Capello resigns - Hodgson appointed England boss

TBH this might end up being a good thing.

We were never going to win the Euros anyway so whoever the next manager is (probably harry) can select a youngish squad and give them some decent experience and let them gel as a team that will be around till the WC.

To be fair if a teams in the tournament....they have as much of a chance as other teams. Remember Greece? Every team has a chance. But this just puts a huge spanner in the works
For me this boils down to one question: Why isnt John Terry's trial happening until the summer?

Answer: Because Chelsea have asked for the trial to happen at a time which wont affect their season.

Harry Redknapp has had his trial ongoing for the last two weeks and the manager of a club is way more important than one single player. So, for me, this reeks of Terry's desperation to play in one last international tournament and an admission of guilt, he knows if the trial happens before Euro 2012 he will be found guilty and his England career will be over.

Now i believe everyone is innocent until proven guilty but the FA have treated John Terry lightly by just stripping him of the captaincy. Back in 2001 Bowyer and Woodgate were not even considered for selection when they were accused of GBH, both were more than good enough at the time to make it in the England squad with Leeds riding high.

The FA should have involved Capello in the discussions over the removal of Terry's captaincy but the outcome should have remained at least the same as it is or even the same as it was for Bowyer/Woodgate.

Capello is right to leave after not being involved in the discussions and i will not shed a tear.

I think Pearce should hold the fort for now and Harry come in for the Euros and beyond after Spurs season has finished.

As for Captain, i think Harry should give it to Wilshere. Sure he's young but he's going to be the best player of his generation and teams will be built around him. Obviously he is injured right now and looks like not making the Euros but the England manager should name him as captain anyway, stating that when he is fit he will be captain, so that everybody else knows the plan.
For Euro 2012 the captain should one of the older guys, Gerrard, Lampard, Parker, as long as they are aware it isnt going to be on a permanent basis.

The trial was put back because of all parties, alot of the whitnesses will also be busy so don't just blame Terry in this. so the only logical answer was to do it when the football season had completely finished. This is all the FA's fault simple as that, taking the captains armband of Terry was just petty its as simple as that. Personly they should have waited until the trial but failing that they should have banned him from playing altogether, they have given this armband a celebrity status which it shouldn't have.
I have not read the previous comments on this topic other than the last page, but I am going to guess my comments won't be in agreement with a big majority of you.

Don't kid yourselves, Capello is one of the best managers in the world. His record is second to virtually none. He couldn't get these players to perform to a decent level and to quote Mark Lawrenson at the time of his appointment "If he can't get them playing then no one can". Don't kid yourselves, losing Capello is a disaster. He is a top quality manager trying to ge the best out of mediocre media hyped up players who are just not good enough.

The timing couldn't be worse, virtually a given that Redknapp will be the next manager but I doubt he will want to take over at this very moment with Spurs still on a role.

Capello has been treated appaulingly by us fans and the FA. The only reason as an England fan that I haven't got such a blinkered view on Capello and his supposed lack of performance for us is because I don't live in the UK anymore and don't have to put up with the bull the red top media spews out.

It just shows how little he was thought of by the FA that he was allowed to walk out after an hour meeting. An hour is nothing for this type of decision to be made, Bernstein clearly couldn't wait to get him out the door quick enough!
Rant over :)

Now what's done is done, time to build the team around the next generation and a core of Rooney, Phil Jones, Wilshere, Walcott, Oxlade Chamberlain, Welbeck and Sturridge.
I have not read the previous comments on this topic other than the last page, but I am going to guess my comments won't be in agreement with a big majority of you.

Don't kid yourselves, Capello is one of the best managers in the world. His record is second to virtually none. He couldn't get these players to perform to a decent level and to quote Mark Lawrenson at the time of his appointment "If he can't get them playing then no one can". Don't kid yourselves, losing Capello is a disaster. He is a top quality manager trying to ge the best out of mediocre media hyped up players who are just not good enough.

The timing couldn't be worse, virtually a given that Redknapp will be the next manager but I doubt he will want to take over at this very moment with Spurs still on a role.

Capello has been treated appaulingly by us fans and the FA. The only reason as an England fan that I haven't got such a blinkered view on Capello and his supposed lack of performance for us is because I don't live in the UK anymore and don't have to put up with the bull the red top media spews out.

It just shows how little he was thought of by the FA that he was allowed to walk out after an hour meeting. An hour is nothing for this type of decision to be made, Bernstein clearly couldn't wait to get him out the door quick enough!
Rant over :)

Now what's done is done, time to build the team around the next generation and a core of Rooney, Phil Jones, Wilshere, Walcott, Oxlade Chamberlain, Welbeck and Sturridge.

Disagree about them being mediocre, its a mixture of players. But largely agreed with everything else
debating with friends about if the next manager has to be English? I say no. If he can motivate and manage the players, get us playing decent football and make us a decent team then who cares what nationality he is? Don't agree with this 'English passion and spirit' bullshit some people say. What do you guys think?
debating with friends about if the next manager has to be English? I say no. If he can motivate and manage the players, get us playing decent football and make us a decent team then who cares what nationality he is? Don't agree with this 'English passion and spirit' bullshit some people say. What do you guys think?

I think that if someone said Mourinho was up for being the next England manager, everyone would be saying 'Arry who? Guaranteed.
This "English Passion" lark is jingoistic bullshit, peddled by Sky sports and pointless red tops.
debating with friends about if the next manager has to be English? I say no. If he can motivate and manage the players, get us playing decent football and make us a decent team then who cares what nationality he is? Don't agree with this 'English passion and spirit' bullshit some people say. What do you guys think?

Just because he is English do the FA think it means Guarenteed success??? McClaren??? Hoddle???Keegan???Taylor????Robson???
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debating with friends about if the next manager has to be English? I say no. If he can motivate and manage the players, get us playing decent football and make us a decent team then who cares what nationality he is? Don't agree with this 'English passion and spirit' bullshit some people say. What do you guys think?

Depends. The thing with Harry is, he's so adored by the media, and the way the media have behaved the way towards England in recent years, his rapport with the media would make a large difference imo.
This "English Passion" lark is jingoistic bullshit, peddled by Sky sports and pointless red tops.

Guilty of it myself in the past :$

But like I mentioned in the other thread, shouldn't need a captain to inspire yourself. Once you put on the England shirt-that's all you need. And admittedly I was swept along in this passion thing-until I saw sense...........eventually
Guilty of it myself in the past :$

But like I mentioned in the other thread, shouldn't need a captain to inspire yourself. Once you put on the England shirt-that's all you need. And admittedly I was swept along in this passion thing-until I saw sense...........eventually

Every other side is just as passionate. except they all have well executed game plans, and we dont
you shouldn't need a manager to motivate you to play for England. It is an honour and if that doesn't motivate you, a man shouting at you sure as **** won't either
This "English Passion" lark is jingoistic bullshit, peddled by Sky sports and pointless red tops.

I think some players do have more passion than others but the media make it out to be something way more than it actually should be. They care more about this and the whole celebrity armband thing than tactics and actual well being of the side.
Massive amounts of Jingoism on Sky, i might be sick.
The media are there to just bring the England team down. Happened last major tournament and they hit the jackpot this time around.
Well, to be frank I couldn't care less what country the next manager is from. Whoever it is, all I ask from the FA :)@) is that they pick someone who is tactically astute, speaks the language, has the necessary attributes. Be it Redknapp, Gus or whoever. I'll wish them luck and back them. But I'll say one thing-god help them. It's a poisoned chalice with the way the press is in this country. They're always ready with a sharpened knife ready to cut them into pieces.
Massive amounts of Jingoism on Sky, i might be sick.

Just as bad on Talksport with tabloid people. Absolute garbage pouring out. Ze Manager must be English!!!! ****.
Just because he is English do the FA think it means Guarenteed success??? McClaren??? Hoddle???Keegan???Taylor????Robson???

I'd say in terms of England mangers over the last 40odd years. Robson and Hoddle were among the more succesful?

Along with Venables?

This isn't to say I want the England manager to be English. IMHO, any fella could take over and win just as many trophies as my ******* would if it was England manager.