England 2018 World Cup Bid Update Thread

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Wonder how much it cost Qatar to win the 2022 bid?

Their country is tiny, they will struggle with travel links, and it's an alcohol-free zone.
I'm in a bad mood after that joke of a 'vote'

I wouldn't be that worried about it, the vote most likely was corrupt which is what makes it so nasty, I pointed out before it would go to Russia. It wont affect us personally too much anyhow.

Really, it was meant to be funny, is was about as funny as Rape tbh, Oh well i guess i am not as smart or funny as you.

Hey, I was just pointing out that the story would not be true and not to believe it. I think if you'd have thought about it you'd have realised anyway.
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I'm Australian, so this may seem melodramatic, but I think the 2022 vote was rigged ... I knew it was Qatar before it was even announced, an hour and 5 minutes BEFORE hand.

Thanks to Nick McArdle, Andy Harper and Mark Bosnich I knew this from their intel.

Australia knocked out in the first round? ... Gee, got obliterated by a country with 1.5 million people |:
gutted but all we can do is now wait for the next bid who know could bite russia big time fair play to them will be a great world cup.
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So Qatar will be at the World Cup 2022, even though they've never qualified or even come close to qualifying. Better yet, anyone know of any Qatar football players?
Russia. Russia. Unbelivable Jeff!

It's ******* freezing there, and don't mention the fact that their stadiums aren't up to scratch yet, but the worst is the distance in between them. Playing in Valdiovstock (sp) is the equivalent of playing in Korea.

However, proper glad that Qatar won it for 2022, they deserve it, they have the money, and the stadiums look very nice, but all of them have to be built.

Well done to Russia and Qatar :)
I may be a little bitter, but I think this justifies why I am not happy we didnt even get past the first round.

First photo is Russia compared to England.

Second photo is of all potential host nations.

Notice a pattern?

This isn't correct. It does not mention new to build stadiums and expansions ;)
Qatar for 2022 is a joke. Clearly the bidding process needs to be reviewed.
Wonder how much it cost Qatar to win the 2022 bid?

Their country is tiny, they will struggle with travel links, and it's an alcohol-free zone.

To add to that Ian Poulter said on his Twitter it averages 41 degrees there in the summer, possibly too hot for a tournament?
Qatar, what a ****** joke.

It's going to be the least comfortable world cup ever. 45 degree days in summer...doubt fancy oil money upgrades can fully fix that problem....and Qatar can't even make a world cup, why should they be gifted a passage? And also, how come Qatar was pretty much confirmed to be the host ages ago?

I am probably just showing of my bias here, but how is Australia not the better option? Played in Australian winter, which would be highly comfortable playing conditions...the only continent to not have had the world cup (and now it will be more than a decade after 2022 to stand any real chance due to continental rotation), and a growing reputation in world football (qualified for the last two world cups)...not to mention that it's by its own means, a tourism hotspot.

Whether there's been bribery/cheating involved, I don't really care, all I care about is it's just a plain ridiculous decision...USA I could have accepted, even due to their 'recent' hosting...and I knew Korea/Japan was never in the running...but Qatar....stupid.

Oh well...I know I sound bitter, but I think football in Australia would have been given a huge boost, minus the significant pitfalls associated with Qatar.

I also think that England should have had 2018, but knew that it would be Russia....just that feeling. Very dissapointed in the results...but in the end, a world cup is a world cup, and I'll watch it regardless...but I woulnd't even consider travelling to Qatar unless Australia miraculously become a powerhouse with a chance to win (not likely...). Hmmm...a prime time tv schedule for the world cup would have been nice...but in the end, money won out, and not by catering for the hugely expanding Asian region???

Agree with you. Australia would have been terrific for 2022. Just look at Sydney 2000 to see how Australia can deliver.

But you cannot use the continent never having hosted a WC as an argument. Australia are part of Asia for football - this was their choice. So their bid was an Asian one, not Oceania.
So Qatar will be at the World Cup 2022, even though they've never qualified or even come close to qualifying. Better yet, anyone know of any Qatar football players?
i can name you some 37 to 40 year old European former stars :D (meant sarcastic ofcourse)
looks like england have 2 more reasons for bad world cups :P

Russia - Too cold
Qatar - Too hot
But thats the point what have the achieved??? Its not about being cowards its about respect to the country which they don't care about simple as that.

I hope they take fifa to the cleaners, with everything they have on them. We need to sort this **** out,

Hey, I was just pointing out that the story would not be true and not to believe it. I think if you'd have thought about it you'd have realised anyway.

why do you think i asked for a link? i didnt beileve it, just found it not funny.
So Qatar will be at the World Cup 2022, even though they've never qualified or even come close to qualifying. Better yet, anyone know of any Qatar football players?

That is a great point. Doubt the people of Qatar will pay money to see their team thrashed 6-0 every game.
Qatar are to build fully air conditioned stadiums and traning pitches, so they are going all out.
The small chance we had was blown when this happened.
