/Shearer/Ince's guts/confidence he could be a superb player.

Psycho Pearce wouldn't have stood for the sort of **** displayed by recent England squads, playing for England was the absolute pinnacle and the highest honour possible to someone like Stuart Pearce, it's almost like the current crop see pulling on a 3 Lions shirt as a bit of a side show/inconvenience that doesn't really matter as long as they still pull in £100k+ a week.
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Plus under Venables we had a good team spirit amongst the whole team in 96 which helps. That has been lacking of late when grouped together for a tournament.
I would say that 96 was less to do with the formation/tactics or even the manager, and much more about player character. Proud, passionate, hard as nails professionals who didn't give a **** about 'pressure' to such an extent that a total car crash character like Gazza was able to be carried by the rest of the squad for the majority of the tournament without incident.

Pearce, Shearer, Ince, Adams, Southgate, Les Ferdinand and Seaman were the senior players in that squad, compare that to the twitter loving, model ******** playboy fairies of today.

Psycho Pearce wouldn't have stood for the sort of **** displayed by recent England squads, playing for England was the absolute pinnacle and the highest honour possible to someone like Stuart Pearce, it's almost like the current crop see pulling on a 3 Lions shirt as a bit of a side show/inconvenience that doesn't really matter as long as they still pull in £100k+ a week.

There is a definite animosity amoung the very senior players. Rio, terry, lampard, gerrard, cole. Which is very different to 96. Would happily drop all five, because their younger versions actually all like each other
no, just no about grit. also football has moved on since 96. You dont need to run about chest thumping to show you give everything. We got where we did because overall we were so well set up tactically and player wise, we understood out strengths and weaknesses, and played accordingly

ok....could you please tell me the strengths and weaknesses of our current team and how capello played to them please.

I'll get you started - strength - pace - non existant use, played fast players without giving them the opportunities to use it.

and come on.... you dont have to overly dramatise the 'grit' thing.

you know what i mean. Or do you have another word for players like Terry, Parker, Gerrard, Rooney...etc....players who will take a boot in the face to make sure their team wins. Some managers can get every player on the pitch in the right frame of mind to be exactly like that. And thats what i mean by grit.
Plus under Venables we had a good team spirit amongst the whole team in 96 which helps. That has been lacking of late when grouped together for a tournament.

I would say that 96 was less to do with the formation/tactics or even the manager, and much more about player character. Proud, passionate, hard as nails professionals who didn't give a **** about 'pressure' to such an extent that a total car crash character like Gazza was able to be carried by the rest of the squad for the majority of the tournament without incident.

Pearce, Shearer, Ince, Adams, Southgate, Les Ferdinand and Seaman were the senior players in that squad, compare that to the twitter loving, model ******** playboy fairies of today. Does Theo Walcott even have anything inside his ********? If he had even a tiny fraction of Pearce/Shearer/Ince's guts/confidence he could be a superb player.

Psycho Pearce wouldn't have stood for the sort of **** displayed by recent England squads, playing for England was the absolute pinnacle and the highest honour possible to someone like Stuart Pearce, it's almost like the current crop see pulling on a 3 Lions shirt as a bit of a side show/inconvenience that doesn't really matter as long as they still pull in £100k+ a week.

this is what i mean, we need someone who understands the cutlure of English football who can put **** faces in their place.

It should be the pinnacle but it doesnt seem like it becasue of the attitude installed on them
ok....could you please tell me the strengths and weaknesses of our current team and how capello played to them please.

I'll get you started - strength - pace - non existant use, played fast players without giving them the opportunities to use it.

and come on.... you dont have to overly dramatise the 'grit' thing.

you know what i mean. Or do you have another word for players like Terry, Parker, Gerrard, Rooney...etc....players who will take a boot in the face to make sure their team wins. Some managers can get every player on the pitch in the right frame of mind to be exactly like that. And thats what i mean by grit.

We played with plenty of pace on the flanks. that wasnt the issue, there just wasnt enough quality end product from the players As Zebedee said, the players took an age to learn not to panic when doing the basics, such as not immediately hoofing the ball away. Capello wanted us to play a controlling game.

I dont pick players like Rooney because they would take a boot to the pace, I pick him because he is one of the best passing forwards in the world, capable of creating and scoring at will. I pick Gerrard because when on form he is dynamic driving, goal scoring presence. I pick Parker because he is intelligent, aggressive and accurate close passer, perfect for a holding mid.

And all 3 players definitely had their good days under capello, especialy parker once he was finally picked.

You think other countries dont have players who would "take a boot to the face"? van bommel, de jong, puyol, gattuso, just to name a few. What sets them apart is that they execute their plans far better than we do
We played with plenty of pace on the flanks. that wasnt the issue, there just wasnt enough quality end product from the players As Zebedee said, the players took an age to learn not to panic when doing the basics, such as not immediately hoofing the ball away. Capello wanted us to play a controlling game.

I dont pick players like Rooney because they would take a boot to the pace, I pick him because he is one of the best passing forwards in the world, capable of creating and scoring at will. I pick Gerrard because when on form he is dynamic driving, goal scoring presence. I pick Parker because he is intelligent, aggressive and accurate close passer, perfect for a holding mid.

And all 3 players definitely had their good days under capello, especialy parker once he was finally picked.

You think other countries dont have players who would "take a boot to the face"? van bommel, de jong, puyol, gattuso, just to name a few. What sets them apart is that they execute their plans far better than we do

So why do we try and be like other countries? Why dont we try to be ourselves? We panic because we're trying to be something we're not. Thats where Capello tried and failed.

Did you see Dunga trying to make Brazil defensive? Didn't work out too well for him....

You'll never see Italy use a free flowing hight tempo attacking tactic becasue it doesnt suit them....

You won't see Equitorial Guiniea play Barcelona esq passing football because it doesnt suit them.....
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So why do we try and be like other countries? Why dont we try to be ourselves? We panic because we're trying to be something we're not. Thats where Capello tried and failed.

Did you see Dunga trying to make Brazil defensive? Didn't work out too well for him....

You'll never see Italy use a free flowing hight tempo attacking tactic becasue it doesnt suit them....

You won't see Equitorial Guiniea play Barcelona esq passing football because it doesnt suit them.....

Capello wasnt trying to make us be like anybody, but to get us doing the basics of possession. And actually he got us going in the right direction.

In all that you havent once said what is "us".
BTW, I dont think Capello expected the FA to accept his resignation. I think he thought he should do it to show how angry he was at their decision but the FA called his bluff.


Did you expect Bernstein to hold a gun to his head and force him to manage the Euros?
Capello wasnt calling anyones bluff, he made that quite clear that enough was enough

Did you expect Bernstein to hold a gun to his head and force him to manage the Euros?

no i meant i think Capello actually wanted to remain England manager. I think he wanted to stay till after the Euro's but handed in his resignation to show how angry he was about the Terry decision but he didnt expect the FA to except it.
just an opinion. i dont think any of us know exactly what he was thinking until he tells us.

He's given a few thoughts already, there was no playing here. The meeting was about Terry, at which he refused to give ground on. After an hour the FA would not change their minds so he resigned
He's given a few thoughts already, there was no playing here. The meeting was about Terry, at which he refused to give ground on. After an hour the FA would not change their minds so he resigned

didnt realise he'd given an interview since handing in his resignation at the meeting
So why do we try and be like other countries? Why dont we try to be ourselves? We panic because we're trying to be something we're not. Thats where Capello tried and failed.

Did you see Dunga trying to make Brazil defensive? Didn't work out too well for him....

Except actually, they ripped through the qualifiers and were very unlucky to go out when they did, to a lucky Holland first goal and then a moment of madness from Felipe Melo.

You'll never see Italy use a free flowing hight tempo attacking tactic becasue it doesnt suit them....

You won't see Equitorial Guiniea play Barcelona esq passing football because it doesnt suit them.....

****** ****...
Except actually, they ripped through the qualifiers and were very unlucky to go out when they did, to a lucky Holland first goal and then a moment of madness from Felipe Melo.

Wow! I hope he kept his job like Capello!