Capello resigns - Hodgson appointed England boss

Euro 96 wont happen again because the rest of the world have caught up physically. Not being a Brit i can tell you that in the early 90s we feared playing vs. England , they had stamina to go for 120 minutes and our players attempting to fight for a cross in penalty area 9 out 10 times bounced back 5 meters from the likes of Tony Adams. Not so much anymore.
and in 11 years he seems to have forgot all that. plus you can be very very sucessful playing that way in Italy. Its the culture of Italian football

What's the culture of Italian football, exactly?

For the love of all that is good and holy, go read Calcio by John Foot. The Italians aren't more defensive inherently than other nations, just over the course of their history they've been BETTER at defending. It is an outdated stereotype, the catenaccio style, and I dislike it with a passion.
yea i know! but it couldnt hurt!

and about Del Bosque....have you been listening to the fifa 12 comentary for that bit? And the in the starting 11 are 7-8 Barcelona players...hardly need to bring them together

NO ive been following Del Bosque since his Madrid days. The reason he has been so succesful for spain is the same reason he one of Madrids most succesful managers, creating a balance of egos, and uniting them under a coherent tactical plan that covers their weaknesses and plays their strengths.

Not sure what that has to with FIFA 12, since ive never owned it.

Howver i can see you've decided to try and make childish jibes rather than come up with a salient point.
Little details? Wonderful. That's just super. Now can we focus our attention on something actually useful, like say the massive gulf in technical quality between us and continental nations? Or perhaps our grassroots system's rewarding of big players over good ones?

lol you really have taken my minor point far too far now.

and if we do have that major gulf in technical ability like you just said...then why do we try to use our 'poor' technical qualities above everything else we've gt going for us as Capello tried to?
[B said:
Tyton;1437946]Euro 96 wont happen again because the rest of the world have caught up physically. Not being a Brit i can tell you that in the early 90s we feared playing vs. England , they had stamina to go for 120 minutes and our players attempting to fight for a cross in penalty area 9 out 10 times bounced back 5 meters from the likes of Tony Adams. Not so much anymore[/B].

My point.....exactly..... thank you
lol you really have taken my minor point far too far now.

and if we do have that major gulf in technical ability like you just said...then why do we try to use our 'poor' technical qualities above everything else we've gt going for us as Capello tried to?

Because going out in a rigid 4-4-2 and 'using our natural advantages' (i.e. running around like headless chickens) is totally, completely outdated and ineffective in modern top-level football. If there's one thing Spain would LIKE us to do, it is that.
NO ive been following Del Bosque since his Madrid days. The reason he has been so succesful for spain is the same reason he one of Madrids most succesful managers, creating a balance of egos, and uniting them under a coherent tactical plan that covers their weaknesses and plays their strengths.

Not sure what that has to with FIFA 12, since ive never owned it.

Howver i can see you've decided to try and make childish jibes rather than come up with a salient point.

this is really off topic so i'll just bow to your obvious superior knowledge
My point.....exactly..... thank you

...your point is that the rest of the nations have mostly caught up with us physically and trying to use our supposed physical advantage in the style of Euro 96 is stupid?
Because going out in a rigid 4-4-2 and 'using our natural advantages' (i.e. running around like headless chickens) is totally, completely outdated and ineffective in modern top-level football. If there's one thing Spain would LIKE us to do, it is that.

i'm talking of merging the two.....modern English football

I'm not talking a particular formation or whatever but how we go about playing and attitude that the world used to fear from us
...your point is that the rest of the nations have mostly caught up with us physically and trying to use our supposed physical advantage in the style of Euro 96 is stupid?

no....that we used to be feared....used to be
Oh for the love of god. Just been watching Puss In Boots, come on here, and seen this. I need a drink. Seriously.

To be fair I cant be arsed. My ex-clubs trophy cabinets say more than I ever can about my tactical knowledge and how i go about being a manager.

But then again i doubt many other people here have managed in real life at a decent level. I'm no professional manager by any means and dont claim to be...I'm more of a county champinship man but hey ho.

Thats all I'm gonna say now cause it seems the world is against just comment away at your own wim...I wont say another word
Oh for the love of...

I'm out.


Anyway, Nick.

This is how i would line up against Holland



Richards Smalling Lescott Cole

Carrick Parker

Sturridge Gerrard Young


The aim of Carrick and Parker is to maitain possession. by sitting slightly deeper they compress the area in which RVP likes to drop into, and also look to sit on top of Sneijder. This also protect the CBs and allows the fullback to get forward on either side.

Both DS and Young have the pace to pin back their full backs, but they must work hard in tracking back too. Gerrard is dynamic enough to occupy the DMCs (i expect them to play 4-2-3-1 as well) It will be a tough game for welbeck, but i expect him to drop deep and also drift high into channels to pull men away. I dont think he will get many chances on goal, but he can create space for the 3 Behind to get goals, which is why ive gone for them, as they are all goal scorers. Having said that, Milner would also be a strong option to protect the flank against Robben
Oh for the love of god. Just been watching Puss In Boots, come on here, and seen this. I need a drink. Seriously.

Join the club. Started drinking myself into a stupor because of misery once this 'debate' started
Join the club. Started drinking myself into a stupor because of misery once this 'debate' started

I'm already preparing a rant as we speak because I'm so sick and tired of hearing absolute piffle. There is sense being spoken-but also absolute pants. Prepare for the Grandads words of doom lol

Anyway, Nick.

This is how i would line up against Holland



Richards Smalling Lescott Cole

Carrick Parker

Sturridge Gerrard Young


The aim of Carrick and Parker is to maitain possession. by sitting slightly deeper they compress the area in which RVP likes to drop into, and also look to sit on top of Sneijder. This also protect the CBs and allows the fullback to get forward on either side.

Both DS and Young have the pace to pin back their full backs, but they must work hard in tracking back too. Gerrard is dynamic enough to occupy the DMCs (i expect them to play 4-2-3-1 as well) It will be a tough game for welbeck, but i expect him to drop deep and also drift high into channels to pull men away. I dont think he will get many chances on goal, but he can create space for the 3 Behind to get goals, which is why ive gone for them, as they are all goal scorers. Having said that, Milner would also be a strong option to protect the flank against Robben

And Mike. just thought more about tactics in 15mins than Pearce will between now and the 29th. :
My point.....exactly..... thank you

Actually, i think you misunderstood, mate. I genuinely loved watching that style of football, but its just not going to work anymore. Supposed physical advantage of english teams has no basis in reality. These days other national sides are just as fast and strong - in large part thanks to PL being best and most competetive league in the world and attracting many foreigners.

Anyway, Nick.

This is how i would line up against Holland



Richards Smalling Lescott Cole

Carrick Parker

Sturridge Gerrard Young


The aim of Carrick and Parker is to maitain possession. by sitting slightly deeper they compress the area in which RVP likes to drop into, and also look to sit on top of Sneijder. This also protect the CBs and allows the fullback to get forward on either side.

Both DS and Young have the pace to pin back their full backs, but they must work hard in tracking back too. Gerrard is dynamic enough to occupy the DMCs (i expect them to play 4-2-3-1 as well) It will be a tough game for welbeck, but i expect him to drop deep and also drift high into channels to pull men away. I dont think he will get many chances on goal, but he can create space for the 3 Behind to get goals, which is why ive gone for them, as they are all goal scorers. Having said that, Milner would also be a strong option to protect the flank against Robben

I'd have it so:

Richards Smalling Cahill Baines
Carrick Parker
Sturridge Gerrard Young

Agree with most of your points, but changing out a couple of guys. 1) Lescott alongside someone who isn't Jags? nopenopenope and 2) Baines over Cole. He deserves it, and Cole has been short of form and a yard of pace. Speaking of pace, I'd like to see Gabby brought on as a sub - if he's involved - in order to offer the kind of raw pace no other player apart from Walcott really has. Joris Mathijsen, Ron Vlaar and Jonny Heitinga aren't exactly quick, though I rate Heitinga very highly, and would be vulnerable late on to pace. Also, he offers something different to the cultured Welbeck; a physical, powerful presence that plays on the shoulder.