Capello resigns - Hodgson appointed England boss

I'd have it so:

Richards Smalling Cahill Baines
Carrick Parker
Sturridge Gerrard Young

Agree with most of your points, but changing out a couple of guys. 1) Lescott alongside someone who isn't Jags? nopenopenope and 2) Baines over Cole. He deserves it, and Cole has been short of form and a yard of pace. Speaking of pace, I'd like to see Gabby brought on as a sub - if he's involved - in order to offer the kind of raw pace no other player apart from Walcott really has. Joris Mathijsen, Ron Vlaar and Jonny Heitinga aren't exactly quick, though I rate Heitinga very highly, and would be vulnerable late on to pace. Also, he offers something different to the cultured Welbeck; a physical, powerful presence that plays on the shoulder.

Do agree about Baines actually, think he does deserve a start against a top side, and Gabby could do some real damage.

Also Baines would offer a better defense against Robben
Do agree about Baines actually, think he does deserve a start against a top side, and Gabby could do some real damage.

Also Baines would offer a better defense against Robben

Might be worth starting Gabby over Young, actually. He offers a happy balance between Young's attacking skills and Milner's work rate.

One person I'm worried about is Studger. Not quite sure about him, but there's no other real candidates for a right wing role apart from Lennon, who seems to be out of favour for some reason.
Might be worth starting Gabby over Young, actually. He offers a happy balance between Young's attacking skills and Milner's work rate.

One person I'm worried about is Studger. Not quite sure about him, but there's no other real candidates for a right wing role apart from Lennon, who seems to be out of favour for some reason.

Your only other option is to give a 1st starting cap to Oxo
Your only other option is to give a 1st starting cap to Oxo

Good shout... not averse to that, actually. He'd certainly work harder than Sturridge. Bit harsh on the Studgemeister though, since Oxo's only played a few first team games for ****.
Good shout... not averse to that, actually. He'd certainly work harder than Sturridge. Bit harsh on the Studgemeister though, since Oxo's only played a few first team games for ****.

Upto to him to track back then, it's something i would be drilling into his head before game, during all the training and tactical sessions. After all, its what got him subbed in the Chelsea game
Upto to him to track back then, it's something i would be drilling into his head before game, during all the training and tactical sessions. After all, its what got him subbed in the Chelsea game

Maybe he should do it more but look what happened when he did on the one occasion.
Well exactly! Bit of a catch-22. He'll improve over time and with experience, though.

Oh i agree, on a personal note though i thinks its his decision making in the final 3rd which lets him down more. You see how many times he picks the wrong option and goes for goal and how many times the likes of Mata and Torres start shouting at him.
Maybe he should do it more but look what happened when he did on the one occasion.

Yeah understand that, but its something he has to learn and improve on regardless
Oh i agree, on a personal note though i thinks its his decision making in the final 3rd which lets him down more. You see how many times he picks the wrong option and goes for goal and how many times the likes of Mata and Torres start shouting at him.

He'll get there through experience and as long as he takes advice from players like Mata
Yeah understand that, but its something he has to learn and improve on regardless

Most definatly, its more annoying when you have someone as experienced as Malouda not tracking back. 2 of Utd's goals last Sunday were because of Malouda's inability to track back.
Most definatly, its more annoying when you have someone as experienced as Malouda not tracking back. 2 of Utd's goals last Sunday were because of Malouda's inability to track back.

Antoine Griezmann of Real Sociedad. If you get the time, try and find streams of their games. the exact kind of left winger that Chelsea should be targeting
Okay, this is the rant of a grandad. So be warned :p

I'm not going to start with "In my day, football was football......" because basically, there are some people who will switch off. But I will say this. When people say "Redknapp is the only man for the job", you really are short sighted. Why is he the only man for the job? Is it because he's English? Is he because he's loveable cuddly 'Arry? Now don't get me wrong. What Redknapp has done this season, is brilliant. And I'm happy to see Spurs amongst the big boys. But come on. It has nothing whatsoever to with nationality of a manager (if i've said this already-sorry).

People say Capello was too negative, he played too much "Italian style" football. Please. Shhhh... Rubbish. It is nothing more than hearsay. He is a world class manager for a reason. Yes-at times his man management left something to be desired, but he got us what we wanted didn't he? I'm sorry, but if Capello won us the world cup playing "boring, negative Italian style football", I would be incredibly happy, compared to getting to the semi's trying to play fancy snazy football that would eventually lead to a major gubbing off somebody.

I've had a go at Fabio in the past, but in hindsight-it was the wrong thing to do. Players retiring because they had a ***** fit as they weren't selected for the national squad. Players being "injured" one day, then next day being fully recovered for an upcoming club fixture depleting the national squad. Was that Fabio's fault? No, didn't think so. And these fans saying the players lack passion and pride when they play. Oh yeah-most of the time they're the one's who apparently don't care about the England squad and prefer to concentrate on their club. Shut up. By all means focus on your club. But if you're going to slag off the national team, when you don't even care-you don't deserve to have an opinion.

When people go on about lack of me a favour. It's tactics AND players not being able to step up to the plate when the chips were down. In the 86 World Cup, the players were comitted to the cause-every single one including the subs. Even when we knew we could go out if we lost to Poland, not once did we let our heads drop. The whole squad were committed to going through to the knockout rounds and stepped up to the plate. In Italia 90, Lineker played with a cast on his arm for crying out loud. Barring Terry and a couple of others-who else would do that? And also take into account how poor officiating has become in international football that has cost countries games. There are so many factors to take into account that are not the managers fault. Like the club vs country row that club managers get involved with. People have to take into account the bigger picture. Like the press building up a young player-then absolutely slaughtering him when he makes a ****-up. That sure as **** doens't help either. We, the majority of the time, have unrealistic expectations. And all too often, it blows up in our faces.

Right now-football is a totally different beast to what is was in years gone by. It's evolved into something else. It's.....become worse in some aspects but I won't go into that. Our best chance to win a World Cup, or the Euros has gone for now. I'm not being negative-I'm being realistic. It's not just down to the manager though. It's so much more than that. And the sooner people take this into account the better, and just forget all about this nationalistic egoistic rubbish.

Is Harry the only manager for England? No he is not. Anyone who thinks that, is naive.

Apologies if it came across as the ramblings of an old man-was struggling to find the right way to put things seeing as it's 1:40 am lol
Antoine Griezmann of Real Sociedad. If you get the time, try and find streams of their games. the exact kind of left winger that Chelsea should be targeting

I have seen him a few times and he looks brilliant. Thats why this whole sign De Bruyne (a left winger who tries to go past players and can cross) and loan him straight back out just didn't make sense. Surely it makes sense to give him 6 months to settle into the Premier League now and then get him ready for next season.
Is Harry the only manager for England? No he is not. Anyone who thinks that, is naive.

Exhibit A:

Shearer: "Whoever the FA employ should be English - I have always said that."
"The England manager should be English, the Scotland manager should be Scottish, and likewise with Wales, Ireland and everyone else.
imo, the time of this event is all to tense.

if cappelo was to leave, then maybe after the world cup 2010 game would be more appropriate. not like just 4 months away form another big competition.

but i want Gus hinndink for the job. :p
Okay, this is the rant of a grandad. So be warned :p

It certainly was a rant. (;

If Capello won us the World Cup with "boring" football, then fine.. But he didn't.. I don't think you can really say that.. Of course we want to play the way that makes us win, even if it doesn't look good. However, his football wasn't working, so saying if he won this with this football, blah, blah, it doesn't really change anything. Italian football is boring though [we definitely weren't playing boring, Italian football] What I will say is, I'd rather play like Greece in Euro 2008 and win the tournament then play like Spain and go crashing out early on. But, hey, I guess I can pretend that I prefer real football, whatever that is these days.

I think the people saying he was "too negative" are getting negative football confused with rigid football., we played a very flat 442 and we played it poorly. What I will say about fan on Capello hypocrisy is; we wanted a manager who would dictate to the players, to earn their respect not their friendship, especially after McClaren: everybody's best friend. The fans got what they wanted in Capello, now they're all back tracking.

I think the managers/ ex-pro's saying it has to be Redknapp are saying it out of respect and are probably aware of his desire to manage England. I haven't heard many fans saying only Harry is the man.. Although the polls seem to think he should be the next manager, fair enough.0
7.5 million pounds too late.

After the abysmal showing at South Africa he was never going to recover the fans, he lacks the power to inspire players he always has. Spain friendly aside, which surprised me, you look at the Ghana/France/Sweden friendlies and he just never set the team up with either freedom or purpose. He had a talented Madrid team and a talented Juve team, 2 of the greatest teams assembled in the 21st century, and won titles. But he never showed a quality that you need as an international manager, tactical versatility and fluid preparation.

My opinion of Capello for years has been he's a man driven by the compensation cheque he'll get not by a desire to build either a legacy or plaudits. This would always end in tears like every other England manager saga always does.

I have multiple points of view on whether Harry should get the job or not, he should get it but not because he's English. He should get it because out of all available options he is the best man to build a national identity; legacy and successful setup.

Sven came in '01 he was a tactician; McLaren came in as a players man who relied on loyalty to drive his players on and Capello came into the job as a rigid, strict, 'Italian style' coach.

In 11 years we've gone down 3 routes and all have failed, those 11 years are the 'golden generation' of English football. We have a chance to direct the new generation of Wilshere's/Carroll's/Welbeck's into a new mentality. Maybe it is time to go for a motivator like Harry who has proven he is one of the best around for giving players freedom...

On the other hand Harry is a day to day manager who spends most of his day at the training ground which is surely part of his success of getting players on side and monitoring development. He wouldn't be able to use that skillset with England to the extent he does in club management, he would bring in a backroom staff of British coaches which may help in the functionality. Harry does keep players on a leash at club level, he gives you long boundaries but if you overstep them he does discipline you. He knows most of the players and watches a lot of football which makes him very familiar with the pool of talent but possibly too familiar with certain players (Dawson, Huddlestone, Defoe etc).

Something I would do personally if I was the FA is promote Eddie Howe or a young manager outside the Premiership to assistant manager role alongside Harry to learn from him and inject new ideas. I'd get rid of Stuart Pearce and the notion that he's the future England manager in 10 years time, put in place a young coach from either a successful academy or promote an English youth group coach to the U-21's.

I'm apprehensive about Redknapp but there is a distinct lack of options out there even on the continent. Saying that it would be very refreshing to finally have an England manager that sets up a team thinking 'how will they try and stop us playing' rather than 'lets stop them first'. It would be good to have a team which will be young playing with freedom and without fear, something that will never happen under Capello.

So at the end of all that I haven't swung one way or another, whoever does come in this will be the perfect time to do so with expectations so low.

I've said all ^ that and now I'll come across like a tabloid when I say man for man we have easily got one the top 3 XI's in Europe. For me Parker is exceptional, factor in Wilshere in a deep role with him and the choices we have in wide areas with the young creative players we have in the hole and it's a excellent team. One thing England has now is choices, young choices from CB to CAM there is an abundance of talent coming through.

Ozil/Khedira midfield base vs Parker/Wilshere, I'd take the latter pairing. We got torn apart by Klose at the world cup, Barry got ran ragged because he's got no speed or tempo to play in or against a youthful team. It's not like Capello took and played the best possible team at the world cup before we even get to the system, not excusing their performances at all but England has a lot to be proud of at the minute in the young players department.
Dayuum Jamie. Always disappearing for a month and returning like the ghost of Curtis and tl;dring the **** out of us all. :(