Different 451 Tactic with Success

ok gona post my result from when game gone live
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for me defenders work even bether lol i see much more tackling behind , but maybe thats becus i builded my squad arunde this tact for 3 seasons now , but ya its allways a littel problem on start when makeing new tact as players need some times half season to preper for it and how i remember from old days first season is the one u build your squad on the tact so
Good results, unlucky about Liverpool.

Will spend from tomorrow for the next 3 day to start and go on with a long term save.
Good results, unlucky about Liverpool.

Will spend from tomorrow for the next 3 day to start and go on with a long term save.

i am gona made later today another save with a bether team as wana see how it gona go
I play in window mode. Then I just "print screen" on your key board and paste it in Paint and save. Then it is straight forward to upload from there.

Well i have dualscreen, and if i print screen it takes picture of my TV (were i watch movies) instead of the current screen. and yes my pc screen is set as main... i feel ****** here ><
I started a new game with Larne in North Ireland second division. The team is ****, but I am doing miracle, I am 3rd at the moment in the table, and might even be promoted, with only players with free contract... Haha!
I started a new game with Larne in North Ireland second division. The team is ****, but I am doing miracle, I am 3rd at the moment in the table, and might even be promoted, with only players with free contract... Haha!
Well done mate. I realised that team management is big in this FM. so take care of your player and keep them happy.
I tried to sign Goretzka for this tactic but Schalke wanted 46 million... How did anyone manage to get him?
Only thing I need now, is some tips to make sure my team makes profit at the end of the year! XD
I tried to sign Goretzka for this tactic but Schalke wanted 46 million... How did anyone manage to get him?
I got him when the game came out. What I noticed is do not suggest a bid, make it straight out. Because if the club dont want to sell him, they will out price you.
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FIRST WITH LARNE! I only had 2 players with part-time contract, all the others doesn't even have a contract! And I am going in Div 1... This is totally nuts! The other teams must be so... so ANGRY!

I also won one cup during that season! Totally crazy :D

Can you imagine, A canadian coach winning a Europe! WOOO!

Now wish me good luck, I do not know how much money my owner will give me and I'll play against team who had players with 60K US $ contract per year... Ouff...
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FIRST WITH LARNE! I only had 2 players with part-time contract, all the others doesn't even have a contract! And I am going in Div 1... This is totally nuts! The other teams must be so... so ANGRY!

I also won one cup during that season! Totally crazy :D

Can you imagine, A canadian coach winning a Europe! WOOO!

Now wish me good luck, I do not know how much money my owner will give me and I'll play against team who had players with 60K US $ contract per year... Ouff...
Great results. Dont expect to much from the board. hahahaha