France are a real powerhouse at the moment, There entire squad just oozes with quality, but so does ours!
A spate of injuries to back up players made substitutions hard for this match, Luckily my players are fit as a fiddle. The score is a little cruel on France, They played well defensivley and were it not for keepr howlers 1-0 would of stood. Regardless Andorra are deservedly in the world cup final!
Here are the full semi final results.
The Brazil vs. Spain game played a day after our game with France, so I went to do some scouting. Apparantly I shouldn't be there!
Brazil are ranked number 1 and Andorra are ranked number 2, A fitting final

A spate of injuries to back up players made substitutions hard for this match, Luckily my players are fit as a fiddle. The score is a little cruel on France, They played well defensivley and were it not for keepr howlers 1-0 would of stood. Regardless Andorra are deservedly in the world cup final!

Here are the full semi final results.

The Brazil vs. Spain game played a day after our game with France, so I went to do some scouting. Apparantly I shouldn't be there!

Brazil are ranked number 1 and Andorra are ranked number 2, A fitting final