Capello resigns - Hodgson appointed England boss

I think some players do have more passion than others but the media make it out to be something way more than it actually should be. They care more about this and the whole celebrity armband thing than tactics and actual well being of the side.

Give me a steel eyed driven professional anyday. Its why I like players like Hart, Smalling. Driven young players who just get on with it
Mother of god. What a clusterfuck.

I did not see that one coming, but come to think about it, its not exactly a surprise after recent events.

Capello has always been been known for not ******* around, FA just forced his hand by sorting Terry thing in worst way possible.

I gotta say i respect this guy a lot, move like that takes balls of steel. And people said he was just in it for the retirement money.
Amazing, but not unexpected.

As many have said already, I expect Pearce for the Euro's and Redknapp afterwards.
One thing though, I hope Terry says something in favour about Capello. HIs manager has effectively fallen on his sword to back him.
I'd say in terms of England mangers over the last 40odd years. Robson and Hoddle were among the more succesful?

Along with Venables?

This isn't to say I want the England manager to be English. IMHO, any fella could take over and win just as many trophies as my ******* would if it was England manager.

In terms of win % Capello has the highest and i think this is with the FA medling.
Depends. The thing with Harry is, he's so adored by the media, and the way the media have behaved the way towards England in recent years, his rapport with the media would make a large difference imo.
think that is more you wanting a specific manager than wanting a manager that has to be English.
In terms of win % Capello has the highest and i think this is with the FA medling.

I'd always rate an International managers success on their achievements in International competitions, not on how many piddly teams they have beaten in friendlies before stuttering completely in important games. Sven > Capello
One thing though, I hope Terry says something in favour about Capello. HIs manager has effectively fallen on his sword to back him.
Yeah i agree totally. It would be good for Terry to speak out about the situation.
I'd always rate an International managers success on their achievements in International competitions, not on how many piddly teams they have beaten in friendlies before stuttering completely in important games. Sven > Capello

Imo Robson was the one manager who so nearly won us the World Cup after '66. 86 was so close for us only to be robbed by a certain handball that went over Shilton and there was Italia 90 too-only pens denying us (as usua). And of course back then you didn't have players chickening out of playing for your country too, or early retirements.
The FA have quite literally messed any little chance we had of winning the Euro's.

How can you expect a manager to come in and have 4 odd games before a major tournument and do well!?

Imo Terry should have never been removed, Innocent until proven guilty.. But to not even talk with the manager about it was pathetic, FA are such a joke
typical england wether it be the euros or world cup england always have a big crisis just before the start any one wud think we dont want to have a chance at winning!
For me this boils down to one question: Why isnt John Terry's trial happening until the summer?

Answer: Because Chelsea have asked for the trial to happen at a time which wont affect their season.

Harry Redknapp has had his trial ongoing for the last two weeks and the manager of a club is way more important than one single player. So, for me, this reeks of Terry's desperation to play in one last international tournament and an admission of guilt, he knows if the trial happens before Euro 2012 he will be found guilty and his England career will be over.

Now i believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty but the FA have treated John Terry lightly by just stripping him of the captaincy. Back in 2001 Bowyer and Woodgate were not even considered for selection when they were accused of GBH, both were more than good enough at the time to make it in the England squad with Leeds riding high.

The FA should have involved Capello in the discussions over the removal of Terry's captaincy but the outcome should have remained at least the same as it is or even the same as it was for Bowyer/Woodgate.

Capello is right to leave after not being involved in the discussions and i will not shed a tear.

I think Pearce should hold the fort for now and Harry come in for the Euros and beyond after Spurs season has finished.

As for Captain, i think Harry should give it to Wilshere. Sure he's young but he's going to be the best player of his generation and teams will be built around him. Obviously he is injured right now and looks like not making the Euros but the England manager should name him as captain anyway, stating that when he is fit he will be captain, so that everybody else knows the plan.
For Euro 2012 the captain should one of the older guys, Gerrard, Lampard, Parker, as long as they are aware it isnt going to be on a permanent basis.

Do you realize how full of hatred you sound??
And give the armband to WILSHERE??? are you serious?? XD
Bookies have stopped taking bets on Redknapp to take over. Bit too quick imo to do that.
I hope 'arry gets the job. Sorry to spurs fans.
So Harry is probably the new manager? been reading lots of strange stories, with combos like Hodgson taking over England, and in some crazy dream plans Rafa Benitez being the new coach.

Oh and, some guys started a facebook page with their wish of Heskey taking over the national team (H)
Massive amounts of Jingoism on Sky, i might be sick.

Blatantly googled jingoism ;) hence the capital.

But yeah, I think we should employ the best manager that is available, rather than the best English manager available. Would be happy with Hiddink.
So Harry is probably the new manager? been reading lots of strange stories, with combos like Hodgson taking over England, and in some crazy dream plans Rafa Benitez being the new coach.

Oh and, some guys started a facebook page with their wish of Heskey taking over the national team (H)


With skills like that- you can't count heskey out.
Blatantly googled jingoism ;) hence the capital.

But yeah, I think we should employ the best manager that is available, rather than the best English manager available. Would be happy with Hiddink.

No it has to be a capital, because we make it that important. And I'm largely **** at typing, you know this.
Blatantly googled jingoism ;) hence the capital.

But yeah, I think we should employ the best manager that is available, rather than the best English manager available. Would be happy with Hiddink.
I only knew what it meant because of history the other day
I r smart
Blatantly googled jingoism ;) hence the capital.

But yeah, I think we should employ the best manager that is available, rather than the best English manager available. Would be happy with Hiddink.

And I'd count out Pearce. If I'm not mistaken didn't he say he wasn't ready for the England job?